《The Wild Stark|Natasha Romanoff》Chapter 2


I look over at Natasha, she has her arms crossed then Steve walks in "afternoon everyone", he saids. "If anyone needs me I'll be in my room but if I don't like you referring to Natasha don't come and see me". Nat rolls her eyes because she knows it was aimed at her. I walk into my room, it's on the same floor as Nat's and grab my towel and go in the shower.


I watched as Lilith left the room I don't know why I did, I just noticed how good of a body she has, it's perfect. I have to stop thinking about that, I hate her. "Romanoff are you even listening? " I hear tony say. I look at tony clearly he could see that I wasn't, "Steve asked if you wanted to go on a morning run tomorrow". "Sure, is it just us?" I asked looking at Steve. "Yes unless you can get Lilith to come" he said. "Yes! That's i perfect idea get my sister to go it will help her" i hear tony say straight after, I knew he really wanted her to stop being a idiot and go parting every night. "I'll ask her bye boys"

I didn't want to actually ask her, I just wanted to leave the room before stark asks what I was thinking about before. I went up to Lilith's door and knocked. "Give me a minute" , I hear her say.

I knew the knock wasn't from my brother because his own kind of knock. I change into black bike shorts and just leaving my black bra on, since I couldn't find a top fast enough. I open the door and see Natasha standing there, "I said before in the kitchen if I don't like you don't come and see me" Nat walked right past my into my room, I shut the door "you can at least put a shirt on" she said why looking else where in the room and not at me.


I had to tell her to put a shirt on I was trying my hardest not to look at her. I don't know how but she turned me on I hate to admit it but she did. I watched her as she walked into her closet and found a shirt " Steve asked me to ask you if you wanted to go on a run tomorrow morning?" I say. "No thanks, I don't do morning runs" she reply's. I leave the room I'm meant to hate her what am I doing and how did I get turned on my her this has never happened before.

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