《Fearsome Princess Consort FeiYun》Chapter 57: A Final Goodbye


- Years later -

"Did you see that lady?"


"The one in black, with the small dagger."

"What lady? Isn't that just a young girl?"

"You're crazy! That's the famous FeiSha, the story of how she single handedly brought down the entire Long Clan and returned back with the head of the Long Clan's Lord!"

The gossips amongst the town's folk were buzzing!

Today as the red silk decorated the streets and grand music followed a red procession.

The groom led the procession with his head held high and the small palanquin followed closely behind.

Ruyi glanced towards FeiSha who sat on her horse calmly ignoring the curiousity of the people around them.

"FeiSha...even during my marriage, must you wear all black?"

FeiSha glanced towards him briefly before looking back ahead,

"I must. You'll do well to remember this image, that if you make FeiAn cry, this is the person that will come after you like a grim reaper from hell."

Seeing how the young lady was so talkative, ruyi laughed a chuckle. He then glanced back at the palanquin following behind.

"You won't have a chance for that."

FeiSha looked silently at Ruyi, the corner of her lips curving ever so slightly.

Reaching the grand manor that was bestowed upon him, Ruyi dismounted his horse his entire body was tired thinking about the long day of celebrations and ceremony ahead. He just wanted to hug his woman to sleep.

The ceremony continued on, guests arrived to congratulate the happy couple and finally even Tianhuo and Feiyun had arrived.

The people gasped and the entire place fell in silence. For the Emperor and soon to be Empress to come for the celebration was extremely rare.

But how would the people know that both Tianhuo and Feiyun never really cared about such rules and regulations, they merely wanted to congratulate the happy couple who were close to their hearts.

"Ruyi, today I've come as your friend, I wish you a blessed marriage."

Ruyi held his winecup and toasted to Tianhuo in thanks. He chuckled to himself, even now his dear friend still treasured his words like gold.

"Thank you. But finally tomorrow is the day. The ministers will finally stop pestering you. "

Tianhuo briefly glanced down at his finger, a small unnoticeable smile appeared in his eyes,


"You're right."

Ruyi smiled gently, seeing the happiness in his friends eyes.

"You must have alot to prepare for tomorrow. I guess tonight you will be going back with us to the palace?"

Feiyun appeared from behind, surprising ruyi once again. But as soon as he registered her words, he couldn't help but feel depressed.

"Princess, must you really do this to the poor me?"

Ruyi still couldn't get rid of his habit of calling Feiyun princess, and he only realised after he finished talking but it seemed both Tianhuo and Feiyun didn't mind.

Laughing gently, Feiyun eyed ruyi from behind her winecup,

"I still remember the many times you've interrupted me and Tianhuo, this counts as nothing."

Tianhuo smiled hearing feiyuns words, he remembered promising himself that he would get back at Ruyi for the many times he had interrupted them, to think that Feiyun felt the same.

Ruyi mouth was agape, he seemed like a depressed puppy who had no say in the matter.

Laughing, Feiyun simply set her winecup on the table, a smirk curled on her lips,

"It seems that FeiAn will have to go on a 2 months mission tomorrow as well."

Hearing that ruyi felt even more sad, his marriage night was no more and now even had to wait for two months. This two couple are bullies! Big bullies!

Between his thoughts, he glanced up to see the big playful smirk on Feiyun's face and then Tianhuo who seemed to be controlling his laughter.

Finally realised that the two were in on it to pull his tail!

"Y-y-you both are horrible people."

Getting up, Ruyi finally stomped off, leaving the two bursting out in laughter.


"Mother! Look what I found!"

A young boy pulling along a little girl who looked identical to him hurried into the garden.

In his hand was a large rose that had bloomed beautifully.

"Older brother, please slow down!"

The little girl complained as she dusted off the dust on her skirt.

"You little rascals, where did you run off to instead of getting ready?"

Hearing the stern voice, the two children froze before dipping their heads down.

