《The Devil's Love》Tempt the Devil: Chapter 8: Sarah


I woke to find myself on a bed under the sheets. My clothes were still on and everything felt normal. Except for my mind. My head was groggy like it had been this morning. When I sat up a dog came bounding over, panting happily as he sat by the edge of the bed. I scratched at his fur, it was incredibly hot.

Blearily I looked around the room. It was cold and stark with white walls and furnishings. The view was to die for, it stretched across the city and for miles to the horizon. I got up and wandered to the window, looking downwards as much as I could. This had to be a penthouse, the building towered over the others. As I picked up my shoes I tiptoed through the apartment, searching for Anton.

When I reached the part of the corridor that had another corridor shoot off to the left, I didn't know which way to go. Venture forward beyond the partially closed door or to the left that led to the rest of the grand place?

Hearing a clink of glass, I followed the noise and pushed through the door. Light shone brightly through the enormous glass windows, Anton stood in front of them as he looked out upon the city.

"Beautiful, is it not?" he said without turning.

"Yeah, it's great. Why are we here?"

"Because you were asking too many questions with too many people listening."

Anton turned and gestured to the seats. "Please, sit and ask away."

I walked around the line of chairs, they were facing a wall unit in a u-shape. It might not have been the wisest of choices but I chose to sit on the long lounge rather than the single seats. Anton upended what looked like a finger of scotch and watched me as I sat down.

"Who or what are you?"

"I am the master of the afterlife." Anton paused as he placed the empty glass onto the cabinet. "Or otherwise more commonly known as the devil."

It felt like all of my blood drained from me. This guy was crazy and I was stuck in some fancy apartment, alone with him.


"It's okay to not believe me, Sarah. Words are nothing. Anyone could say they were the devil but without the proof, why would you bother to listen?"

He started to slowly walk in front of the cabinet, stopping directly in line with me.

"I much prefer to show you."

With a click of his fingers, I was up to my chest in gold coins, Anton sitting cross-legged on the pile. I gasped, unable to move my body. My arms were still on my lap which was being crushed by a thick layer of coins. How was this even possible? It isn't, it's a trick of the mind.

"Feel free to fill your pockets, I won't mind. Except, these aren't American coins. How about some local currency?"

The crushing pain of the coins against my body was gone, replaced with notes of varying denominations falling from the ceiling. Anton sat on the table in front of me with a dark grin.

"What do you think?"

"I think you've drugged me with a hallucinogen."

"Well that's a new one." he said dryly.

The money was gone before I could even stuff my pockets. Not that I really wanted his fake money. Anton rose from the coffee table and sat on the lounge beside me.

"Do me a favor, in your mind think of an animal. Be thorough and detailed. You can even go to the extreme and make it incorrect if you like. All I ask is that you remember the details so that when I show it to you, you will know how serious I am. Can you do this Sarah?"

I nodded warily and thought about an animal. An elephant came to mind but it seemed a little unrealistic. Still, I carried on with the elephant thought. I gave him big floppy ears like Dumbo and I made him green in color.

"Close your eyes and when you open them he will be here."

My heart thumped hard as I closed my eyes, I opened them and stared at the green elephant. Before I could shriek at the enormous creature that engulfed the room, he flapped his large floppy ears and then sprayed water at me. I flinched as he soaked me, Anton laughed and snapped his fingers. The elephant was gone and I was dry again.


"Round two Sarah or do you believe me?"

"Are you going to harvest my soul?" I gulped as the words slowly emerged, my mouth was dry and in desperate need of something liquid.

"No. I told you the terms of our agreement. It is one between you and I and is for my benefit and not the underworld. It is not a contract deal and there is no punishment should you not want to attend the wedding."

I frowned, still unable to comprehend it all.

"You look like a normal man."

"Would you rather the red leathery skin, horns, tail and hooves?"

"No," I said as I shook my head swiftly.

Anton stood and held out his hand when he saw the reluctance he smiled at me. The devil was charming and good looking. He was sin.

I took it and stood up, he led me past the chair and into the living room. It was an impressive space with another set of lounges and a glossy black grand piano. He was fast on his feet, for every one stride he took I was taking several.

We reached the kitchen, more stark and cold colors. I wondered if he knew anything about the rest of the color wheel. Maybe he had a thing against rainbows.

"It's lunch time, what do you want?"

"Whatever you've got is fine. Do you eat food?"


Anton opened the fridge door and the thing was stuffed to the edges with different things.

"You may continue your questioning."

"How did you know?"

"You won't stop frowning at me."

I laughed lightly, lifting myself up onto the bench to watch him make sandwiches.

"How come you don't use your magic stuff to do everything?"

"It's draining."

"How come you can't get a date and have to stalk some random woman?"

His head lifted with a raised eyebrow.

"I was walking and thinking. Cerberus and I ended up here. The mad dog decided that you were ideal after the crosswalk incident and I followed you."

I looked down at the dog that was sitting at my feet. His tail wagging across the floor with a few pounds and flicks.

"You picked me based on what the dog wanted?"

"He does have a way with people."

"So you're really the devil?"

Anton nodded, more interested in putting a layer of mayo on the bread.

"And you need a date for a wedding, do you not have female friends?"

"I have demon women who would give anything to be in your position but they are not what I want."

I picked off a slice of cheese, earning a frown.

"You are not what I'd imagined for the devil. You are too nice."

"Whatever has been said is the work of an overactive imagination. Those that have seen my mean side do not live to tell about it."

The cheese nearly fell out of my mouth as I stared at him. He was so calm about it all, I was waiting for the inferno blazing around us and the beast to enlarge to tower over me in a fit of rage. But there was nothing but a calm man making two sandwiches.

"Who is the wedding for?"

"Two of my newest recruits. They are from a vam..." His eyes raised to me and studied me for a moment. Anton cleared his throat and continued to make the sandwiches. "Nicolas and Rowan. They are demons now before... well Rowan was human and Nick was a vampire."

Anton looked at me, a flicker of red washed through his dark brown eyes.

"Are you still there or have you had a brain snap?"

I blinked and continued to eat the cheese in my mouth, swallowing to answer.

"Yeah. So vampires are real?"

"Very much so, plus a few more that you might want to avoid. You won't need to fear the ones that will be attending the wedding. Not only because of me but because they aren't the type to just attack a human. They mostly drink from bags and are what would be deemed the upper society for vampires." He grinned with a slight mocking tone to his voice "So unbecoming of an elder vampire to chomp on a neck."

Hesitantly I laughed but fear was slowly creeping through me. What have I signed myself up for?

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