《The Wild Stark|Natasha Romanoff》Chapter 16


I wake up on nat's chest we must have fell asleep early yesterday. Today was the day we go to the basketball game I'm going on a date with Natasha I'm so happy. I got up slowly from nat's bed trying not to wake her up I softly kiss her on her forehead before leaving the room. I walked into my room and put on some leggings and sports top and walked downstairs.

"Where's Natasha?" Tony asks

"She is sleeping just because I am dating her doesn't mean I have to be with her all the time brother."

"Well sorry, just thought you would be with her like you always are now"

"Well I'm not! So stop please" I say I was getting angry.

"Okay calm down Lilith" he said

"Don't call me Lilith you know that's not my name and I hate it, it's just a fucking name dad gave to me because he was secretly scared of me!" I say.

"Everyone was scared of you cleo! You were scared of yourself and you still are your just to stubborn to Amit it!"


⚠️ self harm mention⚠️

"YES YOU ARE, you had always been! Ever since we were younger you were scared of everything cleo that's when you found smoking and drugs you started partying. I remember you were 15 Cleo 15, you just tried killing yourself again and it didn't work then instead you started to hurt yourself. And I think you did it because you liked the pain it kept you calm.!But I was to scared to bring it all up because I was scared of you."

"I'm not that girl anymore Tony"

"Do you still do it? What about your scars that are left, what did you tell Natasha? Does she know about your childhood or just some?"






"Because I love her okay! There I said it but you made me love her when you gave her the stupid job you told her to get me to Settle down. Well mission complete tony she did it. She got me to sleep with her and then got me to trust her and now I'm madly in love with her but then I can't tell her because it's all been a lie" I said with tears coming out my eyes.

"How did you know about that? You weren't meant to".

"Fuck sake tony I have super hearing or did you forget that to you don't care about me do you?"

"Of course I care about you cleo! And she does too! She came to me the day you opened up to her about how you can't die. She came to me and said she didn't want to do the mission anymore. You made her soft the famous Natasha Romanoff."

" whatever tony go fuck yourself you don't care about me at all because if you did care about me you wouldn't have done it in the first place" I say walking off.

Tony was right I am afraid of myself well I was until Natasha came around like I always say I feel save around her but I couldn't get this out of my head, if she said no to getting me to settle down why is she still her did she actually have feelings for me?. I go back to my room to grab my shoes to head out for a run but I can't find my phone it will be somewhere.

I get back and go upstairs to my room to have a shower I change into one of Natasha's hoodies and ripped jeans. I walk downstairs and get something to eat when Natasha comes down and holding my phone.


"Hey your awake" I say.

"Yeah I am, you left you phone in my room you might want to text Lilly back" she saids angry throwing you phone at me and walking off.

"Cleo what have you done to make her angry" Bucky saids.

I look at my phone and see a text from lily.

hey cutie😘, come to my house tonight so we can have some fun😉"

"Fuck!" I say out loud.

I run out of the kitchen and run to nat's door and try to open it it's locked. I knocked and no answer i kept knocking until the door finally opened.

"What Cleo!"

"I don't care about her okay I only care about you it was just a fucking text I'm not that person anymore"

"Your mine" she saids looking in my eyes.

"Yes I'm yours only yours no one else's" I kiss her passionately.

"But I don't know if I can trust you yet" she said pulling away.

"I can live with that, I'll make you trust me"

She nodded And I kissed her again.

"But I am going to kill her" Natasha said through each kiss.

"Mhm" I say not breaking the kiss I pull her into her room and shut the doer behind us.

That was easier then I thought.

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