《The Queen's Heart》Ch. 8 Lose Yourself
Later that night, The Queen found herself thinking about what happened in the library earlier in the evening between herself and Emma, "She is stubborn, and rude" Regina spoke out loud to no one but herself. Exhausted from pacing back and forth a few times, She decided to rest a moment and sat back in a chair across the room, diagonal from her bed that was made up fresh earlier this morning, thanks to her servants.
The Queen stared off in deep thought once more "That Swan.. she.. pulls a chord within me somehow. Perhaps it's her will," Regina pressed on in thought. The thought of Emma Swan digging deep within her mind; she couldn't sleep, she couldn't eat, she could think of nothing else!
Whatever it was, Regina was left feeling unsettled somehow. She needed more..
"Ahh!" She blurted out, "Magic mirror..!" She jumped out of her chair and over to the elaborate mirror that hung just to the right of the wide, stone fireplace in her bedchambers.
The mirror was massive in size. It took on an oval shape, and was framed out with what looked like silver flames coming out from it, as if it were on fire.
The magic mirror was beautiful yet eerie at the same time.
Regina performed a swirling motion with her right hand over the reflective glass in front of her and said "Mirror, within these castle walks, I command you! show me... Emma Swan."
Regina's reflection swirled into a purple wurly haze, then suddenly, staring back at her, Regina could see Emma; pacing back and forth in her bedroom just as The Queen herself had been doing not a few minutes before!
"...it seems there might be something on Emma's mind tonight as well.." Regina thought to herself, "a penny for your thoughts, Ms Swan..." The Queen said, smiling to herself.
Emma, having paced from one side of her room to the other for what seemed like the 400th time now, was seemingly more and more confused and frustrated with this evening's interaction with The Queen.
"Fuuuck! Like, what the hell man!" Emma said sternly to herself, brow furrowed. "One minute, it seemed like Regina was on some sort of 'power trip' with the way she was pushing Red around in the library", Emma remembered, "the next, she's pinned me against the wall.. ready to... to.. what?? What WAS that?!" Pausing for a moment, Emma leaned her head against the stone wall, seemingly frustrated yet deep in thought. She was really trying to figure out what could have made Regina react the way she did towards her earlier. However, Emma was coming up short. "Honestly Em," She said aloud to herself, "..why the HELL do you care?"
Emma sat on her bed, then flopped back into a laying position and sighed, "I gotta find a way out of here man." Emma stared at the cold, grey stone ceiling, "If Regina won't tell me WHY she's holding me locked up here anytime I ask, I'm going to have to find out for myself."
That's when the idea struck her; "I know what I'll do!" Emma sprung up from the bed and walked towards her door, "if I can figure out the type of key I'll need for this door.. maybe understanding the shape of the keyhole will help.. There's got to be something!"
Emma began her detective work at the door, zeroing in on the handle and keyhole in particular.
At one point Emma grabbed hold of the handle and tried to open the door; knowing of course it would be locked. She needed to feel the lock, to know it better.
However, to her unbelievable surprise, the door was NOT locked, and came opened as she released her hand from the brass door knob.
Emma immediately froze at the feeling of the door knob clicking when she turned it to open.
Emma's Heart was racing now. "I'm not locked in here. I'm not... being forced to stay?" Emma was puzzled, "No.. this must be an accident. Regina's guard forgot to lock the door."
Keeping the door closed, Emma stepped back from it and sat back on the bed. "I don't know what to do."
For weeks Emma had been trying to escape this castle, run from The Queen. Now that it seemed easy for her to do just that, Emma wasn't sure she entirely wanted to...
Regina watched through her magical mirror, a now confused Emma Swan sit upon her bed, brow furrowed in thought.
"I've seen enough," The Queen said, waving off the magic of the mirror, her reflection now coming back into view.
Regina fixed herself a nightcap and settled back into her red velvet wingback chair. She took a sip of her bourbon, and let the glass rest in her hand on the arm of the chair as she gazed out the window.
