《Pistols and Petals - TH》•11•


I sit in my office, doing more work on trying to find a weirdly missing Amelia.

There's a knock on my door.

"Come in" I say and the door opens to reveal Olivia.

"What a special surprise, you knocking" I joke. It's always almost a big deal when she does.

"Umm Tom, what happened last night?" She asks me, sitting in my office chairs that made her look so small.

"You got really drunk and I brought you home and had to force you to go to sleep" I say.

"That's it? Like that's all you and I did?" She asks.

"Yes, why?" I ask.

"Nothing" she shakes her head.

"Olivia" I say firmly. "What's going on?"

"And you didn't leave me alone with Harrison or anything?" She asks and I shake my head no.

"My eyes were on you all night. Tell me what's going on" I say.

She moves her hair to behind her shoulder to reveal some dark hickies on her neck and collar bone.

"What the fuck?" I say.

No one fucking did that to her until after she went to bed.

"And then.." she stands up and lifts her shirt, showing some across her side and on her hip.

"A-and there's.. um" she gets all uncomfortable.

"I need you to tell me darling" I say.

"There's hand marks on my ass" she mutters and I feel heat rising inside me. I'm fucking pissed.

"I don't know if anything more happened.. I can't remember." She says sitting back down.

I pick up my phone and call Harrison.

Soon there's a knock on the door and haz walks in.

"What's going on?" He asks.

"Please take Olivia to her room, I don't want her walking alone around these dicks" I say and he nods without further questions and takes Olivia out of the room.


The men walk in and I start asking questions.

*olivias pov*

I think haz got the gist of what was going on so he didn't ask any questions. Instead we just sat in my room as he told me crazy stories about the bar fight he had last night.

"Yeah then he tried bringing his friend into it, who doesn't even know how to fight, so I call over dean who's twice his size-"

"Oh no" I laugh.

"And we just take them out!" He says.

I get a foggy memory of last night.

I kind of like them thinking you belong to me

They're staring

Yeah.. pretty girls have that effect on people

I feel a heat rise in my stomach remembering how tom called me pretty girl.

"You and tom definitely put on a show last night" he laughs.

"Yeah I'm starting to remember" I laugh, shaking my head. "We were both pretty drunk"

"Nah he wasn't, you? Definitely. But not him" he says.

Memories of last night invade my head again.

My door opens and I figure it's just tom, I keep my back turned and keep trying to fall asleep.

A hand grips me and pulls me to the other side of the bed and someone's lips meet mine.

Not toms.

"Stay still lovely"

"Don't fucking hit me"

"Dumb bitch"

And a face pops in my head.

My eyes widen and I jump up.

"I know who did it!" I say, haz being completely confused asks.

"Did what?"

"Let's go to toms office" I say.

"He doesn't want you in there" haz shakes his head.

"Either come with me or I'm going alone, you know you can't stop me" I say and he groans.

"Fine" He says standing up, and following me down the hall.


I walk in the door as toms in a rage on anger, that softens when he sees me.

"Back to your room I'm not done here" he says.

"I-I know who did it" I say, avoiding eye contact with any of the men to the right of the room. Tom walks over to me and haz.

"I remember" I say and he places his hands on my arms.

"Who darling?" He asks.

"I-it was Bret" I say and I can see visible anger plastered across Toms face.

"He didn't fuck me or anything, b-but I think he would have if I hadn't punched him in the face" I say.

"Sir she's lying!" Bret yells.

"Shut the fuck up" tom yells at him, and he listens knowing full well tom won't hesitate to kill him. "So you lied to me when I asked how you got that fuckin bruise last night? You know what lying to me means?"

He stays silent, knowing it's better to be quiet then try and talk with tom when he's angry.

"Did he hit you, degrade you? Anything else I need to know?" He asks.

"He called me a dumb bitch" I say.

Tom turns to the line up of men.

"Let Bret be a lesson to you all. I made it clear that This girl." He pulls me to him. "Is not to be looked at, talked at, or touched in any inappropriate or degrading way. Let alone fucking manipulated when she's drunk in her own room."

He looks down at me and then to haz.

"Take her out of here, I don't want her to see this" he says and haz nods.

"What are you going to do?" I ask, and he gives me a small smile.

"Don't worry about it darling" he says and haz grabs my hand, pulling me out of the room.

"Haz.. What is he going to do to Bret?" I ask.

"Well Tom doesn't play these games when he cares about someone" haz says.

Tom cares about me?

"And when it comes to something as serious as last night... he likes to make sure that it can't happen again"

He tells me without fully telling me.

I just nod, not actually wanting to know what's going to happen.

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