《Tunes Of Betrayal: Temptations Playlist》The Right Kind Of Wrong
"Good morning sunshine." I wake up to see Lexy standing over me."
"Holy shit!" I jump up from the bed. I swear I covered the entire length of the bed in one leap.
Yes... I was just that scared.
I hear a raspy giggle along with Lexy's and I turn to see Ashley standing by the door. She gives me a small smile and I try my hardest not to run over and kiss her.
To tell her how much I missed not sleeping in her arms last night.
Two days of it and now I'm spoiled.
Shit focus! Stop staring at Ashley like you want to mound her right here and now with her girlfriend standing next to you.
"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you, Spence." Lexy says, continuing to chuckle. I force my eyes from Ashley's and turn to look at my best friend.
I think I should just start calling her Lexy now. It's pretty safe to say that I'm the worlds worst best friend at this point.
"Well," I say grabbing my chest. "You did a terrible job at that."
She chuckles again before walking over and pulling me into a hug. "Aw, I missed you." She tells me. Oh well rub it in why don't ya, guilt! She pushes me back and hits me on the arm a few times. "But if you ever ignore my calls and texts and calls again to hang out with the best friend stealer, I will kill you." She narrows her eyes at me and the look on her face right now has me genuinely terrified.
"Okay." I nod with wide eyes.
"Good." She changes into happy cheery Lexy again.
Um... creepy much?
"Not that I'm not glad to see you," I start, running a hand through my blonde curls. I hate it that Ashley's seeing me with bed head right now. Granted she has before but waking up next to her with it and her coming over to my house and seeing it are two different things... come on that's good logic. "...but why are you in my bedroom at," I turn to look at the clock on the nightstand. "...seven in the morning!" I practically shout.
Her and Ashley both chuckle at me. I don't find this funny at all. I hate waking up early when I have absolutely nothing to do and today... I have absolutely nothing to do.
"I'm just dropping Ashley off to pick up her car."
"Oh." I nod, walking over to my dresser and grabbing her keys.
"Spencer why are you screaming?" Madison stops in the doorway when she see's Ashley and Lexy.
"Madison that's Ashley." I point to her. "And this is Le-" Madison stops me, raising a hand.
"No thanks." She rolls her eyes and walks away.
She did not just do that.
I look back and forth between Ashley and Lexy. Ashley is trying not to laugh but Lexy just bursts into laughter, shaking her head.
"Nice girl." She chuckles out.
"She's not usually like this." I try.
"Right." Lexy scoffs. "Cause just yesterday she didn't answer your phone for you and hang up on me. I just imagined that." She rolls her eyes and smiles.
"I'm sorry about that, Lex. She just get's protective sometimes."
Lexy waves me off. "It's cool Spence. I get it. It's hard to be the second best friend." She adds with a smile. "Well I have to get to work." She walks over and kisses Ashley. "You guys hanging out today or..." She trails off, glancing back between us.
"Sure." I shrug.
"Yeah." Ashley nods and smiles at her girlfriend, giving her another quick kiss.
"Okay." Lexy smiles. "Well watch out for that one in there." She whispers, thumbing towards the direction Madison walked away in. "She's a jealous one." She adds, glancing back at me. "Have fun and oh! Tell her the good news Ash." She walks over and gives me a hug before leaving.
"What good news?" I question Ashley with a raised brow. She smiles that smile that's reserved only for me and of course I swoon. She's so different around Lexy. It's crazy to me really.
"Go freshen up." She commands, moving closer to me.
"I have to freshen up before you can give me the good news?" I ask with a smirk.
She shakes her head, walking closer. "No." She stops right in front of me. "I really wanna kiss you right now, and I know how you are." She smiles and takes her bottom lip between her teeth. I smile and run over to my window, watching as Lexy pulls out the drive way before I run into my bathroom. I hear Ashley giggle.
After showering and brushing my teeth, I head back in my room in just a robe.
"Back." I announce as I open the bathroom door.
"You showered." She states, standing up from my bed.
"I did." I smile, pulling my robe tighter.
"I wanted you to brush your teeth Spence, not shower." She smiles.
"Well I was too tired to shower when we got in last night. I smelled like the Pacific Ocean." I explain.
"I'm sure you didn't." She giggles and shakes her head at me.
"Are you complaining?" I raise a brow.
"Not at all." She says as she pulls me closer to her by the string on my robe. When we crash into each other she wastes not time connecting our lips. The moan that escapes her throat let's me know that she missed me just as much as I missed her. She brushes her tongue against my bottom lip, asking for entry, which I quickly grant. Her hand slips down between us, reaching the string of my robe, she pulls back looking me in my eyes; asking for my permission. I scan her face as I weigh the pros and cons of what she's asking me right now.
Fuck it.
I nod and she undoes my robe, I turn to the door and realize she closed it when I was in the shower.
Her breath hitches when she looks down at my naked body. I bite my lip nervously. She scans my body before her eyes drift back up to mine.
