《Silver Guns and Coffee Runs》5: Crap, the hot guys are back!


I smiled and waved as our customer left the starbucks. I glanced at the clock and let out a huff. Five more minutes until I go on break. I swear that clock hasn't moved a single inch since I last looked at it.

"Hi stranger," a familiar voice said. I turned around and froze. Shit. The hot guys were back! Shiro stood in line in a black business suit and behind him stood Keith. Shiro smiled at me and I returned it, even if it was a little forced.

"H-Hey," I stuttered out. "Uh...fancy seeing you again?"

Shiro chuckled. "Yeah, what are the odds?" he said. I stood there for a few seconds before I remembered that I have a job to do.

"Uh, what'll it be?" I asked.

"What do you suggest?" Shiro asked, leaning forward. I gulped as heat rushed to my face. No! He's taken!

"Uh...Coffee? Maybe..?" I asked again, distracted by the way his hair glittered in the sunlight.

"Well, I guess I'll take a coffee then," Shiro mused. "I'll have decaf and he'll have black." Shiro said pointing to Keith. My narcissism returned and I flashed a grin and looked at Keith in mock disgust.

"Black?" I asked. "Only crazy people take it black."

"Guess I'm crazy then, huh?" Keith fired back, a smirk stretching across his face. I grinned.

"Guess so," I said before punching in their orders to the computer/cash register. "That'll be seven dollars."

"Here. Keep the change," Shiro said, handing me a twenty. I stared at it for a seconds and the looked back up at Shiro.

"Uh...this is really generous. I don't know if I can accept this--"

"I insist." was all Shiro said before thrusting the bill in my hand. I took it, unsure what to do before I sighed and put it in the register. He smiled. "Thanks Lance. I was wondering if we could talk to you for a bit?"

I froze again, my heart beginning to race out of my chest. Shit! Is this the part where they ask me what the hell is wrong with me? "Uh...I'm a little busy.."

"How about on your break?" Shiro asked. I swallowed a dry throat and nodded.

"It's in five minutes.." I said. Shiro smiled.

"Great, see you in five." he said before walking away, Keith in tow.

What did I just get myself into?


I sat down next to Shiro, my hands twitching with anxiety. He smiled happily and scooted over to give me more room in the booth. I clenched my hands in my lap to stop the shaking. "Hey Lance," Shiro greeted.


"Lance." Keith nodded. Huh, Shiro must be the more social one of the two.

"Shiro," I said in a bubbly tone before I turned to Keith and lowered it. "Mullet." Shiro barked out a laugh while Keith glowered at the table.

"It's not a mullet," Keith muttered under his breath.

"And I'm Barbra Streisand." I shot back. "So, what can I do for you?"

"We were just wondering if we could talk about...what happened." Shiro said. I stiffened and tried to keep myself from running away. This was my mistake and now I needed to face the consequences.

"I'm really sorry about that," I blurted out. "I swear I didn't know that you guys were...you know together! I would never have come onto you if I'd known!"

"Lance, it's okay," Shiro said. "We knew what was going on, we weren't totally wasted."

"Speak for yourself," I muttered.

"Lance I apologize for taking advantage of you while you were intoxicated," Shiro said, looking at me in the eyes with ernesty. "I never meant for you to feel this way, Neither did Keith."

"I don't understand.." I answered honestly. Because I didn't. I was really confused. What was going on? Weren't they pissed off that I had sex with them?

"Lance we're trying to tell you that you're not a homewrecker," Keith cut in.

"How did you--Allura." I answered myself as I realized they probably called her when they woke up to find me missing.

"The point is, we enjoyed the time we spent with you," Shiro said and I flushed a deep red. "And we'd like to hang out with you again sometime."


"Not that way," Shiro answered my nonverbal question. "I mean that we'd like to get to know you better, as friends."

"...Sure," I said after a long moment of hesitation. "I mean what could it hurt?" Me, it could hurt me. Because I've never been one to take it slow when it came to...love. And who I liked. And I could already tell I was falling for these two handsome men.

If feels like I've known them longer than two days.

It feels like I've known them forever.

And that's not good.


"They said all that?" Allura asked. She stared at me as though she were surprised. "Wow, I didn't see that coming." Allura was staying at my house for a sleepover and we were now sitting in my kitchen, her in a chair and me behind her.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I braided her waist length white hair into cornrose.


