《Natasha Romanoff one-shots // Natasha x reader ;)》I can't fall for you again


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"Natasha, y/n, will you guys stop it?" Steve crosses his arms and gives us both the dirtiest looks to exist.

I completely ignore his little inquiry and threw the pillow at Nat's head again. She opened her mouth in shock and did the same back.

It all spiralled from there. It went from throwing pillows, to throwing objects, to an actual physical fight.

"Y/n don't you dare throw that lamp-" Tony warned. I threw it anyway, which only made Natasha angrier. She picked up literally any object under the sun and started throwing them at me. She even went as far as throwing her shoes at me, which was kinda scary.

"THATS ENOUGH!" Tony practically screeched, standing between the both of us once we had no more objects to hijack back and forth.

By now the rest had walked in on all of the mess and chaos that was in the lounge. "What the-" Wanda started, looking around with complete confusion.

"These two were at it again." Tony said crossly. "Seriously how old are you guys? Can't you just get along?" Bruce joined in.

Natasha and I both gave each other furious glares. "Okay one of you needs to leave the room, or we'll all be attending a funeral-" Sam stated, putting his hands up in the air.

Suddenly, Natasha pounces at me and tackles me to the ground. It took me a second to process, but then I did the same and started hitting her back.

She suddenly elbowed my eye with so much force which caused me to groan in pain. It was just then that Thor stepped in and swiftly separated the two of us.

Carol walked me to the counter to check on my eye as Nat was trying to break from wandas magic.

"You're crying? Jesus you're such a baby." She scoffed. "I'm not crying you dip shit!" I shot out, standing up.

Carol pulled me back down. "Y/n stop moving-" she whined looking at my eye. "Well, we were all going to watch a movie, but I think it's best that the two of you just stay as far away as possible from each other."

"I'm not going I wanna watch a movie." I started, giving Nat a glare. She did the same and furrowed her brows. "What's makes you so special, maybe I wanna watch a movie-".

"Right ok no need to argue, y/n you sit over there and Natasha you sit over there-" Tony said pointing to different sides of the room.

.·:·.☾ ⧗ ☽.·:·.

About thirty minutes had passed and the movie had started. Natasha and I kept giving eachother looks from across the room.

I pulled the middle finger at her which caused her to furrow her brows. She did the same and mouthed something to me.

I glare at her with anger and lob some of thors popcorn towards her. Luckily no one noticed. She did the same, stealing wandas popcorn and throwing a piece at me.

I threw a handful at her which didn't go unnoticed. "Oh come on you guys this is my new rug-" Tony whined.

We ignored him and kept throwing popcorn at each other. "Y/N. NAT. STOP." Steve whined pointing at the tv.

Once the movie was finally over, which was really boring, everyone was just sat chatting. "Yeah like that time when Clint and I went on that mission where-" I started.

"No one asked." Natasha interrupted dryly. I furrowed my brows at her in disgust. "Anyway, then when he hit that first shot it was like-"


"Shut up." She interrupted me again. I would ignore nats presence, but she never keeps quiet. "Oh my god will you shut the fuck up?" I asked angrily.

"No one asked about your stupid story." She stated looking me in the eye. "Well I'm still gonna tell it-"

"Well don't. It's a waste of time, like you." The room went quiet for a minute. No one really wanted to get involved with our arguments, since it never ended well for anyone who did.

"Shut up whore-" I answered. She furrowed her brows at me. "Don't tell me to shut up, I'm just saying what everyone in this room doesn't want to say-that your stories are bullshit and no one cares." She scoffed.

"What? My stories aren't bullshit!"I argued. "Are too-" "ARE NOT!" "Are too." "ARE NOT!" I stood up with anger and threw Tony's drink all over her.

She opened her mouth in shock and raised her brow at me. Everyone else just kinda sat there and watched the scene unfold.

"Bitch." She muttered, before saying something in Russian under her breath. She got up and harshly pushed me against the wall.

As we were fighting, again, the others were cautiously watching us. "Should we stop them?" Thor asked.

