《From the Bottom of My Heart, I Love You (gxg) (AU)》Ch. 20: I'd Break Bones
JC waited outside of the room, he knew Ava was busy with the props for the Carnival Event on Friday. Everyone was so busy for the last day of the event on Friday, JC was stressed about thinking so many ways of making it up to his girlfriend who wouldn't answer her calls or texts.
A heavy footsteps can be heard approaching, JC looked at the direction on his right and saw Beatrice walking approaching. He suddenly senses that the girl is not in the right mood, he noticed Beatrice's bloody knuckles.
"What the hell happened?" JC asked without him realizing he was talking to Beatrice who was only annoyed more because he was simply there.
"You better control that little brother of yours." Beatrice replied with no hesitation, the madness in her voice was giving him a hint that something happened.
Beatrice entered her dorm room leaving the boy confused and questioning what had happened. Beatrice took a deep breath, closing her eyes before she could explode. She was losing her temper, she took off her jacket and headed to the bathroom to change and freshen up before heading to the hospital.
She heard her door swinging open and Beatrice went to check just to see Lea entered the room. Beatrice sighed and continued washing her face, she washed her knuckles and winced a bit after letting the running water hit her skin.
"You're suddenly violent. Did something happen?" Lea asked.
"Nothing happened, Lea." Beatrice replied.
"Bullshit, Beatrice. You get so violent when you lose your cool, don't you dare lie to me!" Lea raised her voice. Beatrice quickly opened the bathroom door making Lea step backward, the rage in Beatrice's eyes says it all that she is in fact lying.
"Your parents are here." Lea muttered.
"That's not the only problem too. A few days ago I ran into some kid and Danielle stood there in front of me." Beatrice replied, exiting the bathroom and rummaging through her closet to change her clothes.
"I get that you're angry but that is not enough excuse to hurt my brother, Beatrice." Lea said.
"A simple rule that was given to everyone, a rule that you and I have been following since day one here, it was all just simple rules and yet, you're spoiled brat brother broke that." Beatrice replied.
"I am not really much worried about him and I know he deserves that but you are keeping a title, Beatrice. I can handle him and I'm sure JC will beat him too and I have to fix that so it won't end with one of them being in the hospital. Your parents are here, Beatrice. You don't want another long lecture from them." Lea said.
"I would take a beating." Beatrice replied.
"I will talk to Travis, let Luna take care of his friends. You stay cool." Lea said.
"I'm going to the hospital, I need to visit Ava and make sure she's alright." Beatrice replied, taking off her shirt to wear her dark green sweater.
"We'll just make sure the officials will buy the story you have in mind when you get questioned." Lea said, she started walking out of the room and stopped. Lea hesitates whether to open up something about JC but everything is quite complicated at the moment and she didn't want Beatrice beating up another one of his brothers. She silently left the room while Beatrice fixed her hair.
Beatrice, on the other hand, looked at herself in the mirror before grabbing her favorite black leather jacket, grabbed her car keys and wallet before leaving her dorm room. She wanted to know how Ava is, she was still mad for what Travis had done, she needed to know what really happened.
She went to the garage, approaching her car and unlocked her doors when she heard Camila calling her name. "Beatrice!" Beatrice looked at the direction where Camila was, she saw Luna walking behind her as well.
"I heard what happened. I know what you did and thank you. Are you going to the hospital?" Camila spoke, the worry in her tone and in her eyes were enough for Beatrice to feel sad.
"Yes. I have to check on your sister." Beatrice replied.
"Can I come with you? I want to see how she is and the school contacted mom and dad and Lilith about it." Camila said.
"I'll stay here, I'll take care of everything else, Beatrice. Go check up on your moon." Luna replied, a genuine smile formed on her lips. Beatrice was confused but all she cared about was Ava and her safety. Camila and Beatrice left the school garage parking lot right away, heading to the hospital where Ava was admitted.