"If Ms. Swan wishes to leave the lavish life I've allowed her to have, then so be it." The Queen said to herself, "she won't get far... in fact I doubt she'll make it to the castes.
Regina was starting to close her eyes as she was becoming sleepy, when there was a sudden thudding at her chamber doors. "Ugh, go away" The Queen commanded, "I'm tired and have turned in for the night."
However the noise at the door only got louder and more persistent.
Regina decided to ignore it, keeping her eyes closed as she sat in the chair.
After a few reputations of the knocking, it seemed that Regina's method had worked and the noise stopped.
With one eye open, she waited for a moment or two just to be sure whoever was at her door had left. When still no noise came from the door, she smiled to herself, "ha! When I say go away, they go! As they should!!"
Keeping her drink steady in the one hand, she reached for a nearby blanket and laid it across her lap closing her eyes again shortly after.
The noise at her door was back, this time louder than ever! Regina's eyes sprung open, "Oh for fuck's sake," she said to herself, "WHAT!?"
Regina finally stood, throwing the blanket off and onto the chair. She downed the rest of her drink, and walked toward the door, empty glass in hand.
Just before The Queen could reach the doors, they flew open and In rushed Emma Swan!
She quickly walked right passed Regina then turned to face her, arms crossed.
With a look of shock on her face, Regina said to Emma, "well, EXCUSE ME, Ms Swan. Can I help you with something this evening?"
"Yeah," Emma replied with a determined look on her face, "You can start by telling me what the hell is going on around here!"
Regina walked over to her door to close it, then walked closer to Emma. "Why don't you have a seat," Regina offered the chair had just been sitting in to Emma.
"No." Emma replied, not breaking eye contact with The Queen, "Not this time. You are going to answer my questions tonight."
"Oh, am I?"
"Yes, you are." Emma said, "I'm not leaving this room until I get some answers."
Regina felt the same feeling she felt earlier in the library when Emma stood up to her. Her heart began to race, and she suddenly felt like she was overheating in the clothes she was wearing. Although The Queen was feeling a bit knocked off her feet momentarily, she'd be damned if she was going to let anyone, especially Emma Swan, know it!
Regina tried to play it cool, with a half smile across her red lips she simply replied "Alright Swan. I'll answer some of the questions you may have.."
"You.. You will?"
"Yes. I will... For a price."
"A price..?" Emma repeated, "what are you you talking about?"
"There May come a time when I might require YOU do do something for ME." The Queen explained, "I don't know what that is NOW, of course, but you promise me that should the moment arise in the future, you WILL pay up."
Emma looked at Regina with uncertainty, uncrossing her arms, then crossing them again. "Yeah ok, fine."
"Excellent!" Regina smiled back at her.
Emma walked around The Queen's room a little, familiarizing herself with the surroundings. When she got to the far end where the Queen's claw foot tub was, Emma paused. She touched her hand to the edge of the porcelain tub and walked around it, keeping the tips of her fingers sliding across the smooth finish of it as she went.
When Emma was halfway around it she paused again, facing Regina's direction, once more, and spoke "Red tells me the two of you are close. Is that true?"
"Well," The Queen began, "that certainly depends on how one looks at it, I would say."
"THAT'S not an answer!" Emma replied sternly.
Regina could feel her lips curling into a smile, she couldn't fight it if she tried!
"I'm glad you find this amusing." Emma sarcastically commented.
"Oh Swan," Regina explained, "If only you knew.."
"What was that??"
"Nothing." Regina replied, "I was just saying, Red is a faithful servant and handmaiden. I believe I explained this before.. Are we close? Well, we do share... 'private moments', if you MUST know.."
Regina paused, "but I would not describe our relationship to one another as anything more than platonic. If THAT is what you're asking."
