《Fearsome Princess Consort FeiYun》Chapter 3: eye for an eye


Within 2 days, feiyun was moved from the orchid pavilion to the willow pavilion. After the workers cleaned up the place. It was indeed a tranquil place with a big garden out front. Her simple abode was perfect for her.

With little people, she did not have to wear her mask or sit in a wheel chair the whole day. It was quiet and peaceful. She could also cultivate in peace.

Feiyun closed the doors behind her. Slipping her hand into the space dimension she pulled out a bottle of pills labeled 'poison detox' . She sat on her bed and popped 2 pills in.

'hmp, dare to poison me? I won't let this go unreturned. "

A knock came from the outside.

After carefully putting away the medicine back into the space dimension, feiyun called out. "come in "

Qin entered with a set of tea and snacks. She placed them on the table and gently poured a cup of tea for feiyun.

"This evening, make sure no one comes into my pavilion. No matter what, turn them away. Mmh if they still barge in, report to me." Feiyun spoke, bringing the tea cup to her lips. There was a glint of evil in her eyes.

Qin nodded as she felt a shiver ran down her spine. Since when did feiyun have such ferociousness in her. The two days that she has been taking the pills, Qin was already a bronze tier martial artist. Although it's been getting harder to break through the bottle neck. Her respect for feiyun increased tremendously.

"You told me you wanted to be strong." Feiyun asked, the look in her eyes was serious and cold.

"Yes." Qin nodded, she too was serious.

"I am in need of a team. I plan to make you head of the shadow guards that follow me. Are you up to the challenge?" Feiyun curved the corner of her lips.


Qin looked at her wide eyed. "This slave is willing to follow miss to the courts of hell. If miss trusts me then I will not disappoint.!" Qin kowtowed.

Feiyun eyebrows creased, she did not like her friend kowtowing. "Rise, do not kowtow to me. Do not call yourself slave. From now on, you will be call Feiqin."

A tear fell down Qin's face. For a slave, they usually had just one name, no family name. This is to signify that they had no power. Afterall name held power. To be given the name "Fei" it showed Qin how much feiyun respected and trust her. She vowed solemnly in her heart that should she ever betray feiyun, she will die from a lightning strike and never be reborn in the world.

After dinner, Qin did as she was told and stood guard outside feiyun's room. When feiyun came out wrapped in black. Her clothes fitting to her body, her face covered only showing her dark eyes, Qin only closed her eyes, pretending she did not see her.

Feiyun jumped over the walls too fast for Qin's eyes to follow. This shocked her, feiyun was suppose to have been a copper tier martial artist. To have such speed would only mean she has risen. But how high?

Feiyun leaped like a cat, silent as the night clouds. She catwalked a top the roof of the twins house. She was the embodiment of stealth.

She slipped out 2 small blue pills. She cracked the first one in half before throwing it down near the entrance where the maids were standing guard. The second one she threw it into the room. She sat on the roof staring at the night sky, her eyes full of mischievousness, patiently waiting for the right time.


After 10 minutes had passed. She leaped down from the roof and waltz into the room. Right pass the two maids who were sleeping with drool dripping down their mouth.

Closing the door behind her, feiyun smirked a little as she eyed the sleeping Zhen Zhen.

She sat on the edge of the bed and took out a thin needle, a small tube filled with liquid and a cotton swab with cream on it. Picking up Zhen Zhen arm and resting it on her lap.

Feiyun dipped the needle in the small tube watching as the needle drew in a small amount of the liquid. She then pricked the front part of Zhen Zhen's elbow with the tip of the needle, right into the vein. The fluid fell straight into the bloodstream. She withdrew the needle, it's hole was so small it was insignificant. She rubbed a little white dot of cream on the area where she poked and watched as the hole closed , as though nothing was ever done to it.

"An eye for an eye." She whispered beside Zhen zhen's ear. Knowing she would not wake up for the next 6 hours. That pill contained enough sleeping agent to knock out an elephant with just 1 milligram of it.

She stood up and just as she was about to leave, she noticed a corner of a small red jade. She picked it up, it had a peculiar scent to it. Similar to lavender. Looking at it closer, it was round with a dragon symbol with a name craved upon it in the center. The only great family allowed to use the dragon symbol was the emperor's.

This type of jade pendant was meant to be kept close to the bearer. It's not something that one can show openly. One could say that the pendant was as important as the person's heart.

This small little trophey made her purse a lips into a small smile.

Feiyun placed the pendant in her space dimension before leaving.

When she went back to her courtyard, she changed out of her clothes and called for Qin to bring in a bath for her.

Sitting in the tub of water with flower petals floating on top, her arms resting in the edge as she dangled the red jade pendant from her index finger.

"Xing. Ruo. Feng."

Feiyun's eyes smiled. She never would have thought that her sister and the crown prince was already in that sort of relationship. But for Zhen Zhen to give herself to him, what a masterpiece. Truly an innocent white lily.

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