《Fearsome Princess Consort FeiYun》Chapter 25: Actions Speak Louder Than Words


In her quarters, Feiyun recieved a notice from Feiqin back in capital. A black envelope with the Symbol of the YueLiang Inn, the building that Tianhuo had given to Feiyun.

YueLiang Inn is the front name of the shop which serves as a front for the network Feiyun built.

" Xue family is in disorder. Zhenzhen revealed that she's pregnant with the crown prince's child. She's forcing General Xue to tell the emperor. The only way to hide this fact would be marriage before her stomach becomes to obvious. There's a high chance the Empress would support this."

A sly smirk appeared on Feiyun's face.

'so impatient...'

Feiyun knew all along about the dirty relationship between the two. She still had the jade pendant that belongs to the crown prince.

Holding the paper over a flame, the ashes falling to the table in a light motion. Feiyun's eyes reflected the flickering light as she thought about what to do with the jade pendant.


Her attention drew toward the small falcon that flew through the window. Its beady eyes staring at Feiyun, a full body of white feathers pristine in the gleaming sunlight. Tied to its leg a small roll of paper.

"The mysterious person is named Lin Sakura**, Japanese descendant. Doesn't seem to pose a threat. I have her under watch can bring her to you anytime. "

This Lin Sakura person seemed to follow them everywhere watching their every moves but never more than that. She can't possibly bring the woman here to the camp. Rubbing her temples, Feiyun sighed, leaning back into her chair.

'Guess I'll have to deal with this when we get back to the capital.'

"Master, Its time."

FeiAn's soft voice resounded from behind the door. Standing up, Feiyun dusted her robes as she cleared the table and made her way out.

Feiyun still couldn't believe her eyes, they arrived in the Western Camp ground just this morning. The size of the entire camp ground was still shocking.

Making their way through the camp grounds, the entire field covered in tents, stables and quarters.

Dressed in a white male's robe with her hair tied into a half pony tail and a white half mask to hide her face. The soldiers around the camp site couldn't help but stare.

Those who saw her wondered why this male companion of Tianhuo looked so feminine. However knowing he was a guest of Tianhuo they wouldn't dare disrespect.

Feiyun approached a large tent. Stepping in, she was faced with a large table full of maps and a replicated landscape.

She could tell that the group of old men around Tianhuo most probably held prominent positions in the Western army.

"Uh hmm!"

Feiyun cleared her throat, breaking the heated discussion with her arrival. The old men around the table clearly looked annoyed that Feiyun had interrupted them.

"Who are you? This is no place for a youngin."


Glancing towards the older man who had shouted at her, Feiyun's cold and icy glare sent shivers down his spine, shutting his mouth in an instant. A commanding pressure rivaling that of Tianhuo.

'Who is this young man?...'

Satisfaction flashed through Tianhuo's eyes. Ignoring what just happened, Tianhuo simply motioned for her to come to his side, the two man standing beside Tianhuo stepped forward, bowing and greeted Feiyun.

"This one is General Han and this is General Bai."

Hearing Ruyi's introduction, Feiyun cupped one fist in the other and bowed to return their greeting. However she did not speak.

Turning towards the table, Feiyun saw the replicated landscape of what would be the Southern Rocks.* Silently circling around the huge table with a hand behind her back, Feiyun observed for a good 5 minutes. She then turned towards Tianhuo, asking without any hesitation.

" I suppose this is the south where we will fight?"

The other men around the table bit their lips, looking towards Tianhuo wondering if he would reply. The whole time, Tianhuo had been silently listening to them argue and propose strategies.

Knowing Tianhuo's temperament, they didn't dare suggest anything to him, just constantly bickering with one another hoping Tianhuo would say something.


Tianhuo nodded as he replied Feiyun, to the surprise of everyone in the tent. Since when has the merciless cold Asura become so willing. Especially with his cold personality, he would ignore them whenever they suggested anything.

"Show me their archery skills."

Although the people in the room were not very happy with the young man (feiyun), seeing how Tianhuo silently agreed, they still quietly grumbled to themselves as they all gathered outside in the large parade ground.

Ruyi had gathered their best archers, led by Captain Huang.

After a few rounds, with a sigh Feiyun stood up, a frown hidden behind her mask. Her hands crossed over in front of her chest,

"Not good enough!"

"Dare to disrespect us Tiger warriors means death."

Captain Huang, unhappy shouted from his post unable to restrain himself. Feiyun simply laughed out loud.

'Such ridiculousness. Tigers? More like kittens.'

"Tianhuo, 1 week! Give them to me for 1 week and I'll show you the best archers your eyes will see in this life time."

General Han slightly offended by this arrogant, strange youngster and seeing how Captain Huang was about to start a fight, decided to stop the brewing fight.

"Apologies, this young one came from the boonies, he does not know basic respect. However here we respect what we see not what we hear."

'in other words, actions speaks louder than words?'

Feiyun smirked, she expected that much from the warriors under Tianhuo.