Emma continued her leisurely stroll around the room. When she got to the magic mirror, she stopped in front of it, admiring it momentarily before asking her next question, "Regina why am I here?" Emma turned to face The Queen, "Please, tell me why you had your men chase me through town, into the Forest of The Dead, only to capture me and bring me to your castle??"
"I have already told you that!" The Queen yelled back, "you were arrested for High Treason against Her Majesty, MYSELF, The FUCKING Queen!!" Regina, now red in the face was growing tired of this back and forth of the same question being asked 50 different ways only to get the same answer. "You aught to be counting your god damned lucky stars your head hasn't been cut off and thrown to the pigs!"
Emma stood, taken only slightly back by Regina's anger, only a few feet from her now. She was quiet for only a moment while she stared at The Queen; in her silky gray and white night clothes. Around her she also wore a long, thin black silky robe. Emma wondered what it felt like to put it on...
"That's another thing," Emma began, "WHY the special treatment then? Why HAVNT you killed me yet?! I SHOULD be dead in the gutter somewhere, or at least pleading for my life in a dank dirty cell."
The Queen moved closer to Emma, "Alright Swan," She said, "Would you have me throw you back in your cell? It can so EASILY be arranged!"
The two feisty women were now face to face, their noses inches apart.. Emma, flashing back to their shared moment together in the library earlier that evening felt a sudden rush of adrenaline course through her body. Without a second thought, Emma Swan grabbed Regina - The Queen - by The waist, pulling her into her body and kissed her.
For a moment Regina was caught by surprise and was almost reluctant to return the kiss, slightly pulling away from Emma.. however, just before Emma began to pull her lips away from The Queen's full, red lips, Regina gave in; using her mouth to gently open Emma's, allowing The Queen to sensually explore the inside of Emma's mouth with her tongue, slowly at first, more hungrily soon after.
"Ouch!" Emma let out a small yelp, putting her fingers over her bottom lip, furrowing her brow a bit.
"Oh, My.." Regina exclaimed, "I'll have to be more careful with you, Ms Swan.."
Emma grabbed Regina by her wrist, hard, pulling her close again, "it's ok,"
She explained. Emma, still holding Regina by her wrist, turned her around so that she was facing the wall and pushed her up against it. Emma behind her, she whispered into her ear "I got this.."
Emma continued to hold one of Regina's wrists tightly, behind her back as she pressed her body up against Regina. She kissed and bit at her neck until The Queen's knees became too weak for her to stand much longer.
"Shall we move to the bed?.."
Emma cracked a half smile as she nibbled at Regina's earlobe "How's it feel to want..?"
"That's not fair..!" Regina pleaded.
"Isn't it though?" Emma exclaimed, "Regina," Emma turned her around to face her, "I want you to beg me."
The Queen was panicking inside! She wanted Emma Swan with everything she had!! Regina had never desired anything or anyone as much as she did right now in all her life, but BEG?!
"Don't be ridiculous! Ms. Swan!" Regina exclaimed, "a Queen does not 'beg'".
Emma had never felt more confident and powerful in anything as she did this very moment. With a crooked smile and a raised brow, she replied, "oh no?"
Emma slowly slipped her soft hand down Regina's gray silk pajama bottoms, and ran her fingers gently between The Queen's thighs.
Emma's smile grew bigger as Regina tried her best to fight back the quiver on her lips.
It was no use, of course.
Regina wanted Emma so bad it was painful to resist!
"Oh fuck it, yes!" The Queen said to Emma, as she grabbed at the lapels of her red jacket, "I'm begging you Swan, give my legs a rest, lay me on my bed.. please."
Emma withdrew her hand from Regina's bottoms and kissed her hard on the mouth, then the women moved toward the bed where they both collided upon it.
Regina rolled over placing herself on top of Emma, straddling her hips. Emma tried to sit up and displace The Queen, But Regina strongly overpowered her, placing her hand on her chest, pushing her back down on the bed. "Uh uh uhhh" Regina scolded, "it's MY turn now..."