"Those two idiots are more blunt then a dull edge of a rock," Allura said with a laugh. "I thought they'd be more direct. But they actually did a really good job of talking to you."

"So what do you think I should do?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I don't know them that well," I explained. "I literally had sex with them after getting wasted at a club. And now they show up out of nowhere and ask to be my friend?! I thought it was like a one night stand kind of a thing. Not some cliche ass movie!"

"Well, do you want to be friends with them?" Allura asked. I shrugged, forgetting that she couldn't see my movement.

"I don't know what I want 'Llura," I admitted. "I mean they're fucking hot, but they're together. And if I hang out with them more there's the possibility of me falling for them."

"You do tend to fall in love faster than normal people," Allura responded.

"See!" I exclaimed. "This could end badly! Like, really badly!"

"Or it could end really well," Allura said softly. "Did you ever think maybe they were open to a polyamorous relationship?"

"Allura," I said softly, my voice becoming grave and sad. "You know that I can't...that I'm not...Ever since him I can't see myself finding anybody."

"I know Lance," Allura whispered, her voice gentle and soothing. "I just hate to see you so sad. I just want you to be with someone who makes you happy."

"Maybe I'm just not meant to find someone," I said, forcing myself to brighten so that the mood would lighten up a bit. "Maybe I'm just stuck with you, my bestest friend in the whole wide world to make me happy."

Allura giggled. "I guess so."

"Besides," I said, finally finishing her hair. "I'm a strong independent middle-aged woman name Patricia. I don't need no man." I said in my best Regina George voice. Allura laughed.

"You go Patricia," she responded in an equally cheeky and high pitched voice. "You go gurl."

"Now, who wants to watch all four movies of Twilight with me?" I asked. Allura smiled and raised her hand up high. I held up the first movie and handed it to her. "You put this in while I pop the popcorn."

"Yes ma'am." she said and marched out of the room, her lion covered nightgown swaying as she walked.

I smiled and put a bag of popcorn in the microwave. I thought as I watched the bag spin. A year ago I got out of a long term relationship with my ex boyfriend Rolo. I didn't see it when we first started dating but he was really abusive. After a few months the sweet and considerate Rolo that I fell in love with disappeared.

I didn't really like the new Rolo. He was mean, and loud and he was always telling me what I could and could not do. One night I went out with Allura after work and I got back to our shared apartment around midnight.

Rolo was on the couch waiting for me, a snarl on his face and he glared at me like I was scum when I entered the room. "Where were you?" he had asked me.

"I just went for a few drinks with Allura," I said, putting my keys on the dresser. I knew that I needed to tread carefully with him. I'd known Rolo since high school. We started dating in out junior year. I knew that at that moment Rolo was angry. And the room smelled of alcohol. So he was drunk and pissed.

"Liar," Rolo had hissed. "You're cheating on me, aren't you?" He threw a lamp to the ground, the stand shattering to pieces across the floor. I flinched at the noise. "You fucking whore!"

"Rolo, you're drunk." I said calmly, approaching him carefully. "You need to calm down. I was with Allura and you know I'd never cheat on you."

"You stupid bitch!" Rolo screamed, slapping me hard across the face. I stared at him in surprise, the pain on my cheek was nothing compared to the pain in my heart. Rolo had never hit me before. "You're just a fucking cheater!"

"No that's not true--AUGH!" I screamed as he kicked me, my ribs cracking against the force. Rolo lifted me up by my neck, choking me.

"You're nothing but a worthless freak. You're lucky I'm here because no one will ever love you. Not like me!" he screamed as he tightened his hold around my neck. I sputtered, gasping for air.

"Pl-..ease..R-Rolo...I..can't..b-breathe.." I choked out. Rolo dropped me and I fell to the floor in a heap. He sneered at me in disgust.

"You're a motherfucking homewrecker Lance." he said as he left me, bruised and bloodied on the floor. "And that's all you'll ever be."

I laid there, not knowing what to do. Finally I stood up and tended to my wounds before falling asleep on the bed. I didn't leave. I should've but part of me refused to accept that that was Rolo. He was just drunk, I had told myself. He'll never do it again.

I was wrong.

He did it again and again.

The microwave beeped, signaling the popcorn was done.

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