"Actions? Okay. Come bring your best out here. Hmm this entire space here, each of you number yourself and take an apple.

Spread out where ever you want. In the trees, in the ground anywhere. When you're ready General Han over hear will call out the numbers and you will throw your Apple up.


I will shoot them all down for you."

All these while Tianhuo had remained silent. Not intervening even when Feiyun was disrespected. This alone took a lot of effort but he knows his little lioness has her ways.

Watching her undaunted eyes, Tianhuo felt his heart thumping in his chest, excitement growing a feeling unlike any other. How long had it been since he felt this way.

Around 30 apples disappeared from the table and the soldiers rushed out hiding themselves among boulders and trees.


"Looking down on us."

Feiyun prepared herself, in her white robes and mask, black hair flowing like a goddess. The bow in her hand belonged to Tianhuo, known as the famous 'Shen Long Gong*'.

When she brought it out, the people in the surrounding watched in awe. Some wondered what connections the strange man had to Tianhuo that he would give him the bow that he cherished.

It is widely known that the Shen Long Gong was a gift from his late mother, Imperial concubine Hanyu.

Its body crafted from red sandalwood that are harder than steel yet as light as feather. The bowstring is said to be made from the sinew of a dragon hence its name 'Shen Long'.

After a horn blew, General Han started counting out numbers. At first he started slowly, number by number. Feiyun simple smirked and drew her bow to a taut, her eyes chasing each target like an eagle and with a confident aim, each time she released, an apple would burst into pieces.

Seeing this the general and the people watching were silent. Such power and precision.

However feeling that Feiyun had been too arrogant. Annoyed, General Han couldn't let her go so easily. Although her actions had proved she was a proficient archer, she was still not good enough to be saying that their Tiger Archers were bad.

The speed at which he called out the numbers grew faster and faster. Feiyun's speed increased with each time he called a number.

Then in groups of consecutive threes and then fives.

However Feiyun barely broke a sweat. As the numbers started increasing. The smile on her face became more intimidating. Her arrows even faster and sharper. Notching 3 arrows and hitting all 3 targets in the air. The soldiers couldn't believe their eyes.

"26,27,28,29, 30!"

3 arrows was amazing but when General Han called out 5 numbers in a group, 5 arrows appeared in Feiyun hands. Notching them with speed while her eyes looked for the target.

When the apples flew into the sky, their positions were scattered all over, some high while some low. The soldiers watching doubted whether Feiyun could really hit all 5 apples but the 5 apples in the sky burst into tiny pieces before anyone could blink, leaving behind a mist of juice.

All the soldiers were pale as sheet. Some started saying a prayer. They have just met a god of archery.

In unison, General Han and Captian Huang instantly knelt down to apologize for the rudeness earlier. After all in this land, Power means Respect. The following soldiers followed suit, unsure of what they have just witnessed.

Tianhuo's clap resounded in the quiet camp ground. As he walked over to Feiyun and rubbed her head with a wide smile. Scaring nearly half the entire army to death.

In their entire lifetime they never would have thought they would see their commanding general's smile. The ruthless and merciless god of war smiling? Chills went down their spines as cold sweat formed in their hands.

When they saw Tianhuo pulling Feiyun close to his body, the soldier's mouth dropped to the ground wide open. Ruyi who had long been used to it laughed quietly in the corner.

"Truly deserving to be my wangfei."

'Why was their commanding general laughing?'

'Why was he hugging a skinny little boy with a wide smile on his face?'

'Why did the general call the skinny boy wangfei???'

About to faint, the soldiers that offended Feiyun from before were as though someone had taken their soul. General Han and Captain Huang stood as still as corpses their heads remained bowed, unable to look up in fear they might fall.

Finally noticing how pale the soldiers were, Feiyun smiled, her half mask reflecting the sunlight.

"Get up. You, what's your name?"

"This one is Huang Jianyu"

"Good. You will be the captain of my squad. Pick out a squadron of good archers and find me after dinner."

Having said her share, Feiyun spun around and walked towards their quarters together with Tianhuo.

Once inside, Tianhuo pulled her close to his body. Seeing her watched by so many other man made him feel irksome.

Obviously sensing his bad mood, Feiyun brought a hand close to his cheek, looking in his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

Tianhuo released her, unwilling to let her know the childish reason he was moody.

Feiyun grabbed his wrist just as he wanted to walk away.

" When you go out put on a full mask. Wear this long sleeve robe and make sure you have Ruyi or FeiXu on guard."

'whats wrong with him? Could he be ...'




The name of the landscape to the south where they will be fighting with the southern Bu lords. Rocky landscape with high cliffs and steep slopes. think of it like grand canyon kinda rocky but with trees and mountains surrounding.

林Lin (pronounced "Lin" in Chinese and "Hayashi" in Japanese) since sakura is a japanese name i wanted her to have a chinese name that could also be converted to japanese.

-Divine Dragon Bow [i wont be writing this name in english as i think the chinese version sounds much better.


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