《The Queen's Heart》33. Aftermath


The Queen sat restlessly at her thrown in the Royal Hall. The dim, afternoon sunlight crept through the velvet, burgundy curtains into the room, casting shadows in ominous places.

It had been over a fortnight since her victory over Chernabog, thus saving the kingdom.

"How much longer will they keep us waiting..? It's been over an hour!" The Queen huffed. The agitation in her voiced bounced off the dark stone walls of the room, serving as a reminder to the guardsmen in the room that their Queen was still a force to be reckoned with.

Emma placed a soft hand on The Queen's shoulder. She knew that although Regina was making every attempt to be a kinder, more gentler Queen, there was still work to be done there.

"Soon enough, my Queen. We must be patient. After all, there are a lot of preparations to be had with everything going on."

The Queen rolled her eyes, staring off toward a cracked open window. The breeze gently flowing into the room, caused the curtains to billow and wave with it. Inside, she knew Emma was right. There were in fact, decrees to be written, damages to the castle to be repaired, gowns to be sewn, and armor to be shined - among other things!

Nevertheless, her majesty hated to wait, her anticipation was always bursting to get out, it seemed.

Emma could sense Regina's anxiety and began to softly rub her shoulders to try to help relax her a bit.

The Queen let out a heavy sigh as she closed her eyes relaxing, allowing her head to rest on the back of her throne. The welcoming feeling of Emma's strong hands sent thousands of tingles through her body, and it felt so damn good!

In fact, it felt so good, that Emma herself was getting lost in the moment.

Slowly, she worked her hands from the back of Regina's neck and shoulders, further down toward Regina's collarbone and chest area. The Queen felt the corners of her blood red lips turn up into a smile as she felt Emma's fingertips dip into the corset of her tight, black dress grazing her breasts as she began Massaging them slowly, feeling every detail of her soft, supple skin as Regina's nipples began to harden at her touch.

The Queen's breath began to grow heavy while Emma used her fingertips to softly play with Regina's nipples. Emma rubbed them lightly, drawing circles around the erect skin before giving them a hard pinch. Gasping, Regina instantly felt herself moisten between her thighs. At that moment, she reached for Emma, pulling the blonde in front of her now.

"Did you not enjoy your massage, my Queen?" Emma asked sarcastically.

Regina chuckled, "But of course Ms Swan, and now I want more.."

Emma pulled Regina up from her throne, kissing her hand, slowly drawing her index finger into her mouth and out again. Then, she guided the Queen to sit on her lap, as Emma took the throne. Softly, Emma began kissing the skin of The Queen's porcelain white neck, nibbling and sucking at it hard. With one arm around Regina's slim waist, Emma used the other to hike up The Queen's long black dress.

Regina held onto the intricately carved arm rest of her throne with her right hand. Her slender fingers holding on to it so hard she thought it might snap in two, though the iron framework of the grand chair would not allow such things to happen. She used the other to pull Emma's face closer to her, forcing her lips harder against her neck.


Emma could feel Regina's warm body press harder against her own; her back now completely pinned against the velvety-red padding of the back of the heavy throne.

Once The Queen's dress was no longer in Emma's way, she began squeezing the inside of Regina's thighs with her free hand, feeling the wet heat between them.

"Aye!!" Regina yelped as Emma squeezed her thigh harder than usual, "That hurt, Emma.."

"...yes, and I happen to know that's how you like it."

"Why, Ms Swan... you know me all too well.."

simultaneously, Emma bit down on Regina's neck pressing two of her fingers deeply into her. How easily they slid in against her warm, wet flesh. The Queen screamed out as Emma began thrusting her fingers in and out, mindful to press deeper into her every time. As Emma continued, Regina bore down on the armrests with both of her hands, steadying herself as she and Emma shared the seat of the throne.

Rhythmically, the Queen moved her hips in time with Emma's thrusts, in and out and back again.

Emma could feel Regina's muscles begin to tighten around her fingers as Regina hungrily swallow her up.

"Emma.." The Queen breathed, "this... this is just... just what I needed.."

Emma smiled at Regina's satisfying words, "I love you, Regina.. I love you with all that I am, and all I will ever be..." Emma whispered into her ear,

"...now, get on your knees."

Immediately, Emma stood, causing The Queen to fall to the floor, her bare knees instantly hitting the cold stone hard, causing shooting pain that echoed from her knees to her hips. Steadying herself with her hands, Regina smiled, the pain arousing her more and more.