"You humiliated her over and over again, Felicity! How many times do I tell you, she was young and naive!" Sean said to his wife, disappointed on how his wife treated his daughter like that. They walked through the dorm hallway, after Beatrice walking out to her parents. Her mother was furious afterwards and demanded to have a talk with Beatrice. Sean, on the other hand, was trying to halt his wife but the woman was too stubborn and no matter what he did, his wife would push it through.
"I am not ready to face another shame to our family, Sean! If you forgive and her forget what Beatrice had done, well I do not! I am simply not going to put everything on risk again! You were once angered by her rascal behavior, what the hell happened now?!" Felicity replied.
"I was only mad at her for involving herself with gang fights that eventually would end up like his uncle. But Beatrice has been proving herself after what happened years ago." Sean said.
"Do not be fooled by what she shows you. She is still that ungrateful child!" Felicity raised her voice.
"You. Don't. Raise. Your. Damn. Voice at me." Sean replied back, grabbing his wife's wrist to face him.
"Dad? What are you two doing here?" Beatrice spoke all of sudden, her voice didn't sound so interesting but seeing her father act like that was something she hadn't seen so many years, breaking the ice between her parents. Camila told Beatrice that she will head downstairs first.
"We are here to discuss your attitude. You do not walk away while we are still around and you made us pay for the food you ordered but didn't bother touching." Felicity said to her daughter, the venom tone is still there stinging through Beatrice's vein.
"I have no time for any of this mother. My priorities right now are the safety of my people here. Starting with Ava. Now excuse me." Beatrice replied. Walking away from her parents once again.
"Not another step young lady!" Felicity said, making Beatrice halt. She turned around and faced her mother, her eyes were filled with rage but her expression remained calm and relaxed.
Her mother approached her and immediately raised her hand, slapping Beatrice. Beatrice held herself back, she was ready to lash out again but did not want to waste her opportunity of proving to her parents especially to her mother who changed so much ever since what happened years ago.
"Thank you for another disciplined day mother. But I suggest you should leave. I have more important things to attend to than to be here and argue. Bye dad. Be careful on your way out." Beatrice spoke, her voice cracking, the tears were starting to form in her eyes. She turned around and started walking away, she heard her parents started arguing again.
As soon as she got out of the dorm building she went straight to the garage where she saw Camila standing near her car, Beatrice stopped on her tracks and collected herself before she showed up to Camila.
She didn't want the other girl witnessing that and telling Ava, she didn't want to worry the twins who had done nothing but kindness to her. Beatrice took a deep breath and wiped the tears that tried to escape from her eyes, clearing her throat Beatrice approached the young girl who gave her a small smile while waiting for her to unlock the doors.
Beatrice waited for the car to cool before she started driving away, heading to the hospital. She was too worried about Ava, the madness she felt for Travis increased and was sure enough that she would explode right in front of him again if he dared to stand in front of her.
"Don't worry about her, she's going to be fine. She's strong. She was born strong you know." Camila spoke. Beatrice gazed softly at Camila.
"I know that she is strong, Mila. I just can't help but worry about her." Beatrice replied.
"She will be alright, okay? Now let's go drive to the hospital and check on her." Camila said.
They drove for 45 minutes just to reach the hospital where Ava was admitted, the university has the biggest connection to the hospital since the majority of the population of their university are masteral degree graduates of doctors, nurses, medicine experts. All sorts of saving lives in line.
Beatrice couldn't stop but worrying about Ava, the way her girl was unconscious and bleeding because of Travis, all she could see was anger and hatred towards Travis. It is also a funny thing for Beatrice that she is already hating on JC because he was dating the girl she's in love with and hurt her.
And now she is also hating on Travis who is nothing but a brat in her eyes, hitting him earlier was the best feeling and knowing it's wrong, Beatrice punching the boy reminded her of the old ways when she would always get in trouble and eventually leading it to physical fights.
High school is high school, gang fights from left to right. Beatrice was always involved with them, always going home with bruises and was thankful her parents were never home and she would always slipped away from problems that involved her until Quinton messed it up for her.
Beatrice was quite glad she was far from those but at some point, she would love to go back and just casually hit people who would hurt her too. Beatrice was so lost in her own world when her phone started ringing, Camila was also taken back from the sudden noise.
