《From the Bottom of My Heart, I Love You (gxg) (AU)》Ch.4: You've Got to Be Kidding Me, Right?
Beatrice is up again, she glanced at the clock for the third time and it was 12 midnight. She is now done with all of the activities from her subjects, it is now just her and council duties. She could feel her head tired from all the information that goes in and out of her mind.
She sighed heavily and stood up to go grab a bottle of water from the fridge. As she opens the fridge and took a bottle of water, she heard Ava's voice talking. Beatrice glanced over to Ava who was asleep and seemed to be dreaming, talking in her sleep.
Beatrice checked on Ava if she would still talk in her sleep again but the younger girl didn't anymore and so she went back to her space. She found herself sitting down on her bed, unlike Ava's loft style of bed. Hers was the usual design type and she wanted it like this since she would be too tired to even walk up to that mini ladder to get up on the bed.
She sighed again after drinking water from the bottle and set it down on her bedside table. Beatrice rested her back on the soft mattress, her eyes automatically shut as soon as she laid down on the bed.
She was tired, she was stressed about almost everything. Beatrice remained in that position until she felt herself falling asleep, she was doing fine for a few minutes of her sleeping when she suddenly started having nightmares.
The nightmares that scares her throughout her childhood days, she wanted to wake up but she was too tired to even force herself to wake up. The same nightmare every night, the nightmare she couldn't describe or even put into words. She couldn't even explain it herself, Beatrice was falling deep in her nightmare and she was doing the best thing she can just to wake up, she didn't know what else to do until then…
"Beatrice? Beatrice wake up, you're having a nightmare…" The voice that seems like an angel ringing in her ears.
"Bea, wake up…" She said it again and just like that Beatrice's eyes opened, blinking a few times before she noticed Ava sitting beside her with a worried look in her eyes.
"Wh-what were you doing?" Beatrice asked. She was surprised by Ava, sitting there beside her.
"You were making noises, I thought you were with somebody. When I checked up on you, you were crying. Are you alright?" Ava replied, her voice was soft and gentle with her words. Ava gently placed her hand on Beatrice's forehead, Beatrice felt the electric traveling all over her body.
Ava's soft hand made her butterflies on her stomach go crazy, she quickly grab Ava's hand a little rough which surprised Ava and stared at Beatrice's eyes. The two were silent for a few seconds before Beatrice realized that she was holding Ava's hand and they were completely staring back at each other's eyes.
Beatrice cleared her throat and slowly let go of Ava's hand. "S-sorry. That I woke you from your sleep." Beatrice said, gulping too hard and felt the sweat running down her neck and forehead.
Ava was still staring at Beatrice, worried that Beatrice might not be able to go back to sleep after what happened.
"What are you waiting for? Leave." Beatrice spoke to Ava. It wasn't a request, it sounded like an order which Ava didn't hesitate to follow. Beatrice watched Ava walk away, leaving her there.
Beatrice let out a sigh and decided not to sleep anymore, this wasn't good for Beatrice and she knows that but the fact she's having nightmares, it also doesn't help her to give a positive energy for herself.
She suddenly remembered Ava again, Ava's face was a few inches away from hers when Ava was waking Beatrice up from her nightmare and when Ava intentionally placed her hand on Beatrice's forehead made her heartbeat was racing rapidly.
Beatrice couldn't help but scoff at herself, Ava is really making her feel weird and somehow it wasn't really good to be in this position. But how can she stop acting weird about when she knew how much she likes Ava?
Beatrice could not stop thinking about the mini interaction that just happened between them. She could feel her own heartbeat going rapidly fast, she stood up from her bed and sat on her chair.
She is now facing the monitor screen once again, Beatrice has no other choice but to do her work instead of going back to sleep. She cannot risk the fact that she will have another nightmare and Ava will find her again in that situation.
Beatrice decided to grab some snacks in the cabinet before she could do her work.
It was her free period, so she got the chance to train for the next competition in Japan. Beatrice's main goal is to be champion, the all time winner of the swimming team against the others. It's been three weeks since the last mini encounter she had with Ava as well. It didn't happen again, she was avoiding Ava as much as possible nor only made conversations unless she was asked by the younger girl.
Beyond that nothing else more had happened to the both of them, besides Beatrice was getting too tired lately even though the school had just started, she wasn't getting enough sleep these past few days and of course her nightmares that drowns her deep like pulling her under the ocean water.
Ocean water. Ava. She suddenly remembered Ava out of nowhere just because of the ocean water, she remembered how Ava got traumatized by deep water even the pool and so she never learned how to swim. She almost drown when the large wave came and since then, she never came to any parties of childhood friends with swimming pools or beach parties. Beatrice could still remember those days where Ava would cry out loud because she was scared of even riding a ship or boat crossing the ocean water.
