《Fearsome Princess Consort FeiYun》Chapter 7: Bi Luo Flower


Feiyun felt a warm sensation on her neck. Fluttering her eyes open, the ray of light stinging her eyes. Her whole body was in pain. Especially her lower parts.

A slow heavy breathing could be heard from behind her. Feiyun's eyes widen at the arm she was using as an arm pillow. Along the well shaped forearm, there was multiple faint scarring. It was probably from a short knife or dagger. Her back faced him as he left an arm hanging over her waist. His face close to her neck. They were still stark naked.

She remembered what happened last night instantly blushing. Her cheeks went hot as she shut her eyes tightly.

'Did the sun rise from the west? Or are pigs flying?' Feiyun could not help but ask herself.

'What was wrong with me? 'It must have been the alcohol of this era. How could I lose control ?!'

"Hnn...cold." Tian Huo's sleepy voice was deep, raspy and alluring. Feiyun felt his lips moving on her neck as he mumbled and pulled her closer to snuggle for her warmth. She also felt something hard poking behind her. She stiffened and pretended that she was still asleep, internally wrecking her brain, she had no idea how to face him.

Another hour passed by, Feiyun herself was drifting in and out of sleep and somehow found that she had turned in her half sleep and was now facing Tian Huo. His careless sleeping face just inches away from her.

Although her eyes were close, she felt the man beside her start to stir from his slumber. She pretended to close her eyes, like the dead.

Tian Huo slowly opened his eyes, he saw that Feiyun was still asleep so he did not move his arm that was numb. He just laid there observed her sleeping face.

She was a perfect beauty, even when sleeping she looked like a goddess. Her well shaped eyebrows, sharp nose, rosy cheeks and cherry lips.

He felt willing to spend the whole day waiting for her to get up before removing his pillow arm but alas fate had decided that today he had to attend court with her to greet the royal parents.

When Tian Huo saw her cherry red lips, he remembered how he had kissed her, already missed the taste. He trace his thumb over her lips, thoughts of devouring her again but instead he let out a soft sigh and planted a kiss on Feiyun's forehead.

Gently, as though holding a sheet of wet paper that was about to tear any moment, he easily lifted her head and removed his arm. Putting a jade pillow in place of his arm and covering the blanket back over her shoulder.

He wore his pants and outer robes. Silently leaving the room, closing the door after him.

When she heard the footsteps disappeared, feiyun sat up, wrapping the blanket In front of her. She was in shock at what he did.

'Could it be that the demon prince was really in love with her? It was not just the alcohol that made them act that way?'


As she drowned herself in her pit of thoughts. A knock came from the door and a gentle voice called out.

"Is Madame awake? This slave will come in and help you prepare." Hearing them call her Madame when she was only 16 made her sigh.

"Come in." Feiyun spoke with a tone of authority. She did not know how she should be treating them. If they were like those maids that look down on her, she would not show mercy.

The door slid open and two charming girls around her age appeared bowing their heads as they greeted her with high respect.

One had dark midnight hair, tide into a pony tail that reached her waist. she was slim with a lady like gentleness about her, yet her eyes showed that she was not as gentle as she looked. they had seen the harshness of the world. while the other girl was a the exact opposite, She appeared rough, had reddish brown hair and fiery eyes full of energy.Her stature was like a woman warrior, well trained and toned. Feiyun could tell that the second girl was not used to etiquette.

From her observations, they were not from around here. Their hands were calloused but not from house work, like a normal servant. Those callouses that were so familiar to Feiyun were from weapons.

" Who are you both?" Feiyun asked cautiously, as she slipped out of bed and wore the simple white silk undergarments.

"Answering to Madame, we are maids that Master saved, my sister's name is An and I am Xu. We were saved by master, he ordered us to follow and serve every need of madame's. " The girl with the rough appearance replied.

They still held their posture, bending at the knees. There was no trembling or signs of tiredness. These maids were really not simple serving girls.

"Rise. I feel weird when you call me Madame, we look about the same age. Just feiyun will do. "

At this sentence the two girls immediately looked up and knelt down." we could not possibly call you by your given name. Our status do no allow. "

Feiyun sighed... These respectful, rule abiding maids were harder to handle than those that laughed at her.

"Then... calling me mistress would also be okay..." Although she did not like it but it's better than Madame.

"This slave will follow." An and Xu nodded in unison. Then An motioned with her hands and said," master had ordered. These clothes were prepared for mistress by master, to wear to the palace to greet your royal parents. "

"And he ?" Feiyun questioned.

"Master has gone out, he did not say where, only that he will be back to accompany mistress to give greetings to the royal family. "

Feiyun's heart calmed down, she still did not know how to face him yet.

She needed to know what he was thinking or feeling, she had always been a good judge of character but Tian Huo was still a mystery, it was hard to read him but at times, he would suddenly show her all those emotions in his eyes. He was cold as ice, but then warm and gentle when no one is looking.


