《Tunes Of Betrayal: Temptations Playlist》Epilogue Part 4: Unfailing Love
Today is the day... what day you may ask? Well today is Ms. Williams' wedding day but its also the day that... how about I just make you wait and see.
Meh. You'll live.
"Ash you ready to head out?" Spencer peeks her head in the bathroom and asks as I'm staring at myself in the mirror. I smile and nod, giving myself a final once over.
"Mhm." I say, turning around to face her. My breath hitches when I see her. "You look... wow... amazing." I finally get out. She smiles shyly, looking down at herself.
"Aw thanks baby." I move closer to her, lifting her head up with my index finger.
"No Spencer. You look fucking..." I trail off as her eyes connect with mine. Yeah I cant remember what I was gonna say. All I know right now is that I want to kiss her. So I do. The kiss quickly becoming heated as we make our way out of the bathroom and into the room. We kiss our way to the bed, never breaking contact.
"Ashley, we're gonna mess up our-" She's not able to finish her sentence as I reconnect or lips. I know what she's tryna say but right now, I really don't care. We can do our hair, make-up, and put our clothes on again. It only took us like two hours the first time. "Ashley we really can't-"
"I don't think I've ever wanted you more than I do right now." I whisper, cutting her off.
"But you have to be at the wedding in like an hour." She says in a pleading tone. "The band has to..." She trails off as I start to kiss on her neck. She wants me to stop because we really do have to go but I know she feels what I'm feeling too. That need to have her in ways I feel like I haven't in days.
When I'm pretty sure it was just yesterday. But that's neither here nor there. Right now I just want to be kissing my girlfriend.
"Are you two done getting... oh." Madison stops in her tracks as she sees me unzipping Spencer's dress. "Of course you two are trying to have a quickie." Madison sighs and shakes her head before leaving the room. Shutting the door behind her.
Spencer and I stare at each other for a moment before we burst into laughter. As we sigh out of our laughter we lean our foreheads against each others.
"We really do need to go."
"Yeah, I know." I groan placing another chaste kiss on her lips. I zip back up her dress the small amount I unzipped it, kissing her back, neck and lips again. "I love you. We'll finish this later." I assure her. She smiles and turns towards the door.
"I'm sure we will."
"Dad, how do you know when you love someone?" My eleven-year-old figure looks up and asks.
My dad looks down to me with a smile. "Is there any particular reason you're asking this Ashley?" He questions, raising a brow at me.
"No." I shake my head quickly. "I was just wondering. How'd you know you loved mom?"
He narrows his eyes at me before smiling and looking away. "You just do." He shrugs as we watch the waves crash against the shore; something we did nightly. Having a house on the beach in L.A is one of the best things about living in L.A. "It's a feeling you get, or a series of feelings really. Sometimes it's at first sight and sometimes it takes a while, but when you know, you know sweetheart."
I turn away from my dad, admiring the ocean. I've always loved the beach. The salty air and the sand. The laughter that carries through the air from the families playing in the water.
"I think... I think I many love someone dad." I say suddenly, I turn my head slightly to look up at him. He doesn't look mad. I think I expected him to be angry, I'm not sure why. It's just how I pictured it.
"Who is this little boy and do I need to clean my gun?" He jokes, chuckling as he pulls me closer.
How do I tell him this?
"Dad it's um... it's not a boy..." I trail off, afraid of what may come next. I look up at him again and his face surprises me. He doesn't look angry or disgusted. He's smiling. "You're not angry?" I question in a small voice.
"No." He shakes his head, smiling. "Why would I be upset with you sweetheart?"
"Because I'm different." I reply quickly.
He pulls me onto his lap, wrapping his arms around me. "That's one of the many reasons I love you so much." He kisses my forehead. I smile as he pulls back, wiping some tears I didn't even know had fallen. "Tell me about this girl you think you love."
"See Spencer we rushed." I tell my girlfriend with a sly smile as Madison makes a gag sound.
"This wedding just had to be at the beach didn't it." Madison shakes her head as we walk towards the beach.
"Yeah Madison, Ms. Williams totally did this on purpose in hopes you wouldn't come." Spencer quips.