"Does it hurt?" Emma asked, noticing Regina wincing a little.

"Not enough, Ms Swan..." She replied.

Suddenly, Emma grabbed Regina by the throat. Pulling her close, Emma dragged her tongue up Regina's neck, moving it across her cheek and forced it between the lips of her mouth kissing her hard.

Emma could feel her own clit swell and her muscles contract between her thighs. As controlling and dominant that Regina was, when they reversed roles like this, it was enough to make Emma cum every single time.

Emma pulled Regina up, and pressed her over the side arm of the throne. The cold, jagged stones that made up the sides and base of the chair pressed hard against the front of Regina's thighs as she was bent at the waist over it.

Emma forced The Queen's thighs apart, and slid two of her fingers over her clit from behind her.

The blonde rubbed at it, slow and soft at first, as her strokes became harder and faster with every groan and moan that escaped The Queen's lips. Emma let out a pleasurable sigh as she felt The Queen swell in her hand, her sticky-sweet fluid dripping down around it. Just as Emma felt Regina begin to pulse in her palm, she slip her fingers from Regina's clit, pressing them deep inside of her. Standing behind Regina, Emma pressed her pelvis against the hand she was using to pleasure the Queen. Putting her weight behind her hips, she used them to press her fingers deeper into Regina, thrusting inside of her until The Queen let out loud, thunderous, pleasure-filled screams that echoed and bounced around the chamber walls.

As Regina reached her climax, Emma used her free hand to her advantage. Quickly, Emma unfastened her pants. As Regina finished, Emma removed her hand from between The Queen's thighs and slid her wet, sticky fingers deep into herself, instantly cumming hard into her own wet hand.


As the Queen quieted herself down after her climax, she slowly collapsed back, into Emma's arms. Sweaty, tired and out of breath she whispered, "Emma, I love you..."

Emma gazed at Regina as she lay against her on the stone floor. Her knees now red and bruised from hitting the side of the stone slabbed throne. Emma could still make out the bite marks she left on Regina's neck as well as red markings from when she squeezed at her throat.

"Mmmmnn..." Emma thought out loud, "It might be a good idea to wear your hair down for a while,"

The Queen smiled, "For what? The kingdom should know their Queen is getting the best fuck in the land! Don't you think?"

"Perhaps.. but just.. maybe not today."

The Queen rolled her eyes keeping her smile. She knew Emma was referring to her official address to the kingdom that was forthcoming.

"Yes, yes.. I suppose you do have a point.."

Suddenly then, the dark mahogany double doors that stretched from floor to ceiling in the room slowly creaked open, revealing a slender woman dressed in red behind them. As she walked through the open doors and approached the throne, she lowered her red velvet hood.

The two women stood now, smoothing out their clothes as the guest approached.

"Ah, Ruby!" The Queen exclaimed with a smile, still catching her breath, "What news do you bring?"

With a slight smile upon her red lips, Ruby bent her knee to the Queen. As she stood again, she asked, "Of course My Queen. Had you thought I wouldn't come?"

Regina sat back in her throne, chuckling and smiling still, "And, where pray tell, is Mulan?" She asked.

Before Ruby could answer, the double doors swung open. Quickly, Mulan escorted Aurora down the isle, and the two of them bowed before The Queen.

"Now, that's more like it." Regina mumbled to no one in particular.

"Ok then," Emma began, "Now that we're all here, Shall we begin?"

"Before we start," Regina cut in, "There is something I need to say."

The Queen stood now, turning to one of the guardsmen at the back of the room. The knight, clad in shiny black armor, approach and handed the Queen a small wooden box. The dark wood of the box was very intricately carved to reveal branches of the apple trees in the Queen's courtyard, supple with fruit. The corners of the beautiful box were embellished with iron filigree, and the fastener at the front of it brandished a dagger through the shape of a heart.

A sincere look washed over Regina's face as she took the box from him. Holding it in front of her, she walked toward Aurora.

"Aurora." The Queen began, "You, your friends and your family have risked your lives to save me and our great kingdom. For that, I shall forever be indebted to you. I know that I have wronged you and your mother in the past. I have stolen and lied to Maleficent, and kept your heart locked away in my crypt. I want you to know, that as long as I've had it here with me, I have not once used it to control you or manipulate you in any way. Your choices were always your own. I know I have hurt you by doing so, and I will forever try to make that up to you."

The entire room was eerily silent as the Queen took her breath in and continued.

"Today, I stand before you, honest and true. Today.. will be a fresh start.