"But mother, the ceremony is going to start, we wanted to find you a gift..."

Sighing, Feiyun reached forward and took the rose from the little boy. She waved her hands to the maids at the side who came forward to helps get the two kids ready for the ceremony.


"I will forgive you this one time. But no more in the future."

"Yes mother."

The two answered unwillingly, but seeing the how their mother was still smiling, they felt relieved.

-ding ding ding -

The bells signifying the start of the ceremony rang out.

"Master, the crowning ceremony is about to begin."

Feiyun stood up, and with each kid holding one hand, they made towards the grand palace.

The little girl asked curiously,

"Mother, what is a crowning ceremony?"

Feiyun smiled softly but before she could reply, her son spoke first,

"Sister, the crowning ceremony is a sacred ceremony to crown an Empress. It's where the empress is given her crown."

The young prince ZhaoJie proudly exclaimed but little ZhaoYang questioned once again,

"Then why did father wait until now to do it?"

Frowning slightly the little prince pondered for a moment before answering again,

"Father was searching far and wide for the perfect crown for mother. Even when those...hmn father called them 'old nosey foggies' pestered father about dragging the crowning ceremony on, he still postponed the ceremony time and time again. But I heard father finally found the perfect crown."

The talkative little boy made Feiyun laugh. He was really unlike his father who treated words like gold.

"Really? Then we must hurry!"

Now little princess ZhaoYang was pulling the two along.

Upon reaching the grandhall, the two little rascals were brought in first and when a gong sounded, the doors to the grandhall opened and Feiyun dressed in her empress robes, walked in.

People who saw her was enamored, Empress were usually donned in red with a magnificent phoenix embroidered on her dress but Feiyun was different.

She was confidently dressed in a black. Her entired outfit made from the finest black material and flowing clouds and a intricate phoenix embroidered in the finest gold thread, with each step she took, it seemed like the phoenix was dancing.

At the far end, seated on a golden throne and dressed in black and gold was her man. His blue eyes warm and gazed only at her.

Each step she took, she remembered each and every incident and moment they spent together until finally here they stood.

"The Empress of Xing!"

The high priest Baili ShuAn announced as he took a phoenix crown made of gold and crystals.

In the center, a clear crystal looking bead shone brightly. Upon seeing that, Feiyun paused and smiled, bending her head forward for Baili ShuAn to place on her head.

"Long live the Empress, may she live a 1000 years!"

The people, ministers and officials voice resounded in the great hall as they bowed.

In their eyes she wasnt just an Empress who was a flower in the inner palace, they had experience her prowess and knew the strength she had, their Xing Empire had never been stronger, the future looked prosperous and exciting.

Tianhuo took her hand in his as he helped her adjust her crown.

"You seriously used the LanJing poison for a crystal?"

Feiyun quietly whispered a helpless smile on her lips,

"In the beginning, it was a torturous poison that threaten my life....but it is also the first thing you gave me. It's a reminder of how you saved my life, a symbol that no other gem could signify and no amount of money can buy it."

Feiyun smiled and only now, that she looked up did she notice that on his crown was a similar lanjing poison bead that seemed to be encased in a layer of glass.

"You even encased it in a layer of glass like a marble?"

Tianhuo glanced at the one on Feiyun's crown,

"For extra protection."

Looking at how careful Tianhuo was, Feiyun simple chuckled to herself, She then remembered how he had asked her for the poison bead that was with her and how she had tossed it to him not knowing anything.

"Indeed. I have to agree it is one of a kind."

Together with Tianhuo by herside, the two took a toast of wine and bowed to the heavens.

"Feiyun...I no longer wish to imagine having to say a final goodbye to you. I will protect you and our children. No matter what, I will always love you."

Gripping tightly onto his hand, Feiyun bit onto her lower lip, holding in her tears,

"Mhnn...it's a promise."

With the Gongs and drums beating loudly, today marks the new start of history for the empire of Xing.







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