"Watch it Carlin or suffer my wrath." Madison turns to Spencer and says seriously.
"I'm quivering in my Manolos." Spencer rebuttals playfully.
Umm... she better be.
"You trying to die today?" I question my girlfriend, peeking behind her to Madison.
"Wait bitch what? You have on Manolos, lemmy see." Madison reaches down to lift up Spencer's dress. "Ahh! How dare you!"
"They were a gift from Ashley." Spencer says matter-of-factly, causing Madison to give me a death glare.
"Um..." Yeah that's all I got. I'm genuinely scared for my life.
"Oh I got you bitch. I only took up for you, kept your best friend from finding out about you two before you were ready for her to, covered for you guys a few times and backed you guys' relationship for all those months last summer. No biggie." Madison says sarcastically.
"And you're measuring all that in the form of a pair of heels?" Aiden asks his girlfriend.
"Mind your shit before I bury you in this Devil awful sand."
"Devil awful?" Aiden questions.
"Well I'm sure as hell not gonna bring God into this, clearly this is the work of the Devil." Madison says rolling her eyes as we walk down the covered pathway towards where all the chairs are set up. To our right I see a small beach house and I figure that must be where Ms. Williams is getting ready.
"I wanna go say hello to Ms. Williams before we sit." I lean over and tell Spencer.
"K, I'll come with." She nods. "We're gonna go say hello to Ms. Williams, you guys can go sit." She tells our friends who nods. I'm sure Madison doesn't want to walk on the sand any more than she has to.
"You really do look amazing Spencer." I tell her for probably the hundredth time as we make our way to the dressing room.
"So I've heard." She smiles, intertwining our fingers. "Not as amazing as you though." She counters.
"I've got nothing on your beauty baby." I lean over and kiss her on her temple as we stop at the door and knock.
"Ashley, Spencer!" Ms. Williams shouts as she pulls us into the room and into a hug.
Someones excited.
I smile as she pulls back, releasing us.
"Ms. Williams you look.. amazing." Spencer breathes out, grabbing Ms. Williams' hand to spin her around. I nod in agreement.
"Aw thank you girls." She tells us, grabbing and squeezing our hands. "There's some people I want you two to meet." She smiles widely as a group of people walk in the door behind us. What were they doing, waiting for a cue or something? "Spencer and Ashley, this is my family. My daughters; Haley, Lauren, Mckenzie, and Jessica, my sons; Jackson, Ryder and Sam. And these are all my amazing grand-kids." She says as twenty-four sets of eyes stare up at us with smiles. "I'm far to old to be expected to remember all these names aren't I?" Ms. Williams asks her children who all laugh.
"Of course mama." The one introduced as Mckenzie tells her, patting her on the shoulder as she steps out from the group and over to us. "We just wanted to say thank you." She smiles, pulling Spencer and I into a hug.
Um... what's happening right now?
"For?" Spencer asks, when the woman pulls back.
"Taking care of our mother when we couldn't." Ryder speaks up.
"Well you have an amazing mother so no need to thank us." I assure them.
"We'd like to thank your mom for not calling the cops on us." Spencer adds and the group chuckles. I guess Ms. Williams told them about that little debacle.
"I'm glad that I didn't." Ms. Williams smiles and nods.
We all stand around for a moment smiling at each other and it's getting kinda awkward.
"Well, we're gonna go take our seats and let you finish getting ready." I tell Ms. Williams, pulling her into another hug. "You look beautiful." I whisper in her ear. She smiles as we pull back. Spencer hugs her after me. "It was so nice meeting all of you finally." I tell her children and grandchildren before Spencer and I leave and head out to take our seats.
"I'm so happy for her." Spencer whispers as we sit down, fairly close to the front.
"Yeah." I nod. "Me too, Ms. Williams deserves it."
"Yeah, they're so lucky."
"Yeah." I smile. "But right now I feel like the luckiest girl on the planet. I get to sit next to the most beautiful girl in the world." I add causing Spencer to blush. I lean over ad kiss her cheek.
"Well if it isn't K-stew and Rupert." Spencer, Madison, Aiden and I all turn around to see Lexy sitting behind us, holding the hand of some girl I've never seen before.
Wait what did she just call us?
