《The Queen's Heart》Ch. 3 Bitten


"Ahh! I see our 'Brave Knight' is finally awake!"

Emma turned around to meet eyes with a familiar face she wasn't all too sure she was happy to see,

"Oh, Regina."

"Tisk tisk! What did we learn about addressing Royalty?" The Queen snarled, peering into the cell that held Emma.

"What is it you want from me?!" Emma demanded, "I don't understand what it is you're after!"

The Queen chuckled to herself, "looks like someone hit her head a bit too hard".

"What? What are you talking about?!" Emma looked confused.

The Queen grew angry and thrust her hand between the cell bars, levitating Emma's body a few inches off the ground. Emma, grabbing at her own neck began to have trouble breathing.

"I could snap your neck right now if I simply wanted to" The Queen explained, "but I won't. I still want you alive."

She dropped her arm down and Emma fell to the floor of the cell, gasping for air.

"I'll give you some time to think things over and drop 'the act' Swan. But when I return you will talk, and You better have the information I need".

The Queen turned and with a swirl of purple smoke she was gone.

"What the actual hell..." Emma thought to herself, "what does she want to know?!"

Emma scanned the room in more detail, "there's got to be a way out of here."


A few hours later two guards came into the dungeon. Emma expected they were there to relieve the guards that were already there, but Then, she heard the clinking of cell keys.

"What's going on?!" Emma said to one of them, "Is The Queen letting me go??"

"Silence! Such insolence will not be tolerated!" The guard said, "The Queen has requested your presence in her chambers."

"Her chambers?? Why? What for? I still don't have any information for her!"

"Let's go." Was all the guard said.

The two guards walked with Emma up the stairs of the castle and made their way towards The Queens Chambers.

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