《Natasha Romanoff one-shots // Natasha x reader ;)》sit on my face


╔═━────━*.·:·.☾ ⧗ ☽.·:·.*━────━═╗

"I was sitting there, why do you always take my seat it's so annoying!" I sigh, walking back into the room.

"Move-" i whine, crossing my arms at her angrily.

"No." She smirks, raising a brow at me. Im seriously done with her taking my seats all the time. Every fucking time I go for one second, and she thinks it's funny to just take my seat all the time

"You know what. Fine. This is what happens from now on if you take my seat."

I sit down right on her lap, and cross my arms again. She chuckles at me and wraps her arm around my waist. Maybe i'm falling in love all over again right now...who knows.

"I should take your seat more often then." She whispers into my ear.

"Be quiet. I will sit on your face if you carry on." She went quiet for a second, before her hand trailed down to my thigh.

"I'll carry on till you do just that." I can feel her smirk just by the tone of her voice. She gives my thigh a squeeze, and honestly I'm trying my hardest not to simply fall for her trap right now.

I quietly just sit and watch the tv as she continues to tease me.

"You're so cute when you're trying to be stubborn." She whispers again.

"Natasha." I warn. I will not hesitate to seriously sit on her face if she carries on annoying me like this.

"Yes love? Are you angry? So angry that you wanna sit on my face?" She chuckles.

I shake my head and ignore her again. A couple of seconds go by, before her hands are trailing up my thighs and closer to my heat.


"I bet you're so wet right n-"

"Ok that's it." I cut her off and straddle her, so that I'm now facing her. All she did was smirk at me proudly.

I then pushed her down on the couch and gripped onto her shoulders tightly.

"You're sitting on my stomach right now. Not my face-" she sighed, rolling her eyes jokingly.

"I am trying to watch my show in peace. Get gone or stay quiet." She just laughs at me and shakes her head.

"That's it. I'm going to tickle you." I say lifting her shirt up. She tried grabbing onto my arms, but was far too late.

"No!" She shouts, crying with laughter.

"Yes!" I reply, tickling up to her neck. She just continued to cry-laugh as she squirmed under me.

"No-please-" she breathed, trying to hold onto my hands again. I hold her hands and stare at her as she catches her breath.

"Are you going to stop teasing me?" I question, raising a brow.

All she did was shake her head and bite her lip. I sigh again and start tickling her. I love her laughs. It's the cutest thing ever. I don't care if she's horny right now, all I want is cute softie Nat, and tickling her usually works.

"HElp-" she cries out tears rolling down her eyes as she laughed hysterically. I finally stop and lie down on her chest.

"Now stop being a fruit cake and be quiet-" I frown, hugging her tight. She wipes away her tears and sighs.

"I'm not a fruit cake-" she pouts defensively.

"Fine. Fruit bowl-" I shrug, holding onto her hand. She furrows her brows as if she's offended by it.

"No! You're a fruit basket-"

"Ok, we'll you're a softie." I smirk. Placing a kiss on her hand. She smiled at her hand but then immediately shook her head at what I had said.


"In you're dreams." She scoffs, rolling her eyes. I smile at her, knowing she was going to lose this debate.

"Cute lil softie bean Natasha-"

"No! Fuck off-" she argued sternly, even though she had a smile plastered on her lips.

"Stop looking at me like that-" she groaned. I smile wider at her and move my hand closer to her neck.

"I swear to god..." she sighs trying to get away from what was about to happen.

"No. Please don't-"

"You're too adorable-" i giggle, slowly tickling her neck again.

"nO-" she shouts, laughing her head off. I continue to tickle her, till she grabbed onto my arms and hugged me so I couldn't move.

"I'm claustrophobic-" I whine, looking up at her pleadingly. She just rolled her shoulders and sighed.

"Couldn't care less."

We stayed like that in a comfortable silence for a while, till she broke it.

"My neck hurts." She frowns, rubbing circles on my arm.

"Couldn't care less." I replied mirroring her words. She gave me playful slap and continues to frown at me sadly.

"It's because you were tickling me. It hurts."

"What do you want me to do? Call Jesus?" I joke, tucking some stray hairs away from her face.

"A kiss please-" she continued to frown at me like a child. I smirked at her and shook my head. I kissed her lips gently, and then her chest.

"Is that all I get?" She says sadly. "My neck is killing me..."

I sigh and kiss all over her stomach and then up to her neck.

"Stop. You're tickling me-"

I continued to kiss her all over her face, and one final big kiss on her lips again.

"Still hurts..." she says quietly.

"Maybe if you sit on my face, it'll be better..." she added with a shrug. This bitch never quits.

"If you say that one more time i will sit on your face, and I will break your stupid neck-" I say with annoyance.

"I'm ok with that..." she whispered. I raise my brows at her and chuckle. "No love, I will suffocate you with my thighs. Not in a good way." I carry on.

"Fine by me princess."

The thing is, I would totally love to get fucked or whatever right now, but I'm tired, and all I want is hugs.

"I love you-" I whisper, locking our hands again and kissing hers. She rolls her eyes at the fact that I changed the conversation again, but continues to place her hand on my head and softly play with my hair.

"I love you too."

She finally stopped nagging me about sitting on her face after that, because she fell asleep only five minutes later. It's typical for her to get bored of a movie and just start snoring in my face. I love it though. I love it so much.

*.·:·.☾ ⧗ ☽.·:·.*


kinda robbed u all w this one cause it was supposed to be smut :p. I might write something similar though but with smut involved, just kinda felt like posting something cute I guesssss. Oo btw this is my 30th chapter how exciting and also thenks for 80k reads wowowo. 🍆


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