《Natasha Romanoff one-shots // Natasha x reader ;)》suit


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I looked in the mirror and smiled at myself. I have to say, Nats suit looks good on me. I know she told me I wasn't supposed to wear it, even touch it, but can you blame me?

I walk out of our room and make my way to wherever she was. I caught her sitting in the lounge reading a book. It was suprisingly quiet there, so I decided to suprise her.

"Hi Baby-" i said standing behind her and wrapping my arms around her. As soon as she saw my arms she knew exactly what I had on and quickly turned around.

"What do you think you're doing?" She asked looking me up and down. I smirk at her, knowing she was cheking me out.

"Take that off." She demanded. Her eyes still glued onto me. "Im sorry, did I step on your moment?" I asked making my way to the front of the couch and sitting next to her.

She gave me an unnimpressed look. "Dont impesonate me like that." She said putting her book down on the table. "Or what?"

If looks could kill. "Jesus whats up your ass?" I asked trying to get her to soften up a little. She really didnt want me dressing as her huh?

She suddenly pushed me down on the couch and got on top of me. "I said. Take it off-" it came out almost seductivly. She straddled me and played with the zipper of the suit.

She unzipped the suit and let out a ghasp. She slapped my face harshly and grabbed onto my chin.

"Tell me why the fuck you dont have any underwear on underneath MY damn suit." She asked aggressivly. Well, fuck me then.

I chuckled a little. "You're supposed to wear underwear with this thing?" I asked innocently. Somehow, she pushed me deeper into the couch, looking down at me furiously.

"Y/n I have to wear this suit for my missions!" She explained with annoyance. I just laugh at her. "Is this funny to you?" She questioned, tilting her head.

I continue to laugh at her. I knew she was angryyy cause her thighs straddled my waist even tighter.

"You're gonna regret smiling like that-" Although she scared me, I couldnt help but laugh. "Thats it. Get up. " she demanded, crawling off my body. I sat up and looked at her questionably, still trying not to laugh.


She pulled me up by my arm harshly which caused me to gulp. "Nat! What are you-" i asked as she unzipped the suit and slipped it off my body quickly. the bloody bitch just stripped me. In the middle of the lounge.

She held the suit in her arms and smiled at me smugly, though I could tell she was still pissed. She grabbed a hold of my arm tightly so I was just stood there, naked. "NAT! SOMEONE COULD WALK IN HERE ANY SECOND NOW!" I shout, trying to cover myself up with my arm.

She chuckled at me. "Guess you better do something about it then huh?" She teased, raising a brow at me.

I growled at her and tried to get her to let go of my arm, but it wouldnt budge. "NAT! IM SERIOUS!" I said struggling to get out of her grasp.

She lets out a dry chuckle as i struggle some more. She held onto me so tight i swear it would leave a damn mark.

"PleASe!" I shouted desperatly. Luckily no one had walked in yet. I look up at her and see her smiling proudly. "This isnt funny Natasha! IM NAKED AND SOMEONE COULD WALK IN HERE ANY SECOND NOWW!" I whined at her.

She suddenly fucking twisted my arm around the back of my neck and pulled me close to her. I groaned in pain. "Dont you dare think about pulling a stunt like that again." She demanded sternly.

I nodded at her, the position my arm was in was uncomfortable as hell. "Do you understand?" She said a little louder.

"Yes-" I whispered. "Sorry I didn't hear that." She said pulling on my arm even tighter. "yES!" I shout at the pain my arm was it.

She finally let go of my arm and sat back down as if that didn't just happen. I look down at my arm and see that it's all red.

I quickly make my way back to our room, making sure no one saw me on the way. When she said she didn't want me wearing her suit, I didn't think she was that serious.


I got back to the lounge, with clothes on now. A few of the others had now joined her, and were just doing what they usually do.

I sit by Wanda and stare at Nat like an annoyed child. She stared back at me and I shot daggers at her she rolled her eyes at me and looked away from me.


"What's up?" Peter asked. I didn't even notice him sitting next to me. "Oh, hey spidey-"

"WE ARE NOT WATCHING THAT MOVIE!" Bucky shouted at Steve. "WHY NOT?" Steve asked crossing his arms.

Before they could argue any longer Tony had jumped in and picked a movie for everyone. The ones he picked were always so boring.

"You aren't sitting next to Natasha?" Peter asked nodding his head towards her. He probably thought the movie was boring too.

I shake my head. "She's moody." I sigh, looking over at her. To be honest she looked pretty bored of the movie too, everyone did.

"Why what'd you do?" Peter asked trying to find the movie interesting. "What makes you think I did anything?" I ask looking over at him.

"Oh. Um n-nothing! Just you know...I just though that you know, you like pissed her off or something-" I sigh and look over at Nat again.

Even though she's just sitting there, doing nothing, shes much more interesting than the movie. I swear, I could just watch her for hours.

She suddenly looks back at me, which caused me to mentally shit my pants. I'm not scared of her, it's just sometimes she looks like she could kill you for absolutely no reason.

She furrowed her brows at me and I did the same back. She raised a brow at me and I stuck my tongue out at her. She hated it when I did that.

She didn't do anything for a second, but then she suddenly pulled her middle finger at me which caused me to gasp. Peter and Wanda looked over at me with slight concern but I pointed at the tv in defence. Even though I had no clue what was happening.

Natasha had a slight smile on her face and she was playing with her rings. I was bored again so I decided to go and sit next to her. As soon as I sat down her eyes looked up at me.

"I missed you-" I whispered. She shook her head at me and opened her legs a little so I could sit there. "I can't believe you pulled a finger at me." I whispered.

"Well I warned you about sticking your tongue out like that." She whispered back. I look back at her and stick my tongue out at her.

She hit my head playfully. "OW-" I shout dramatically. "Shut up." She whispered. I laughed at her a little and tried to get a little more comfortable. I leaned my head on her stomach, and she was now playing with my hair.

I huffed quite loudly which caused everyone to look at me. "This is boring." I whispered to her. "Go to bed then." She said tiredly.

I was acctually feeling pretty tired. I always got tired when she played wirh my hair like that. I hugged onto her thigh and was surprisingly nearly drifting off.

"NOOOO!" Tony and Steve shouted. It caused me to wake up and groan at them. "I CANT BELIEVE THEY DIED!" Steve shot out pointint at the tv.

I rub my eyes and look around to see that they had woken up Wanda, Bucky and even Nat. Guess im not the only one who thought the movie was shite.

"Dickheads-" i growl and sit upright. They both look back at me and they were nearly crying because of that stupid movie.

"You shut your mouth!" Tony said angrily. I scoffed at him. I look at Nat and see that she was knackered. "Nat, bubs, wanna go to bed?" I asked her quietly.

She let out a yawn and nodded. We got up and she held onto my hand tiredly. When we got to our room she flopped down on the bed and groaned.

She took off her clothes so she was just in her underwear and quickly got under the covers. I put one of her shirts I wear to sleep in and crawl in next to her.

She snuggles in close to me and lets out another yawn. "Night Night-" she said about to shut off. "Night." I said kissing her forehead.

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I wasn't gonna post this but I've had it saved for ages so like why not. Lmao I got sent home this morning for doing literally nothing like I skipped my maths class but it was literally a free period, anyways enjoy. 🍆👹


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