"Hi Lexy." Spencer mumbles softly. I really hope Lexy doesn't make a scene. We've been on semi speaking terms since the whole signing party deal went down but she has never actually seen Spencer and I as a couple.
"Right, hi." She turns to Spencer and gives her a fake smile. She gives Madison the side eye. I don't think she really understands who she's messing with.
"How've you been?" Spencer asks.
"Just peachy." Lexy answers quickly. "How are my favorite behind my back couple?" She asks, looking back between the both of us.
She's trying to make a scene.
Madison stands up and I know things are about to get bad. "Um you need to-"
"Lexy come on, you said you wouldn't-" I cut Madison off, trying to calm things down.
"And I'm not." She shrugs, cutting me off. Clearly she is.
"Lexy if we could just talk then maybe-"
"No thanks." Lexy purses her lips and shakes her head as she sits back in her chair. I grab Spencer's hand and squeeze it. I know how much she wants to mend things with Lexy, but this is Ms. Williams time right now and I don't want anything to ruin it.
"You know what, no. I'm not gonna just sit here and take that." Madison says suddenly. She turns to Lexy. "Spencer knows she messed up, this whole situation was messed up. We get it. But it's been almost year now and no matter how mad you stay at her, it won't change the fact that they're in love. They love each other and if you were a true friend, like you claimed to be... you would understand that and you would forgive her. They made a mistake in the way they went about it and they get that. But what kinda friend wants to see the other one miserable?" Madison finishes as Aiden tries to pull her back around. She snatches her arm away. "We all go through heartbreak in our lives, the strong people are the ones that choose to move on from it. Clearly you're not one of those people." She finishes with an eye roll before turning back around in her seat. I watch as Lexy face falls. The random girl next to her squeezes her hand, much like I did Spencer's moments ago.
I turn back around in my seat as the rest of the guest settles into theirs. The music starts playing as the wedding party comes in.
"Settle down with me, cover me up, cuddle me in. Lie down with me and hold me in your arms. And your hearts against my chest, your lips pressed to my neck. I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet. And with a feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now." Ms. Williams' twelve grand-kids are so cute. The little girls walking down the aisle dropping flowers.
"Kiss me like you wanna be loved, you wanna be loved, you wanna be loved. This feels like falling in love, falling in love, we're falling in love. Settle down with me, and I'll be your safety, you'll be my lady." I never realized how big her family is.
"Settle down with me and I'll be your safety, you'll be my lady. I was made to keep your body warm, but I'm cold as the wind blows so hold me in your arms."
When the music changes to a tune Spencer recognizes she turns to me and smiles and I hear Lexy scoff behind us. She didn't know that Ms. Williams' would be using one of my songs to walk down the aisle to. I figured I'd be a nice surprise to hear it. We all stand as we wait for Ms. Williams to walk out of the beach house. Mr. Radin smiles widely in anticipation.
"You didn't tell me that she'd be walking to your song." Spencer leans over and whispers.
"Your song." I correct her.
"You know I'd fall apart without you. I don't how you do what you do. Cause everything that don't make sense about me. Make sense when I'm with you. Like everything that's green girl I need you. But its more than one and one makes two. Put aside the math and the logic... of it. You gotta know you're wanted too." It feels weird to hear my voice coming out of the speakers so loud. I remember sitting down and writing this song for Spencer. It took me all of an hour to write it. Spencer as my muse... endless possibilities. We all turn and smile as Ms. Williams finally emerges from the beach house. She's so tiny and just... beautiful. I've come to love this woman like family. I seriously couldn't be happier for her.
"Cause I wanna wrap you up, I wanna kiss your lips. I wanna make you feel wanted. I wanna call you mine. Wanna hold your hand forever. And never let you forget it. Yeah I, wanna make you feel wanted. "Anyone can tell you you're pretty. And you get that all the time. I know you do. But your beauty's deeper than the make up and I wanna show you what I see tonight. When I wrap you up, when I kiss your lips. I, wanna make you feel wanted. And I wanna call you mine, wanna hold your hand forever, and never let you forget. Cause baby I wanna make you feel wanted." As Ms. Williams slowly makes her way down the aisle, smiling at everyone that has come to this beach side wedding, all her friends and family. People that love her dearly, here on her big day.