"You're fucking beautiful." She whispers, looking straight in my eyes. My tongue snakes out to lick my lips before my hands shoot to the back of her head and I pull her in for another kiss.
"Spencer your mom said..." Madison's sentence dies in her throat when she see's Ashley and I. I quickly tie back up my robe and Ashley turns, covering her face. It almost looks like she's trying not to laugh. "While the cat's away..." Madison smirks. I roll my eyes at my friend.
"Did you need something?" I playfully snap as Ashley is unable to hold in her laugh any longer.
"She's hot." Madison throws out. Seriously?
"Well she is." Madison shrugs. And Ashley is full out laughing right now. I slap her on the arm, not really finding this funny. "Anyways, your mom said to tell you breakfast is ready."
"Thank you." I tell her, but with my eyes I'm saying something completely different. "And I'd appreciate if you knocked next time."
"And miss out on the opportunity to get a full out Spencer frontal..." She narrows her eyes and shakes her head, pursing her lips. "Not a chance." She says before closing my door. Ashley is still laughing.
"It's so not funny, Ash." I hit her again.
"But it is though." She chuckles out.
"You suck." I tell her, pointing a stern finger before turning to head into my closet.
"Whoa, where you going?" Ashley asks, pulling me back.
"To get dressed." I tell her.
"What, why?!" A pout appears at her lips and I kiss it away.
"The moment is totally over." I say quickly and scurry off into my closet.
"Now you suck!"
"Well good morning." Madison says with a huge grin as Ashley and I walk into the kitchen. Her, Aiden, Glen, my mom, dad and Clay are all sitting at the table.
I narrow my eyes at her before telling everyone good morning.
"Good morning Ashley." My mother smiles at Ashley before turning to me with questioning eyes. I guess she's trying to figure out why Ashley and I are coming out of my room at eight in the morning.
"Lexy just dropped her off to pick up her car." I answer the unasked question, but I know it's on everyone's mind.
"Oh, I thought I heard Lexy this morning." My mother smiles. I look at Glen and see he's smirking at Ashley. He's such a creeper.
"Morning dad. Morning Clay." I bend down and kiss my dad on the forehead as I pass him. I slap Glen in the back of the head and walk over to the counter. Clay smiles and waves at me as he eats his pancakes.
"Ow!" Glen shrieks, rubbing the back of his head. Madison and Aiden chuckle.
"How have things been, Ashley?" My mother asks as Ashley takes a seat at the table. I fix the pair of us a plate and take a seat next to her.
"Table side service." Madison half mumbles. I glare at her. She looks down and smiles. It's only fair I fix Ashley's food though, she's given me breakfast in bed for the past couple of days.
"Thank you." She smiles to me and I can't help but smile back. Her smile is so contagious. I pull my eyes from hers and look around the table to see everyone staring at us with a smile.
Uh...change the mood right now.
"Clay where have you been bro?" I ask my brother, getting everyone to turn from me and Ashley.
"You know how school gets little sis. Crazy." He shakes his head and smiles. The room grows quiet and everyone turns their attention back to me and Ashley.
Ugh! I need another subject...
"So, what was your good news Ash?" I ask, directing everyone's attention to her.
She licks her lips and smiles. "Well, I guess now is as good a time as any, especially with the people who made it all possible are sitting at this table." She smiles at my mother then turns to me. "Yesterday, when I was called in suddenly. It was Mr. Levi over at Domino Records. He played our demo for the board and well," She pauses, finally paying the rest of the people at the table some attention. Boo them, look at me. "They loved it. He said that they wanna sign us." She finishes and I can see how happy she is. I know this is something she's wanted for so long, I'm just glad that it's happening for her.
"Oh wow, Ashley that's amazing." My mom get's up and hugs her as the rest of the table tells her a congratulations.
"That's amazing." I whisper, once Paula lets her go. She smiles at me and my heart melts. Her smile is saying so much right now. She's thanking me, telling me she wants to kiss me and saying how happy she is, all in one.
"Spencer here also has some amazing news." She turns from me and says to the table.
"Ashley no." I shake my head, not wanting to take away from her moment.
"Yes, do tell." Madison speaks up.
"What is it, Spence?" My mom and dad ask in unison. Glen looks utterly bored.
"It's nothing big. Ashley's dad knows a curator that's gonna get some of my work put in the Yossi Milo Gallery." I say and shrug it off. "It's not a record deal or anything."
"Are you kidding me?!" Madison shrieks. "You're always talking about that gallery, we go there like every other freaking week. You were practically peeing your pants when-"
"I think we get it Madison." I cut her off. Ashley chuckles beside me.
"We're so proud of you, Spence." My mom commends me, my dad and Clay both nodding and smiling in agreement.
"Seriously, let's not make a big deal about it." I shake my head as Ashley bumps shoulders with me.
"It is a big deal though." She smiles.
"Oh wow, Spence. I'm so proud of you." Clay smiles at me.
"Yes, Spencer and Ashley here are both awesome, can we move on?" Glen asks, rolling his eyes. See why Clay is my favorite brother? I mean he's hardly ever around because of school but he's awesome either way.
