《The Queen's Heart》The Darkness Within


"Oh god, Emma!" The Queen let out breathlessly, "...I'm coming! I'm gonna come, god!"

Emma, eyes glowing, curled her lips into a smile. She had The Queen pressed against the cold stone wall of her Spell Room; the stonework at her back now warm, due to the friction and heat generated from it rubbing against the rough stones.

The two women had been in the Spell Room for most of the day, training, and preparing Emma for the battle with Chernabog that was quickly approaching.

The Queen was steady to keep Emma's darkness from taking over as she learned her spell-craft, all the while being sure to keep Emma's light and dark magic neutral and balanced. Though she was strong, This was not an easy task for The Queen.

After all, she had done her best at suppressing her own darkness, however, there was something so captivating and deliciously enticing about it all.. Quick to be addicted to its consuming power, Regina knew her limits. She knew what dark magic could do, and would do, especially to her.. but still..

She watched Emma's delicate fingertips thumb through the crisp pages of her Spell Book. How intense the blonde's face was as she studied the words that stained the pages with dark spells. Dark spells that Regina once cast to defeat her foes. Crushing whatever and whoever she needed to, as she climbed to the top of ruling her kingdom.

Regina closed her eyes and let her breath out. The nostalgia alone was enough to drive her senses wild!

She could feel her heart begin to race as she continued to supervise Emma's training. Suddenly, Regina could see that something in the book had especially peaked Emma's interest. Eyebrows raised, Emma tightened her grip on the book, mouthing along silently to the words as she read quietly to herself.

The Queen swallowed hard, her breathing suddenly heavier. Deciding now, to approach Emma, Regina moved her own hand over the blonde's as she held onto the open book.

Just as soon As their skin touched, The Queen felt an electric surge of energy course through her veins. It was breathtaking how sudden and strong the feeling was.

She knew Emma felt it too; the hand that held the edge of the book had tightened its grip hard, so hard in fact, The Queen thought Emma just might rip the book in two!

"Ms. Swan, are you alri..."

But Before she could finish her sentence, Regina found herself captivated by Emma's eyes.

"Ice blue eyes.." The Queen whispered to herself.


She knew Emma felt the same surge of energy through her body as well. The power they both generated together was electric, and it highly aroused The Queen.

Absorbing the power now, Regina allowed her own eyes to turn, as they began to glow. The bright hue of purple now completely taking over.

Regina tightened her grip over Emma's hand, she wanted her. She needed to have her!

Suddenly, and seemingly purposefully, Emma released her grip on the book letting it quickly fall to the hard floor with a loud smack. Turning her attention to Regina now, she used her free hand to roughly grab at The Queen's throat. Her fingers pressing against her skin tighter and tighter still.


"Let go of my hand." She demanded sternly, "Let it go, Regina."

"And if I don't?"

That's when The Queen felt her back suddenly slam against the hard stone of the wall. The stinging slap of the hard material against the skin of her back sent chills vibrating throughout her body.

It wasn't the sheer force that shocked Regina, no. It was the sole fact that instead of pushing or throwing her against the wall, Emma kept her tight grip around The Queen's throat, and forcefully pulled the wall to her!

Regina smiled. "Such power!" She said to herself. This sudden realization of Emma's force and newfound power brought The Queen's arousal to the forefront. She felt her heart drop, and the silky material of her underwear grow wet at the pulsating of her clit.

Although The Queen knew she aught to stop Emma, deep down, she didn't want to. Not in this moment.

"I could snap your neck like a twig..." Emma said to Regina staring coldly into her eyes, "Remember when told me that?" Emma moved closer to The Queen's face as she spoke, pulling all the force and power from the room into her command.

"Do you REMEMBER?!" She repeated, her fingers pressing harder around Regina's throat.

Still quite aroused, The Queen struggled to answer her, "...I.. I.."

Emma's brow raised, she brought her lips merely centimeters from Regina's, still expecting an answer.

"..I do." The Queen replied. The room seemed to slowly look smaller, and darker, Regina thought to herself. Her eyelids began to flutter and feel heavy. Was this it? Regina's mind was racing.. was she dying?? No! Emma would never kill her.. Right?

The Queen struggled to keep her eyes open now. Her breathing was beginning to slow as her vision was steadily leaving her.