She entered the pool area after changing inside the locker room, she placed her duffel bag on the bench near the pool and started to stretch out her arms and legs before she dives in. Three minutes of stretching, she prepared herself to face the water in the pool, she adjusted her swimming goggles, taking a deep breath, closing her eyes then she just dive in.
She started doing her first laps with the average speed that she always has, it only took her four minutes in reaching the end of the line and quickly turned to reach the other line again. Beatrice could feel herself relaxed throughout this practice, no pressure, just her and the water. Beatrice just kept going and going until she caught a glimpse of a flash, Beatrice came to halt and took off her goggles to see who it was.
She saw the only girl she has been avoiding for the past few weeks, she was standing there with a camera. Beatrice noticed how Ava was looking beautiful, although for Beatrice. Ava has always been very, very beautiful that it's really addicting, she will never get tired of this such beautiful creation that God himself had made.
Ava was wearing a simple outfit but it made her more outstanding to look at because of how she carries herself with this simple outfit. A denim shorts with the brown belt, a tuck in fitted sleeveless shirt with a loose polo sleeve which she used as her cardigan. Beatrice realized that she was staring too long and so she looked away and swallowed her drooling moment.
"What do you think you're doing? Were you taking pictures?" Beatrice asked.
"Yep. The last time I was taking pictures from my phone and it didn't have any good quality so now I came here and took photos of you with my camera." Ava replied with an innocent tone in her voice. Beatrice raised an eyebrow at the younger girl who just chuckled at her and took another photo.
"Please stop. I don't like people taking my pictures without my permission." Beatrice said to Ava, Beatrice pulled herself out of the pool. Walking towards her duffel bag with the white fabric towel placed on top of the bag, she could hear Ava's footsteps coming near her and her heartbeat goes crazy again.
This girl had a big effect on Beatrice and she doesn't know how to control them when Ava is around and it is tiring at some point of keeping her calm and cool ground. She pretended to look for something in her bag while waiting for Ava to speak up or something.
"You've been avoiding me, you weren't even talking to me. Since the first day of you and me being roommates, you don't look my way and talk to me like we used to. This is really not you, Bea." Ava spoke.
Beatrice could hear the sadness from the girl's voice, she knew it was hurting Ava of how she was acting but of course, Beatrice had her personal issues to why she is acting like this and one of those is her having feelings for Ava.
"Ava." Beatrice said, pausing herself first to think of the answer she would give to the girl.
Ava, on the other hand, felt really nervous. She could hear her heartbeat ringing so loud in her ears, she misses her best friend, she misses her moon.
"As I've said before, things have changed. A lot of things have happened right before you came here. I'm sorry if I do seem… Cold towards you." Beatrice said to Ava, staring right in her eyes with such plain expression to which Ava couldn't read.
"I just wish you could tell me, Bea…" Ava replied.
"I don't need to tell you anything, Ava." Beatrice said, releasing a sigh.
Beatrice could see the eyes of Ava, looking like a puppy sulking. It softens Beatrice whenever Ava was like this, pouting, sulking like a child. Nobody knows how crazy she is for Ava, especially now that they are both grown.
Beatrice recalls those days where she would just stalk Ava on her social media just to see how she was, Beatrice was right in every aspect that Ava is growing into a beautiful angel. Capturing everyone's hearts because of those eyes that you'd get lost into when you stare at them, that heart melting smile she would give you genuinely.
Ava is the perfect girl, she's perfect in every way and Beatrice knew that. She always knew how Ava is the most perfect girl in and out, no doubts, no what ifs. She's the wholesome woman, a young woman you shouldn't hurt, the girl who you should not break her heart.
'She's a glass, so fragile but beautiful
She's the sunshine in the morning skies,
The moonlight in the evening night.
A one of a kind, a perfect masterpiece' Beatrice thought to herself.
"I'll keep the photos for my major in photography class. Who knew, I might show them the real you." Ava said, turning her back to Beatrice and started walking away.
"None of them would listen to your story, Silva. None of these people knew me." Beatrice replied.
"But I do. I know you. I still know the old you." Ava said, halting herself from walking to turn around and face Beatrice.
Beatrice approached Ava, for each step she takes, she was mentally slapping herself because she was the one trying to avoid the girl but here she was approaching her.