"Hansen." Beatrice answered.
"It's Luna. Lea and I are discussing with the other council officers on what to do with Travis. Travis did complain but was only shut down after Lea pulled some strings." Luna replied.
"Sounds like sibling betrayal." Camila spoke. Luna chuckled at Camila's remark.
"Well, afterall they're half siblings and Lea is still stuck in the process of accepting the fact that they're related to each other." Luna replied.
"Anything else Luna?" Beatrice asked.
"Travis will undergo community service as his first penalty, for disobeying a rule and harming a fellow schoolmate." Luna replied.
"Music to my ears then." Beatrice said.
"I'll call you for more updates but for now, the other departments are just asking for the process on the food for the carnival event." Luna replied.
"I'll handle it as soon as I get back. Thank you Luna." Beatrice said.
"No problem. Take care of my baby for me." Luna replied, Camila's eyes widened and ended the call right away. Beatrice looked at Camila with a weird look.
"I'm sorry. She's just a tease." Camila said.
"She is but she's sweet. You two stay strong with what you have." Beatrice replied. Camila smiled and Beatrice did not break her eyes from the road.
They reached the hospital where they both parked on the nearest parking lot where there were too many available slots, Beatrice and Camila headed inside right away. Approaching the reception, Beatrice told the receptionist about Ava Silva. A student from their university who was admitted earlier.
The receptionist told them the room, Beatrice was nervous and at the same time scared. Too many what ifs started running inside her head but she was sure that Ava is fine. The concern in her was making her feel weak, Ava was her kryptonite after all.
They reached the floor where Ava was admitted and stayed, she quickly got a glimpse of Dana and Sam who were sitting outside and talking, Camila approached them first and hugged them both as they started talking. Beatrice was walking slowly and her attention was on the right, where the window glass was. She could see patients inside, until she saw the love of her life laying down on the hospital bed.
Beatrice felt so sad and mad at the same time, it hurts her to see Ava laying there because of an asshole hurting her. She continued to walk until she finally stood in front of Camila and Ava's friends, her eyes break away from the unconscious girl laying on the bed to look at Dana, Sama and Camila.
"How is she?" Beatrice asked.
"The doctors said she's going to be fine, she just needed to be here for at least two days. Or if she is not comfortable to be here, she could go home but still need a doctor to check up on her." Sam replied.
"We have doctor Emma in the university, we could simply ask her a favor and let Ava rest in the clinic or in the dorm if she got discharged right away." Beatrice said.
"What punishment is Travis going to face?" Dana asked.
"I hate Travis but he didn't mean to. I saw how he got scared after seeing Ava bleeding out. He pushed her a little too hard." Sam replied.
"Whether he meant it or not. I still hate him for what he had done to Ava. What if she was severely injured? Like she hit her head pretty too hard. All Ava did was gently grab his arm to talk to him but the bastard is too proud of being a man so he did that. I will never forgive him." Dana said.
"Thank you for being nice to Ava." Camila said to Dana and Sam. They just nodded their heads and gave Camila a smile. Beatrice, on the other hand, was too focused on staring at Ava who was peacefully laying down on the bed with a big white gauge on her left forehead.
They stayed outside for a few minutes, the clock strikes 12 which means it's lunch time. Beatrice gave Camila money to buy lunch for all of them, including Ava because she knew Ava would wake up soon. They left the hospital to buy something to eat other than the ones in the cafeteria. Beatrice finally came inside the room where Ava is.
She took a seat beside the hospital bed, quietly taking her time to not make any sounds to prevent the younger girl from waking up from the noise. Beatrice sat there, staring at Ava, she was contemplating whether she would grab her hand or not.
Being this near to Ava again, made her so nervous. Beatrice set aside that thought and took Ava's hand, intertwined their fingers together. Beatrice sighed out loud, she was staring at Ava and just by seeing her in that state made Beatrice feel weak, she's so in love with this girl and she was ready to give it all up if it was the only way for her to have Ava.
Beatrice would only think of Ava as the girl she's in love with, the girl she is ready to die for. The only girl who would let her kneel down on her knees, Ava Silva. It's always been her.