"Get off me you bitch!" I shout kicking her. "Why are they even arguing this time?" Bucky queried.

"Apparently y/n slept with one of Natasha's exes" Wanda answered. "Oh shiiit-" Both carol and Sam say with shock.

"Wait but y/n and Nat used to date, right?" Steve questioned with confusion.

"Yep. I think y/n did it to get back at Nat for some reason though, dunno-" Wanda rolled her shoulders.

"Stop fucking biting me!" She screamed as I ripped her shirt. "I think they still have feelings for each other." Carol said.

Everyone gave her a confused look. "Oh come on, why does Nat actually care so much that y/n slept with her ex, plus why did y/n even sleep with her ex? She doesn't do it for no reason-" she stated.

She shoved me to the ground again, but I pulled her down with me, which just carried on the fight.

Thor got up and separated us again, making sure that Wanda had her magic ready in case we were going to pounce at one another.

"You guys need to verbally speak to each other about your issues without screaming at each other." Tony said angrily, waving his arms around

"Why would I want to speak to that-" Nat gave me a look. "Okay just- sit down so we can talk about this-"

The both of us sat down, still staring into each others souls. "Why the hell do you want to kill each other so badly?" Bucky questioned.

"Why don't you ask Nat, she started it." I scoffed. "You're the one who slept with my ex you slut." She spat out dryly.

"Okay enough of that-" Wanda informed firmly. "Listen you guys, your relationship isn't going to work if you keep insulting each other like this, you need to listen." She added

"Oh like you and your little robot- toaster boyfriend are couple goals." I joked. Clearly no one was in the mood for a laugh, but I saw Scott and Peter trying to contain their giggles.

"Also, what 'relationship'? Last time I checked I broke up with y/n." Nat joined in. "Exactly so why are you so mad at her for sleeping with your ex?"


She thought for a moment. "Because, it's both of my exes Wanda, stop being so fucking blind." She added. This is why you don't get involved with our arguments.

"Can't you guys just admit that you wanted to get back at each other-" Carol asked. "No- because I didn't purposely go looking for nats ex." I answered defensively.

"That's a lie!" She shouts at me. "Is not!" "It is! You wanted to hurt me for some reason."

"YOU BROKE UP WITH ME NATASHA! How-how the hell was I supposed to react to that?" I was getting a little frustrated.

"Jeez I don't know y/n, cry about it? Go to therapy? Next time don't fuck my ex!" She scoffed out with an angry tone.

"Okay listen you guys!" Carol interrupted, breaking our feud. "Y/n why did you sleep with her ex?" She questioned.

I rolled my shoulders in response. "Does it really matter though? It was just a one time thing-" I chuckled.

"So what if it's a one time thing? Breaking up with you wasn't easy y/n! You always have to make it fucking harder for everyone-" She answered.

"Really? Cause when you broke up with me you made it seem like a piece of cake. You made me feel like shit Natasha!" I replied sadly.

"Well I'm sorry but the both of us knew it wasn't going to work out." She said looking into my eyes. "Did we? Cause you meant so much to me, so much that I genuinely thought it was."

"And don't even deny the fact that you didn't think it was working out. Because it was!" I added. She shook her head and covered her face with her hand.

"I can't fall for you again y/n. Just forget about it." She finalised as she left the room. I stood there for a couple of seconds not really knowing what to do.

Our break up is really something I struggle to comprehend. She broke up with me, without a reason, and it hurt. We were fine, and I know thats big coming from me, but I still don't understand why she did it.

I sighed, and stormed off to my room. "That was something." Tony muttered.

.·:·.☾ ⧗ ☽.·:·.

It's around 3am now, as I'm making my way towards the kitchen. I can't sleep, and probably won't.

I start to fill up a glass of water, when a voice interrupts me. "Can't sleep?" I turn around to see Clint sitting there. "Geez- you scared the shit out of me-" I chuckled.

"How was your mission?" I asked, sitting next to him. He sighed and squinted his eyes a little. "You know how it goes-" he mutters.

