《The Devil's Love》Tempt the Devil: Chapter 10: Sarah


We were taking a casual stroll through the streets, slowly making our way from Anton's apartment to the restaurant for dinner service. It was only early afternoon but the pace that we were taking would take a while to get there. When we came across a chocolate shop, Anton dragged me into the store.


"Why not? Don't you like chocolate?"

"Yeah but the restaurant, we'll never get there if we stop at every shop along the way."

He smiled and put a box of chocolates into my hands, continuing along the various stands.

"Those that are working in that shop will work efficiently and without any issues. They would not dare disappoint their master."

I stopped and looked at him.

"Igor," I said quietly.

Anton looked around the quiet shop and moved closer.

"Yes, Sarah. Your star chef is one as well."

"How? What did he want?"

"Died in one of the crusades. He was valiant in battle and died saving another. Sacrifice Sarah, it earns so much."

He dumped another box of chocolate into my hands and continued along the aisle.

"So he made a deal with you?"

"No, he died and was brought before me because of what he did before he died. The world was less populated back then so the way that we did things was a little different. His gesture was mighty so he was offered something that was on par with it. Renewed life, away from the battle and in a new breed of being."

"Immortality sounds pretty cool."


The emotion in his face dropped away as he stared ahead of him. He seemed to be a little dazed, blinking and turning to me he offered a smile. One that was a little dark and spine-tingling.

"But not all would see it that way, Sarah. Forever is a long time, remember that before you swoon over the concept."

"How is it that you're not crazy from living for so long?"

"Who said I'm not?"

Anton chuckled and put another box on the ever growing pile.


"The mind has this wonderful ability to make things appear as if it is a normal life. I remember each and every day of the past yet it seems like nothing more than a few years. Tomorrow holds so many possibilities, so much to see and do so, therefore, there is no weariness for the path ahead. This mind is made for the long term, the human mind is made for the short term."

We were back on the street again before I said anything more. I didn't want to talk about immortality in front of the woman as she rung up the overpriced chocolate.

"So if a human becomes... you know." I darted my eyes around the busy street as I lowered my voice.

"The brain re-wires itself to cope with the new life."

"Oh," I said quietly.

We walked in silence mostly, walking past designer shops with couture clothes. The big dream was to be so successful I could go into a shop like these ones and not worry about the cost of the item. I could never be so frivolous with money. Buckle down and save for tomorrow. But one dress would be nice.

I'd have to scour the second-hand shops to find something for the wedding. Maybe there might be an outlet shop nearby, one that I could get public transportation to.

The leaves were starting to discolor, the land was slowly getting closer to the colder months. I always had mixed emotions about winter. Loved the snow but hated the cold. Or maybe it was the inevitable flu that I would suffer. Slip on ice but then there was ice skating. Rugged up and warm in a warm apartment then have to venture out to keep the restaurant going.

When we reached the shop I was suitably shocked. The place was full.


"Advertising Sarah. The helpers went out and distributed pamphlets that told these wonderful people that there was a little restaurant that sold coffee and cake for a reasonable price. Even gave them a chance at club membership if they came today."

"Membership?" I frowned at Anton, unable to understand the word as it came out.


"Yes, loyalty to those who return. One little card that reminds them of this great place that will give them a free meal after ten visits. It is simple, you can easily cover the cost of the free meal within the ten visits."

I watched as people casually strolled out of the store, smiling and happy. It wasn't as if they hadn't ever done it before but it was still a little weird for me.

"So you aren't doing any mind tricks on them?"

"No Sarah, just simple marketing tricks. Pamphlet distribution, ensuring return customers, good service, and great food. It is only a little more than what you were doing already. You just didn't have the means to get your name out there. You lacked good staff and after all, no one wants to smell the busboy."

Anton gestured to the window where there were several members of staff moving through the tables with haste.

"Pleasant, fast and efficient. That is what it takes, not someone who was helping the busboy steal the alcohol."

My arms folded before I realized what I was doing, it was a defensive movement. I knew it easily, hiding from the view that I was unable to find good staff. Though I had found Igor, he was my diamond in the rough. The brute of a man that towered over me with his bulky frame was a blessing.

"Now Sarah, go and be the boss, enjoy the warmth of customer satisfaction and employee competence. I have some things that I need to attend to and will return for dinner. Be ready by six please."


"Yes, dinner. We need to know each other Sarah, I will not attend a wedding with a stranger. Set a routine and do not vary from it. Open the restaurant for the mid-morning meals, trust your staff and join me for lunch. We will return for the afternoon meals where you can check and reassure yourself that all is well. Part company for a few hours while I return to the underworld to ensure all is well and then meet for dinner."

"It's so structured and rigid Anton, is there no variance to this? I have to find a dress, I have to order stock."

His hands gripped my arms, looking down at me with a smile.

"Of course there is. Do not fret about a dress, there will be plenty of time to find something. As for such things as stock, well that is why you come back to the shop. You don't really need to reassure yourself that all is well, they are of the understanding that if they disappoint me that I will make them suffer."

"You can't threaten them, Anton, workers have rights."

Anton leaned in closer, a whisper distance from my ear.

"They are demons, Sarah, they do not have rights. What I give is, of my own choice, to be the good boss is my own decision."

He stood upright again with a haughty smile.

"They know how bad it can be and they are grateful for such a fine placement. Trust me, Sarah, you won't have issues with your staff."

With that simple statement, he lifted my hand and placed the most delicate of kisses upon the knuckles.

"Dinner Sarah, six pm. Dress for fine dining."

Warmth pushed through my skin, burning a heated path up my arm. The red in his eyes washed across the brown like a ruby line that altered when the sun hit it.

With a smile he let go of my hand and turned to walk away, leaving me stunned. The warmth in my hand and arm subsided, leaving a soft prickling at skin level.

"Is a good man. You are lucky."

I turned to see Igor standing at the end of the alley leaning on the brickwork.

"How so?"

"He offers you help yet you have not signed a contract."

He lifted his bulky frame from the bricked corner and scratched at the dark brown hair that was slowly growing back. Igor always shaved it down to a prickle that was barely off the skin, his reasoning was it was better to do that than to find a hair in the food he prepares.

"You are lucky." he said as he walked back down the alley.

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