"I'd run a thousand miles for you. I'd break a thousand rules for you… It's always you… Since we were 14." Beatrice whispers, brushing her thumb over Ava's hand. She suddenly felt a tear falling down her cheek, she observed Ava sleeping when she suddenly made a hum causing Beatrice to quickly wipe her tears and watch as Ava shuffled on her bed and slowly opened her eyes.
Ava blinked a few times, until her eyesight was no longer blurry like the first time she opened her eyes, Ava saw Beatrice staring down at her. Ava took a few seconds before she started to speak to Beatrice.
"Hey." Beatrice greeted her first.
"Hi." Ava softly greeted, a small smile curved on her lips.
"How are you feeling?" Beatrice asked.
"I feel like I was hit by a truck but it's bearable. What are you doing here? You were supposed to be present at the uni." Ava replied.
"My responsibilities can wait." Beatrice said.
"But still, Bea. I'm not your responsibility. I can take care of my own." Ava replied.
"My council officers can handle it, Luna took care of some businesses I had to halt. Just so you know, Travis was given a punishment." Beatrice said.
"Oh." is all she said after hearing that.
"Camila, Dana and Sam will be here any moment, bringing lunch for us." Beatrice replied.
"Oh okay. I'm glad you're here though. Thank you." Ava said.
"You may not be my responsibility but you are very… Fragile." Beatrice replied. Ava stared at Beatrice, wondered what she meant by that, Ava felt her cheeks burning as she found Beatrice staring at her. The embarrassment she felt at the moment was something she could not explain.
"You're important, that's what matters to me." Beatrice said again. Ava couldn't help but smile after hearing those words coming out from her best friend's mouth.
"Is that your way of saying I miss you and I love you too?" Ava asked. It was Beatrice's turn to blush and look away before she could crack a smile but instead smirked and shake her head a little before staring back at Ava.
"You really scared me there for a second, Ava. When I saw you bleeding.” Beatrice spoke. Ava’s eyes softened as soon as she heard those words from Beatrice, her best friend who was giving her cold shoulders every now and then. She would feel warm inside whenever Beatrice would give her attention, Ava couldn’t help but smile again and feel her cheeks heating up.
“I’m not going anywhere, you know.” Ava replied.
“I know, I know. I thought I was going to lose you.” Beatrice said.
“So you care about me after all. You just choose not to show it.” Ava replied, she was teasing the older girl who fell for it, Beatrice looked at Ava with a shocked expression.
“What do you mean? Don’t you dare think that I wasn’t caring and concerned because I was and still am. You have no idea how much I would miss you every time you spend your time far away from me, how it bothers me whenever you are no longer beside me. It’s like… A chamber torture, Ava.” Beatrice defensively said.
Ava was speechless, she was trying to think of anything to say but she was just left breathless, her eyes never left Beatrice’s eyes.
"I love you too and I missed you too." Ava spoked. Their eyes fought in dominance, trying to test who will look away first. Eventually, Beatrice did.
“P-please, stop staring for too long. At least say something.” Beatrice spoke, she was stuttering and so she mentally cursed at herself for showing the result of her best friends effect on her.
"I'm not doing anything, Bea." Ava replied.
"Yes you are." Beatrice protests. Ava giggled and Beatrice just rolled her eyes crossing her arms as she laid her back on the chair. Ava and Beatrice, once again just stared at each other's eyes as the quiet atmosphere erupted.
Beatrice could hear her own heart beating so loud that rings in both of her ears. She was just simply admiring the beautiful young woman in front of her, laying down with a big white bandage on her head. Ava removed her covers and lay on the side, the older girl was confused of what the younger girl was doing and she immediately stood up to help her despite the curiosity she had in mind.
"Lay beside me?" Ava asked, the younger girl innocently showed her pleading eyes for her request to be granted.
Beatrice was being hesitant, she was wondering what will happen if anyone walks in and they're both laying down in one bed. She didn't want to risk Ava for numerous lies and rumors that people will be talking about but as she witnessed the pleading of the younger girl all she could do was give in.
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