'Was he like what he appeared to be?'

Her warm bath was ready in the next room, Feiyun motioned for the two girls to leave. Then she undressed, stepped in and closed her eyes. She felt the sores in her body relief slightly. from her collar bone to the sides of her rounded curves, there were hickeys. Feiyun turned red to the ears.

She shook her head, that's not the important thing now. What's more important is how should she act when she sees him. Should she just continue as if nothing happened? Was he serious about this or did he do it just to complete the ceremony?The thoughts tormented her, for some reason she did not want to hurt the man's feeling if it was real.

Just as she stepped out to dry herself, She heard Tian Huo's footsteps approaching. As an assassin, her sensitive ears had been trained so that she could easily recognized the sound of a person's footsteps. after all each person's footsteps is unique to the individual. Be it the sound, pacing, weight and speed.

Her heart panicked when Tian Huo stopped right In front of the door.


Loud but decisive knock came from the door followed by his deep voice

" Can i enter?"

The shadow, Ruyi who was watching, wide-eyed, from a tree branch, could not help but respect Feiyun. Just a 16 year old girl. Yet she could make this overbearing and arrogant Prince of his stop in his track and ask for permission. Since when did this cold aloof prince ever cared about other people's feelings, not to mentioned in his own home...

"...Err.. whoah! ah!" Feiyun was surprised at his question and tripped in a panic.

Hearing her scream and some weird sounds, Tian Huo's eyes flashed with coldness. Without waiting for a reply, rushed in with his hand on the hilt of his sword. The scene inside was not what he was expecting.

The small side table was lying on its side and Feiyun was on the floor, her robe which she was rushing to put on was tied wrongly and loosened, revealing the center of her chest and hickey ridden collarbone.

There was a moment of silence between the two as they both stared at each other not knowing how they should react in this situation. Feiyun realizing that her robe was loose, quickly grabbed it close. Her ears turning red as she looked away, pretending that nothing had happened.

Tian Huo on the other end, realized what had happened and simply walked over and wrapped her with his black outer robe and picked her up in a princess cradle. His strength made her struggle useless, Tian Huo brought her over to the bedside and place her down.

"t..thank you..." Feiyun understood that he was simply worried that's why he rushed in.

Tian Huo merely nodded his head in response.

He reached into his clothes and pulled out a small ceramic box.

"mmn." Tian Huo placed it in front of her.

Feiyun looked at this small box and took it, slightly confused.

Tian Huo turned and added, " Bi Luo flower balm. Good for aches and cuts. Can also be used at sensitive parts of the body." After he said his piece, he was already at the door. He left, shutting the door behind him. Others may not have noticed but nothing could escape Feiyun's eyes. When he left, the tip of his ears were slightly red.

Feiyun immediately understood the reason why Tian Huo gave her this medicine and what his words were implying.

"Such a face but this man has probably never fell in love before." She giggled to herself.

She was never wrong when reading people. Her current husband, Xing Tian Huo, although cold and aloof, really treated her well with no ulterior motives. He was not as bad as the rumors made him appear.

After applying the balm, she quickly let the girls dress her in her the clothes that had been prepared by Tian Huo.

It was a magnificent dark purple, with silver butterflies around the edges. Her hair was pulled up adorned with 4 silver pins. Each was masterfully carved with dancing phoenix and dragons. Her face was touched up with simple powder and lip tint. The two girls could not help but stare in awe at the magnificent creation in front of them.

After making sure that everything was done properly, they pushed her to the front manor where Tian Huo was waiting for them, his hands gently patting the white carriage horse. Tian Huo was dressed in robes with the same dark purple, with silver tigers embroidered down each sleeve.

He noticed feiyun had on the same white mask she was wearing before and his eyes showed dissatisfaction, he still did not know why she hid her face when there was nothing wrong with it.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Feiyun spoke, not a hint of shyness. She motioned to the two girls to put the wooden plank so she could enter the carriage.

Just as An was about to set the plank, Tian huo walked over and simply picked her up in another cradle, right In front of everyone as if nothing he was doing was embarrassing. Then he entered the carriage with her.

Seeing this, Ruyi, An and Xu nearly dropped their jaws to the ground. What happened? in just one night their master became a human.

"Go." Tian Huo's cold voice commanded and Ruyi who had been lost in shock gathered himself. He tossed a Katana in a pure black lacquered sheath to An and two black moon rings* to Xu.

Their expressions brightened up when they saw their beloved weapons again. Ruyi had them taken away before when they were greeting Feiyun. After pointing to the two horses at the side, he quickly jumped to the driver seat

An and Xu tucked the wheelchair into the back of the carriage and followed behind on their own horses. Each on either side of the carriage.

( Xu's weapon is Similar to feng huo lun! pls google)

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