"As good as you make me feel, I wanna make you feel better. I wanna make you feel better. Better than your fairy-tales, better than your best dreams. You're more than everything I need. You're all I ever wanted. And all I ever wanted. And I just wanna wrap you up, wanna kiss your lips I, I wanna make you feel wanted. And I wanna call you mine, wanna hold your hand forever and never let you forget it. I wanna make you feel wanted. Baby I wanna make you feel wanted. You'll always be wanted."
The song finishes just as Ms. Williams makes it to the altar.
"You may be seated."
"I never knew such a day could come, and I never knew such a love could be inside of one. I never knew what my life was for but now that you're here I know for sure."
"You look so beautiful." I whisper to Spencer as we dance at the reception. I know the band will have to go on stage and play in a little while so I want to spend as much time with her as I can before then.
"Ashley stop." She blushes, slapping at my arm.
"I never knew til I look in your eyes. I was incomplete til the day you walked into my life. And I never knew that my heart feel so precious and pure, one love, so real."
"I'll never tire of telling you that."
"Can I just see you every morning when I open my eyes? Can I just feel your heart beating beside me every night? Can we just feel this way together til the end of all time? Can I just spend my life with you?"
"I love you." She smiles at me and now it's my turn to blush and look away. "No." She turns my head back to face her, looking me in my eyes. "I really love you Ashley."
"Now baby the days and the weeks and the years will roll by. But nothing will change the love inside you and I. And baby I'll never find any words that could explain just how much my heart, my life, my soul you've changed."
"I know. And I love you Spencer, more than you'll ever know. More than any amount of words will ever be able to express."
"Can we run to these open arms when no one else understands? Can we tell god and the whole world I'm your woman, you're my man? Can you just feel how much I love you with one touch of my hand? Can I just spend my life with you?"
"I kn-"
"No touch has ever felt so wonderful, you are incredible. And no deeper love I've never known. I'll never let you go. I swear this love is true. Now and forever to you, only for you, to you."
"Can I cut in?" We turn to see Lexy standing there. Does she literally want to cut one of us or something cause I know she's not trying to dance with either of us. But she stands there waiting for an answer. Oh I guess she does want to dance.
"Can I just see you every morning when I open my eyes? Can I just feel your heart beating beside me every night? Can we just feel this way together til the end of all time? Can I just spend my life with you?"
"Yeah sure." I let go of Spencer and start to walk away.
"Can we run to these open arms when no one else understands?"
"Actually, I wanted to dance with you Ashley." She stops me.
"Can we tell god and the whole world I'm your woman, you're my man?"
"Oh." I turn, just as Spencer head drops. I guess she was hoping Lexy was finally going to talk to her. "Sure." I nod.
"Can you just feel how much I love you with one touch of my hand?"
"I do want to talk to you though Spence, just give me a sec okay?" She says softly to her ex-best friend. Spencer nods and heads off toward where Madison and Aiden are dancing.
"Can I just spend my life with you?"
"What's up?" I ask as we start to dance.
"Can I just spend my life with you?"
"You know for a while I hated you." She starts, looking up at me. Way to start a sentence. "Like really hated you."
"Forever here with you."
"Gee thanks."
"Can I just spend my life with you?"
She chuckles a bit before starting again. "What I'm trying to say is that, yes for a while I hated you, but it wasn't because you fell in love with my best friend behind my back or even that you cheated on me. If anything I hated you for being happy. I'm not a complete idiot, I kinda felt what was happening between you and Spencer. I could see it in your eyes... and hers..." She pauses, turning to look at Spencer who's slow dancing with her brother Clay and laughing with her family and friends. "You found your epic love." She starts again. "I thought I'd found mine in you but I know now that wasn't the case. You and Spencer were made for each other. I'm not over how it all went down, that's gonna take some time, but I am happy for the two of you. Everyone deserves to find their soul mate. It sucks that yours just so happened to be my best friend." She laughs. I haven't seen her this... Lexy... since everything went down.
"Can I just see you every morning when I open my eyes...oooooohhhhh."
"Yeah I'm sorry—"
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