The Queen began feverishly biting and kissing Emma on her mouth, lips, neck and shoulder area. When she had had enough of trying to work around Emma's tank top and jacket, she almost ripped them right off of her body, before Emma helped her to remove them, throwing the garments carelessly to the floor. Regina continued with her kisses and caresses all over the rest of Emma's naked body.
"Take off your pajama top," Emma said to Regina.
The Queen slowly removed her silky pajama top and dropped it to the floor, "is this what you wanted?"
"Absolutely, yes." Emma replied, taking in the sight of a topless half naked Queen Regina sitting straddled over her. "You're fucking beautiful, Regina."
The Queen's smile faded slightly. She wasn't sure how she felt about that comment. Was it the compliment? Was it her name being used? Best not think about it right now...
Regina shook it off, and began to remove Emma's pants and underwear.
The Queen tossed the garments to the floor and began to kiss the inside of Emma thighs. Emma let out a sigh of pleasure every time Regina's lips grazed her skin.
Regina paused to gently run her fingertips between Emma's thighs.
"Swan..." Regina said Shockingly, "I'm surprised.. you aren't as wet yet as I thought you'd be..."
"You'll see" Emma replied, "I want you more than you know.." Emma's voice was raspy now, her heart racing, "...I need you."
Regina was so aroused at this point, she could feel herself wet through her silk pajama bottoms. She smiled. "Alright Swan, I'm all yours."
Regina lowered herself close to Emma's naked body, between her legs, wrapping one arm around her waist to stabilize herself. Regina then, using two fingers, forcefully entered Emma. When she did, Emma screamed out with pleasure, wrapping her legs around Regina. Although Emma wasn't as wet when The Queen first began to touch her, it was a very different story now!
Emma was in pure ecstasy, and truth be told; So was Regina!
The women were both woken suddenly by a loud noise at The Queen's Bed Chamber door. Regina sat up first, "shit." She said, looking around, "What the hell time is it!?"
Emma stretched out from head to toe and let out a big lazy yawn before sitting up next to Regina "not sure, maybe 8am? Why?"
"You need to leave at once." Regina commanded to Emma, "back to your room."
"What? Why?!"
"No one can see us like this, don't you understand?!" The Queen explained.
Emma tried putting her hand on Regina's shoulder in an attempt to calm her down, maybe reason with her.
"I said GO!"
Emma quickly pulled back her hand. "Um, yeah ok. Whatever."
Regina stood up from the bed, gathered Emma's belongings and tossed them to her. "Come to the mirror, NOW!"
Emma grabbed her things and followed The Queen to the Magic Mirror. Regina quickly waved her hand over the mirror like before, causing their reflections to fade into swirly purple smoke until Emma's room was visible. The Queen touched the tip of her finger to the glass, and it gave a ripple effect like a pebble being tossed into a lake.
"Go! Walk through." She said to Emma.
"I'm sorry, what now?" Emma said confused.
Regina rolled her eyes, "We don't have time for this!" Regina pushed Emma through the mirror just as Red, Ping and another guard came into the room.
"My Queen!" Red proclaimed, as the three of them took a knee upon entering the room; the magic mirror going plain again.
"Forgive the intrusion" Red explained, "The prisoner Swan has escaped, and you were not answering your door. We thought something had gone wrong. I meant only to protect you."
"Not to worry," Regina said to Red, "Swan is in her room. Have a look yourself." The Queen gestured to the mirror once more, bringing Emma up so Red could witness Emma alive and well in her own bed chambers.
"I see". Red replied. "I apologize for the overlook My Queen. It won't happen again."
As the three of them left The Queen's chambers, Red spotted something on the floor between the mirror and the bed and picked it up on the way out.
As the doors closed behind her, she opened her hand to investigate the object, "interesting."
Red knew exactly what it was.
A button from Swan's Red Leather Jacket.
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