Just before she felt as though she was going to pass out, The Queen felt Emma's soft lips crash into hers. Emma, thrusting her tongue between Regina's supple lips; rubbing and massaging every part of The Queen's wet mouth.

The blond released her hold around Regina's throat, and The Queen stumbled over, into Emma's arms.

She could feel herself swollen and wet. Emma's power and strength did things to her body, making her feel things she never thought she could feel.

Propping her back up against the wall, Emma slowly teased Regina's lips; licking them and biting them softly.

Gasping between breaths, Regina spoke; "Emma.. I've never seen this side of you.. oh my god, I love it!"

Staring into her bright purple eyes, Emma replied "Regina, give me what I want.." Emma then reached down, between The Queen's toned, muscular thighs, and started to press her fingers against the tight material that covered her there, rubbing her deeply. Regina could see the toned muscles contract in Emma's arm as she continued to pet her, pressing harder and harder still.

Regina's heart pounded so hard within her chest, she thought it might burst right through her flesh. She must have Emma, and she must have her now!

Using her free hand, Emma pressed The Queen once again to the wall when she felt the weight of Regina's body lean into her.

The hand Emma had used to create friction between The Queen's thighs now moved to the top of Regina's pants, where she began fighting with the fastener to allow her the access she needed so desperately!

Noticing Emma was having a bit of trouble, Regina attempted to help her with the fastener. However, before she could offer any assistance, Emma flicked her wrist by The Queen's stomach, and immediately the fastener came not only apart, but the metal pieces of it fell to the floor with a clink.

Regina smirked, "Looks like we're going to have to work on controlling this new power of yours, love."

Her face serious, Emma replied "I think you've had just about enough control, wouldnt you say..?"

On her last word, Emma forcefully pushed her hand into Regina's pants, now feeling the thoroughly wet silk material inside.

As Emma slowly explored Regina's body, The Queen could feel the blonde's fingertips trace over her erect clit. She wanted more than anything for Emma to enter her.

Emma worked her way around the inside of Regina's pants. It was a tight squeeze, but she managed. Finally, she felt her way behind the wet silk with her fingers at the bottom of the panties. Emma felt her fingers slip at Reginas smooth, wet clit, and just before she slid inside of her, she whispered into The Queen's ear "Remember who you belong to."

With Her blue eyes still aglow, Emma pressed two fingers into The Queen. How easily her long, slender fingers slid perfectly into her. In and out, and repeat.

With every forceful thrust, Regina's back hit and rubbed against the stone wall.

The combination of Emma's thrusting inside of her, and the slight pain of her skin against the rough stone wall, it didn't take long for Regina to feel herself begin to climax. Panting heavily she screamed, "Oh god Emma, I'm coming!"

Seconds later Emma felt The Queen Release, as more warm moisture filled the hand that pressed between Reginas thighs roughly. This feeling of control over Regina turned Emma on beyond anything she ever experienced. The moment she felt The Queen come, Emma felt herself climax as well. Using the hand that pressed Regina to the wall, Emma quickly grabbed at the back of Regina's head, pulling The Queen into her body hard. Emma pressed their bodies together with all her strength as she too felt herself come into her own panties.

Both of them now beginning to feel their muscles relax and calm after their climax together, they slowly allowed each other to fall to the ground. Their legs could no longer support their own weight.

Taking in a deep breath, The Queen gazed at Emma, who's eyes were closed in a state of rest. When she opened them, The Queen observed they were no longer glowing; their natural color now returned.

Looking back at Regina, Emma tried to explain, "I... I don't know what happened.." Emma trailed off then continued, "I was reading along to a spell in the book.. and then before I knew it, I felt this surge of electricity! The power was unimaginable..!"

"Yes," The Queen replied, "I felt this also. It was amazing... I felt your power when I touched your hand."

Emma face then turned to a look of confusion, "You touched my hand?"

Regina furrowed her brow, "Yes of course Emma, you don't remember?"

"Mmm I don't know.. maybe?" Emma replied, "..It doesn't matter."

"Yes, actually it does" The Queen remarked, "If you don't remember, that means you blacked out again. That's not good Em."

"What can we do then, Regina? I mean, how do we fix this?"

Regina thought for a moment before speaking, "I think it's time you met my sister..."

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