I silently nod at him and take a sip of my water. "Don't beat yourself up about it-" I say giving him a hopeful smile.

He returns the gesture. "What about you?" He asks. "What about me?" I ask, tilting my head a little.

"I know Natasha like the back of my hand. I can tell when she's in distress y/n. I know she's thinking about you." The sudden mention of her caused me to shift a little in my seat.

"What are you saying?" I ask quietly, avoiding his gaze. "I might not be able to read you as well as I can read Nat, but i think we both know what needs to be done."

I sigh and finally look at him. "Clint. She doesn't want me. She broke up with me, and- and she-doesn't love me anymore. I don't think she ever did." I say sadly.

He placed a hand on my shoulder. "I've never heard her talk about anyone like she talks about you. She loves you. She still does. She just doesn't know how to."

I shake my head and sigh again. I don't feel like being rejected again. He gives my shoulder a final tap, before leaving the room.

It took me a while to build up the courage. Clint knows Natasha well, and I think I can trust his words. I make my way over to her room, but just quietly stand there for a while.

It's like 4am, what if she's asleep? What am I supposed to even say to her? What if she really does hate me?

I take one final deep breath in, and hesitantly knock on her door. I wait a little: what if she completely shuts me out?

The door opens and I catch a glimpse of her red hair in her dim room. "Y/n?" She asks quietly.

"Did I wake you?" I ask, avoiding her gaze. "..no" she replies quietly. "Ok..I just- wanna..uh- just wanna talk-" I mutter.

She slowly nods and fully opens her door so I can enter. "Did I do something?" I ask, as she turns on the small light on her night stand.

"What?" She questions, turning around and furrowing her brows.

"Im not asking for you to take me back or anything..I just wanted to know what changed- why you don't love me anymore." I would give up anything for her. I want to be on my knees, begging for her forgiveness, but that would just be foolish.

"It's not you." She says quietly, sitting down on her bed. "But I thought you loved me-" I say, trying my hardest to hold back tears.

"Y/n, I do. That's not the problem." She sighs, placing a hand on her head. Tears start silently rolling down my cheek as I sit down next to her.

"Did I hurt you? Do you think I'm ugly?" I sobbed. She looked at me sadly. "It is isn't it? You don't like how I look-" I cried.

"Y/n- stop being stupid-" she said pulling me in for a hug. I just cried into her. I haven't hugged her in forever, and it just hurts more.

I grab onto her shirt tightly. "I love everything about you. I love it when you smile, and when you laugh. I love every scar on your skin. I love your body of course, I can't get enough of it. Y/n you're perfect."

I just cried harder at her words. I finally glare up at her and meet her eyes. "Why can't I have you then?" I ask, my voice still broken.

"Because I can't. I'm the problem. I don't know how to love you." Her voice is nearly a whisper.

"Yes. Yes, you do." I say holding onto her hand. She just sighs and shakes her head. "I don't want to hurt you. What if I hurt you y/n, you can do better than me."

"No. I don't want better than you because there isn't any better than you. You could never hurt me. The only way you hurt me is by pushing me away." I replied.

She just sighs and looks down at her hand. "You're what I want Nat." I re assure, placing a hand on her cheek. "Do you understand? I don't want anything else. Just you."

"Are you sure? I just- what if you stop loving me- and then you see who I really am. A bad person." She frowns, shaking her head.

"You are not a bad person. You're mad if you think I'd ever stop loving you."

"Ok? Natasha I love you, no matter what." She leans her head on my shoulder and smiles. "I love you too." She replies, holding onto my hand.

.·:·.☾ ⧗ ☽.·:·.


EW I HATE THIS SM BYE. u guys I need suggestions for one shots that aren't smut lmao, like I have so many smutty ideas but no fluffy or just like normal ones so pls I'm lit begging u for ideas rn. Ooooh also go and follow my tiktok it's @ ilovenatashaaa I only post friends only but I'll follow anyone back Uhh if u wanna see what I look like then u can go check it out I guess 🙄🙄👍👍👍👍🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆 bye bye xo


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