《Natasha Romanoff one-shots // Natasha x reader ;)》Lover


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"Y/n...Y/n! Y/N! Y/N WAKE UP!" She whisper-shouted as she aggressively poked my face. "What the fuck-" I groaned loudly and shuffled around in bed a little.

"You need to go-"she hurried and started tugging on my arm. "Okay- okay give me a second-" I groaned trying to process everything.

Natasha and I don't want anyone to know about us. I mean, we want to tell everyone, but not right now. We just feel like it would be a distraction if we were to tell anyone.

"Y/N GET THE FUCK OUT I SWEAR TO GOD! Wanda is supposed to be here soon SO HURRY UP!" She tried whispering, but it came out as aggressively shouting.

"Natasha calm yourself!-" I groaned as I put on my clothes I left on her floor last night. She shuffled around nervously, making sure there was no 'evidence'.

"Nat!" I shouted trying to get her to calm down. "Tasha! Calm down, it's fine! See I'll leave and no one will even know that I've been here!" I whispered as I got my phone and other things.

She let out a dramatic sigh as she quickly kissed my cheek. "See you later-" she whispered and opened her door, checking to see if anyone was around. She gave me a quick little nod.

"Bye lover-" I joked as I blew her a quick little kiss. She giggled at me and quickly closed her door.

Natashas POV

"Hey-" I heard Wandas voice literally five seconds after Y/N left. I hope they didn't see each other. Oh crap.

"Oh hey." I said fixing up my bed. "I just saw the weirdest thing..." she started, which caused me to instantly tense up. Oh shit, she knows. She fucking knows.

"What?" I hesitantly asked. It's fine, if she knows then it's fine. She won't tell anyone, it's Wanda. Calm down Natasha.

"I passed Y/n just then, and it looked like she was coming from Buckys room..." a sense of relief rushed through my body. "Y/N and Bucky? I mean, I guess there was a lot of...noise last night..?" I lied trying to sound convincing.

"Oh my god! They totally did it!" Wanda said flopping on my bed. When lying to Wanda, you have to make it believable, otherwise she will simply read your mind.


"I'm not surprised, it isn't the first time I've heard them going at it." I lied, shrugging my shoulders. "Well whoever she was with, she seemed pretty happy. Must've done a good job." She giggled.

I couldn't help but mentally tap myself on the back for that. "I'm gonna hop in the shower, then we'll leave-" I said grabbing a towel.



Hi love,

So apparently Wanda caught you, but she thought you were with Bucky so it's fine.

Also, how is your day? X

Oh crap yeah forgot to text u abt it. Well that's good, I guess. My day has actually been okay tbh.

Yeah, I gtg but we'll be back soon. Can I meet you after?

Ofc, everyone's busy today, how about the lounge?

K, see u then Xo


I was sitting in the lounge waiting for Nat, She should be back soon. It's really hard keeping such a big secret from everyone, but it's been months and no one has suspected anything yet.

"Hey," she said as she sat down next to me. "Hi!" I said excitedly. I want to kiss her, but anyone could walk in at any moment.

She told me all about what had happened this morning after I left with Wanda. "Did I mention she said "must've done a good job'?" She said for like the 3rd time.

"Yep, you mentioned that. And yep, you did do a good job-" I chuckled. "But still, how the hell are we supposed pretend that I slept with Bucky? And get Wanda to be quiet about it?" I asked nervously.

"You're gonna have to sleep with Bucky..." she said whilst rolling her shoulders. "No. No, absolutely not." I shook my head.

"I know, I'm kidding. But if worse comes to worse-" "No. if worse comes to worse then we'll have to kidnap Wanda and tie her to a chair and make sure she won't tell ANYONE." I stated dramatically.

"Wow. Sounds like a plan." She joked.

"It sucks though. Like I want to kiss you right now and stuff, but like, you know..." I rambled on in annoyance. "Yeah. There's no one around now though...?" She said suggestively.

"Hmm... you're right..." I thought for a moment. I looked around, you know just in case, before sitting on her lap and kissing her passionately.


To be honest, it wasn't the most convenient position to be in. I was literally on top of her and she was grabbing onto my ass and all that...

She slipped her tongue in as she messed with my hair a little. Let's just say the kiss was getting quite hot.

Still leaning with one hand against the couch, I used the other to massage her boob. She was moaning quite loudly into the kiss.

I got off of her and back on her lap to unbutton her shirt. She took off my t-shirt and started kissing my chest and leaving love marks.

I did the same, but on her neck. In the moment, we weren't really thinking about where we were doing it. Until we heard footsteps

"Okay- what did I just walk into..?!" Well shit. She practically pushed me off of her. I looked up to see Wanda staring at us wide eyed.

"Sup Wands-" I said innocently as if she didn't see what just happened. "This isn't what it looks like. Y/n and I were uh, we were fighting. Yeah and she started ripping up my shirt as you can see."

To be honest, that was a decent lie, if only she didn't see all the aggressive kissing and all that. The room went quiet as the both of us stared at her nervously as she continued to look at us as if she had seen a ghost.

"QUICK! I'll grab the chair, you grab the rope!" I whisper shouted as I hopped off the couch. Natasha grabbed my arm to stop me and pushed me back in the couch. "I wasn't kidding about the chair thing!" I whisper shouted again and pointed towards a chair.

"It wasn't Bucky was it? IT WAS YOU!" Wanda said feeling proud of herself for figuring it out. The both of us just let out defeated sighs.

"Don't you dare tell anyone or I swear to god I will break your legs off!" Nat threatened. "Hey! Relax Romanoff, I'm not gonna tell anyone!" She chuckled.

She sat down next us and kept a sly smirk on her face. "I knew something was up-" the both of us groaned at her as I got up and picked up our clothes.

As we were getting dressed Wanda carried on nagging us. "Are you guys fucking crazy though? Were you really planning on doing it here in the middle of the lounge where anyone could see you?"

"No obviously it wasn't planned-" I answered blankly. "Why don't you guys tell the others then?" She asked again.

Nat and I both looked at each other and sighed. "Come on- I'll help il-" she started before Nat cut across her. "Don't. You. Dare."

Wanda gave her a slight smirk in return which just caused Nat to furrow her brows in anger. "Wanda." She warned but Wanda kept a smug expression plastered on her face.

Suddenly Wanda got up and practically ran out of the room. Nat and I glared at each other knowing damn well what Wanda was going to do.

The both of us followed Wanda to wherever she had ran off to, which just happened to be the meeting room where literally everyone was.

Nat and I looked at each other nervously as we stepped in. Wanda turned around and gave us a devilish smirk.

"For gods sake-" Nat rolled her eyes. Welp, she was angry at Wanda. "Is it true?" Everyone asked at once.

"Yep. It's true." Bucky admitted. "I hear them. Every. Single. Night. Please, keep it down-" he added with annoyance.

The both of us glared at a bother again. "Oh my god I knew it!" Tony spat out. "No you didn't you idiot." Nat groaned, obviously still mad at Wanda.

"It's official then? Natasha and y/n, it was so obvious." Carol joined in. "Okay well thank you Wanda for telling everyone, okay bye-" I said pulling Natasha with me out of my room.

"Hey I wasn't done, I was gonna chase Wanda down and make her regret that-" she whined. "Trust me, she regrets it. I wanna pick up where we left off-" I smirked.

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FELIZ NAVIDAD bitchesbsnshss. Man I'm atheist stg don't care about some special ass dudes bday but we move. I've had this in my drafts for a while now and I actually enjoyed writing it. Anyway merry Christmas bye.


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