"Someone upset that they didn't get any of mom and dad's creative genes." I coo to my older brother, tickling underneath his chin. He slaps my hand away and stands up from the table.
"Sit down son." My dad tells him firmly.
"But dad I-" Glen tries.
Glen smacks his lips and sits back down. I can't help but giggle.
"So what are we doing today Spence?" Madison asks, eating a fork full of pancakes.
"Yeah, what are we doing?" My mom asks, I turn to look at her.
"Nope, we're not doing this again mom." I tell her, shaking my head. She laughs and goes back to eating her food.
"You think they'd want to go to my place?" Ashley leans over and asks.
"I wanna know, I wanna know." Madison says. I roll my eyes at her and turn back to Ashley.
"What if Lexy asks you where we are, you ready to tell her?" I whisper.
"It's impolite to whisper in front of a group Spencer." Madison pipes up. Seriously though? I look up and see the entire table staring at Ashley and I.
"Ashley wanted to know if you guys wanted to go back to her place." I say flatly. I'm over Madison's nosy, sexy-time interrupting, rude ass.
"Boring." She throws out.
Watch this.
"It's at the Ritz."
"Oooooh!" She jumps up, clapping her hands together. Aiden shakes his head and pulls her back down to her chair.
"Wait, you live at the Ritz as in Ritz Carlton?" My mom questions, confused.
"Um, I guess you could say that." Ashley nods.
"That place is mad expensive, how do you afford that?" Glen nosy ass asks.
Why is everyone being so nosy today?
"My parent's bought out the penthouse as a graduation gift." Ashley says unimpressed with her parent's gesture.
"They did what!?" Madison asks, almost choking on her food. Aiden pats her on the back.
"Who are you right now?" Glen asks seriously. Ashley chuckles.
"She's Ashley, you ass." I reply.
"Watch it, Spence." My dad scolds me.
"It's no big deal." Ashley assures them.
"Clearly it is." Madison says.
"Ashley are you loaded and not telling us?" Glen asks.
"Glen that's not your business bro." Clay tells him.
"Why should she tell you anything?" I ask and he just shrugs.
"I'm not loaded, my parents are. My dad is Raife Davies." She tells them. Everyone looks confused except my parents.
"The lead singer of Purple Venom?!" My dad shrieks.
Way to keep your cool dad. Ashley chuckles and nods.
"You learn something new everyday." My mother smiles, standing up from the table, clearing plates.
"I love your father's music." My dad tells Ashley. I roll my eyes and stand up from the table, knowing he can go on for hours with this subject. I grab me and Ashley's plates and head over to the sink. The doorbell rings as I'm dropping the plates in the sink.
"Got it." I tell my mom and head to the door.
"Hey." Stacy smiles brightly at me when I open the door.
Holy crap!
"Hey." I smile weakly. "How'd you-"
"Lexy gave me your address. I hope it's okay." She says. I nod.
"I'm just surprised that's all."
"A good surprise I hope." She says with a raised brow.
"Very." I tell her, pulling her into a hug.
"Good." She pulls back and kisses my lips quickly. "I'm sorry I was totally M.I.A yesterday."
"It's okay." I assure her. "My friends from New York, you know the one's I was telling you about, they're here so we spent the whole day out anyways."
"Cool." She smiles. We stand in the doorway staring at each other for a moment. "Are you gonna let me in?" She asks with a smirk.
"Oh yeah." I hit myself on the head and move aside so she can come in. We walk to the kitchen where everyone is engrossed in their conversations. "Mom, dad, Clay, Madison, Aiden... this is Stacy...my uh girlfriend." I introduce her to everyone. Well almost everyone.
The look on Ashley's face right now.
If looks could kill...
"And the plot thickens." Madison says. Aiden slaps her on the arm softly. She just shrugs.
"Hi everyone." Stacy greets them cheerfully. My mom comes from washing dishes to hug her.
"Nice to finally meet you, Stacy. I've heard so much about you." My mom smiles, pulling back.
"Good things I hope." Stacy smiles at me.
"Of course." My mother replies. I glance at Ashley, telling her how sorry I am with my eyes. I know it's hard for her to be around me and Stacy, the same way it's hard for me to watch her with Lexy.
"Hello I'm Arthur." My dad shakes her hand.
"That's my brother Clay." I point to him, he gives her a wave and smile.
"And that's Maddy and Aiden, my best friends from New York." I point to them.
"And I'm Glen, her older and more good looking brother." Glen stands up and says.
"Sit down, Glen." My mother tells him quickly.
"Okay." He mumbles and sits back down. I hold in a laugh.
"Would you like some breakfast Stacy?" My mother asks.
"Sure." Stacy nods and smiles. She kisses me quickly before following my mom over to the counter. I look at Ashley and the pain in her face doesn't go unnoticed by Madison, as she stares at her.
This is gonna be a long day.
Chapter Title- LeAnne Rimes The Right Kind Of Wrong
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