On this day, Aurora, I want to give your heart back to you. I only pray you can someday forgive me."

Regina opened the wooden box revealing a warm, pulsating heart glowing red with each beat. The Queen carefully removed the heart from its container, handing the box once again to the guardsmen beside her.

Staring at her heart, eyes wide and eager, Aurora exclaimed "Regina... thank you."

"It is I that should be thanking you, Aurora."

With that, The Queen plunged Aurora's heart back into her chest, causing the young Princess to jump back from the force.

Taking a quick gasp of air, Aurora blinked a few times before gathering her surroundings.

"How do you feel??" Mulan asked her.

Smiling, Aurora replied, "Perfectly fine... quite honestly, I feel the same."

Stealing a glance from The Queen, Mulan smiled, "I'm glad to hear it."

"Alright then," The Queen commanded, standing up tall, "Let us begin!"

The Queen stood now at the center of the room; Emma to her right, Mulan, Aurora and Ruby to her left. Straightening her back and cracking her neck, Regina gestured to the guardsmen at the double doors, giving them the command to open them.

Slowly, the people of the kingdom gathered inside, most of them confused as to why they were asked to visit the castle.

As the people slowly filled the room, louder voices began to rise over the growing whispers.

"...what's going on?"

"Why have we been asked to come here?"

"Do you think it's a trap??"

"..this might be our chance to take the Queen!"

As the villagers gathered closer together they began to notice that their Queen stood in the room with them, silently watching over them.

To this, they lowered their voices until the room became silent.

The Queen spoke:

"You have been commanded here because-"

She was cut short by a soft elbow to her ribs. Emma whispered, "kinder, Regina. Be kind, to your people."

Clearing her throat, The Queen began again.

"Today.. I've gathered you.. here.."

The Queen stopped herself short. She could hear the sharp dominance in her own voice. This was the wrong approach.

Making an effort to soften her expression, Regina tried once more to speak to the people of the kingdom.

"Thank you for coming to the castle today... I know there are many other things in your lives you'd rather be doing than to come here, with me."

The Queen paused. She took a moment to look around the room. She could see the fright in some of their faces. Their sad, hardened eyes gazing upon her as she spoke. The oppressed anger that filled the room.

"Alright then, witch!" A short man angrily shouted from the back of the room, "On with it!"

The people began to yell and jeer at her quickly after his remarks. The Queen touched a hand to her chest as she drew back away from the crowd.

The guardsmen at the back of the room gripped their Spears, drawing closer to the angry mob, ready to strike at any given notice from the Queen.

Ruby pulled her hood over her head grabbing onto Aurora's hand in fear as Mulan pulled them both behind her. Using her body to shield them, she placed one hand on the hilt of her sword.

Emma threw her hands up, pointing toward the stone ceiling of the room. A bright flash of white light beamed out over every one's heads, like lightening, distracting the mob from their jeering, and drawing their attention to her. The room was suddenly as quiet as a crypt.

"That, will be.. enough." Emma breathed in, "look, I know you're all angry! I know you all want revenge.." Pointing a finger toward The Queen, Emma continued, "This woman.. she has pillaged and destroyed your lives for years! She killed your dreams, she killed your families.. your plans.. but I assure you, no one on this earth understands you more than I do."

Emma continued to speak as she circled the room, all eyes were on her now.

"The Queen killed my mother, and my father.. and because of that, I was forced to grow up alone. There was no one to take care of me. For years I ran, and with no one to turn to, I took care of myself. I know what she's done.. and I know what she's capable of."

"Hang her!!" A voice rang out from the crowd, as another one joined, "off with her bloody head!!"

Emma answered, "that is not the way. I just told all of you that I know what the Queen is capable of, and I do. If this woman wanted to kill us all, she would do it now, right where we stand, make no mistake of that. But that's not what's going to happen here today. It's true, Queen Regina has a dark past, yes..." Emma paused, taking in the faces of the townspeople,

"...But, she has begun a bright future. In These last days, we all fought in a war. A war against the demon Chernabog. With the help of a few friends, our Queen was able to stop him from destroying this entire kingdom and dragging us all to the underworld, through the depths of hell. She literally ripped her own heart out to save us all."

The room fell eerily silent as the villagers stared at eachother, eagerly hanging on Emma's every word.

"The least we can do for a Queen like that," Emma continued, "Is allow her to speak. Let's give her a chance to explain herself."

The room continued on in its silence. Some would say it was so quiet, you could hear the hearts of the villagers racing.

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