《The way I used to live✔》chapter 21✔


Yesterday when Sudha came to visit me, I told her my intention of getting both Arjun and Daksha married.

She told me that she already talked with Daksha's mother but her mother didn't agree to that proposal. But, I know they will agree once I take the situation into my own hands.

That's why I asked for Daksha's mother's phone number to contact her. I told Sudha to informed Mrs.Indraja about my proposal and she could expect that I would call her at any time.

I couldn't call them without any rhyme or reason, right? That's why I asked Sudha to inform them about the situation beforehand.

But how could I call her when my buddhu son was still behind me in the name of looking after me as if I was a 3-year old child. He wasn't even letting me do a single thing on my own.

I really prefer that previous Arjun to this changed one. The previous Arjun would only mind his work but this new avatar is making me crazy.

I really wanted my son to change and I agree, I was enjoying his care and love. But couldn't he change his behavior two or three days later?

So that I could get some time to talk with his in-laws. I am trying very hard to settle his personal life but here he is, throwing water on all my plans.

"Ajju, go home and take some rest. Send Malathi here and she will look after me, okay? You are looking so tired." Though I was saying all this to send him away, it was completely true.

Yesterday night, he stayed in the hospital with me and I know he didn't get good sleep.

Hence, I wanted him to go home so that he could get some rest and I could also get a chance to talk to Mrs.Indraja.

"No, Maa. I am not tired. I can stay with you. I will ask Malathi Aunty to come here in the evening and I will go home. Tomorrow, you are getting discharged. I will come early to handle the papers."

Sadly, as he had said, I have to get discharged tomorrow itself.

So, today was the perfect chance to talk with Mrs.Indraja. I couldn’t miss this chance.

"Ajju, I am really getting bored. So, go and send Malathi here. She will give me company as we both are of the same age. I won't get bored that easily. Please..." I tried to convince him by giving him one of the best pleading looks which I earlier used on his father as a weapon for convincing him.

I was sure he would fall for it. Hearing my reason and seeing the pleading gaze, he nodded his head at me. See..he agreed to it instantly. Told you, he fell for it already.


"Same blood and same genes. Even his father couldn't help but get convinced upon seeing my pleading look. How can he not fall for it? Everyone will fall for it except for my father. Hmph!" I thought in my mind and saw that he was going out to call Malathi.

After a while, he came back and sat beside me, checking something on his phone.

After what felt like an eternity, finally, Malathi made her entry and Arjun went home after ordering me to take care of myself and giving some instructions to her. At last, he left the hospital.

"Malathi, go and guard the door. Don't let anyone enter the room. If anyone comes to visit me, tell them that I am taking a rest and let them in later. Okay? You don't disturb me as well. I am going to do a very important task," I told her and she nodded like an obedient child. After that, she went out. Closing the door behind her.

"God, please let everything go well. Hey Sarath, help me. What I am about to do is going to change your son's life." I simply prayed in my heart before taking my phone and dialing Mrs.Indraja's number

She picked it after three to four rings.

"Namasthe, Indraja gaaru(Mrs). I am Sarada. I think Sudha already told you about me."

"I am doing perfectly fine now. Thanks for asking. I guess that you already know why I called you, right?" I asked her, coming straight to the point.

she replied but I could sense the sadness from her voice.

I could understand her pain better than anyone as I was also facing the same situation in my son's case.

"I understand, Mrs.Indraja. I even know what Daksha has faced in the past. That's the reason why I think both Daksha and my Arjun are suitable for each other. They can help each other with everything as they both faced terrible situations in the past."

"Only a person who experienced pain will understand the pain of others. Please don't reject this proposal. Even if we have to marry them forcefully, I am willing to do it because we won't regret this decision in the future." I paused for a while and continued.

"I am sure of it and they will thank us in the future for doing this. I can't find anyone better than Daksha for my son. I really saw them behaving like their old selves. Even though I don't know anything about Daksha's past self personally, I heard about her past behavior from Aarna. That's what we want, right?"

"We want the old selves of our children. We both are the same, Mrs.Indraja. We both want our children to be happy. I have known Daksha for more than two years. She has become another daughter to me. Please agree to this. You won't regret it. I will treat her as my daughter. Please think about it once."


I shared my opinion with her but all I got was silence in response but I know my words made some sense to her and she was thinking about the situation.

"Sure. Thanks for considering this proposal. You will see it with your own eyes whether what I had said is true or not. You won't regret this decision. I will wait for your answer. Bye," that I ended the call.

The call went very smoother than I had imagined it to be. Her response gave me some hope. All I had to do was wait for her call.

Soon, evening came. True to her words, she gave me a call and I picked it up, waiting for her answer.

"Haha...you really gave me the best news. Don't worry about my son. He will agree to it as he already promised me that he would get married to a girl of my choice. I hope you will convince Daksha soon," I replied and I was really happy that both Daksha and Arjun would become one by this marriage.

Though it wouldn't be a relationship out of love, I was sure that they would learn to fall for each other. How many loveless marriages did we see turning into blissful ones!

After that, she ended the call.

After a while, Arjun also returned from home. I intended to reveal this news once he would settle himself in the room.

I couldn't scare that poor soul and I didn't want him to run back all the way to the house after hearing the most shocking news of his life.

After he settled himself on the chair, I gestured to Malathi to lock the door, to be on the safe side.

"Ajju, do you remember your promise which you made to me the day before yesterday?" I asked, trying to test the waters.

"Of course, Maa. How can I forget it when you made me agree to your request with all your emotional drama?" He asked with a sigh.

"Stupid child! Doesn't know what's good for him. Seeing him like that, I am sure they both will be definitely a handful after their marriage. I have to rack my brains to think of the ideas to make them close to each other. My near future is going to be so tiresome," I sighed mentally.

"Good that you remembered it. You are getting married and I already chose a good girl for you," I told him.

"What...what did you say? I agreed to your request because I thought you would take some time to find a girl and I was safe at least for the time being. I never thought you made a trap for me. You already found a girl and made me promise to you, right?" he asked me, annoyed.

"I did it. What can you do now? Are you intending to back down from your promise?" I challenged him.

"How can I do it when you perfectly planned everything? I agreed to your request, so I have to face the consequences," he replied with a huff.

"Finally, you are behaving like a good boy," I told him but this little victory made me so happy. I couldn't wait for them to tie the knot.

By the time my shift ended, I was so exhausted. All I wanted to do then was return to my flat and lay on my comfy bed to get some sleep.

But a call from my Mom spoiled all my plans. The only thing she told me over the call was, "No excuses. Come to our house immediately."

So, there I am, on my way to my house. I knew that she would never ask me to go home unless it was very important.

I didn't know what she wanted to talk to me about. I just hope everything is fine but little do I know, my one visit will change my entire future.

I reached there in no time. Upon entering the house, I saw my Mom and Dad seated on the couch in the hall, clearly waiting for my arrival.

After I settled myself beside my Dad, I looked at them silently, asking for the reason behind their call. They kept exchanging glances with one another.

Finally, my Mom cleared her throat and said the words which gave the shock of my life.

"I called you here to inform you that we found a good alliance for you. So, you are getting married in a week," she informed me so casually as if she was talking about that day’s weather.



I am getting married.



Did I hear it correctly..??



That too in a week?



Heck, I am getting married and why do I come to know about it today?

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