Beatrice finally stood in front of Ava whose eyes were staring up at her, their height differences made it more sense to why Ava was looking up to Beatrice while Beatrice stared down at her, they were a few inches away from each other. Despite how nervous Beatrice is, she set it aside and showed dominance to this girl who she is in-love with, showing Ava that the Beatrice she once knew is different from the Beatrice she is facing now.
Right before she could utter a word, the bell started ringing indicating the students to go to their next class, Beatrice quickly snapped back herself to reality and walked back to her bag and grabbed them.
"You better not skip class, Silva. I received a complaint that you skipped class along with JC Lawrence. It hasn't been a month yet but you are starting to act naughty. Please wear your proper attire for school." Beatrice spoke loudly enough for Ava to hear and left the pool area leaving Ava behind.
"Tsk. Acting all superior, blah blah blah. Hmmp!" Ava whispered to the air and stick her tongue out towards the direction where Betarice was standing earlier.
Beatrice took a quick shower and put on her uniform afterwards, she placed the duffel bag inside the locker and grabbed her backpack and swung it on her shoulder. She left the locker room and headed towards the next hallway that leads to the Business Management building.
She was greeted by many students to which she just nodded her head to them with a blank stare as she kept walking. She kept walking through the hallway when suddenly she felt a weight on her shoulder and a loud voice echoing.
"Hey, B!" Lea greeted with a proud smile.
"Lower your voice down please." Beatrice replied.
"So, since you owe me an attendance to a party which you didn't go with our deal. There's a big party on Friday night after the first football game at Duke's house. You better come." Lea said.
Beatrice sighs as she shut her mouth, she didn't stop in walking while Lea is beside her, waiting for her response. Beatrice didn't gaze at Lea, Lea scoff at Beatrice.
"Deal is a deal, Hansen. You play fair and square, remember?" Lea asked.
"The last time I did, Lawrence. I was played and made me look like a fool. So no." Beatrice replied.
"Okay that was a different situation but I guess that's counted. But Quinton is not here anymore to ruin you again, she's far away from us. From you, I bet she found another victim for her to play with." Lea said.
Beatrice just can't wrap in her mind what Quinton and her had way back in her freshmen year. She was just so lost in the manipulative world that Quinton had done and so she was blinded with what she thought called love.
Before Beatrice had realized that she was really into her best friend, she did experiment during her highschool days where her parents did make her live somewhere independently which is nothing new to her anymore. Every time she remembers her name, all she could ever think of was the bad memories Quinton had left her.
"And Ava will be there too. Your roommate will be present too since JC never misses any parties." Lea said.
Ava will be there, Betarice cannot do anything about it and since then she was forcing herself to avoid her as much as possible. Being in love with your best friend is not really easy, especially knowing that you may or may not have any chances of having them. Or the worse, losing the friendship you two had built for so long.
Beatrice didn't answer Lea afterwards and just continued walking for the next class she had on her school schedule. She was taking arts, it was that one subject she had failed last semester after the incidents and she needed to retake the subject. She had to attend this class since last week, she had missed it four times in a row because of the council meetings and trainings.
She's glad that she is having it all under her control, she's back on her tracks and nothing else would break those walls she had built just to save herself. Then, another doubt in her mind lingers. Ava Silva. The only girl that drives her crazy at the moment because she's in love with her, she's sharing a room with her. They are in one world which bothers Beatrice so much.
She finally arrived at the front door of the room, fixing her necktie, clearing her throat and fixing her composure before she go in. Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the door and swing it open, the female teacher stood up and greeted Beatrice with a smile. She heard a few voices gasping out loud.
"Good morning Ms. Turner. I apologize for not attending the class the last time." Beatrice spoke.
"It's alright, Ms. Hansen. I'm glad that you are doing well now. Please have a seat cause we are about to start in discussing your first assignments and projects." Ms. Turner said to Beatrice with a sweet smile on her lips.
Beatrice nodded her head and started making her way to the back where she saw an available seat, as she was walking her way to that seat when she caught those familiar brown eyes that melts her every time. Ava Silva.
"You've got to be kidding me…" Beatrice spoke underneath her breath, sighing out loud while Ava smiles sweetly at her. She just gave the girl a small nod and continued walking towards the seat.
Beatrice sat there at the very back, seeing almost all the view from here. This was also a way for her to observe everything, any malicious activities nor stealing acts. Depends on what will happen inside the room. Beatrice just sat there with her usual cold self.
She mental cursed at herself, of all the rooms she will be placed to retake this subject. Why is it the class where Ava is? How can she now let go of what she was feeling towards the girl if she would not only see her inside the dorm but also a classmate in a subject she had failed last year.
She's dealing so much at the moment that she can't decide which is the first thing she will have to deal with. Ms. Turner excused herself for a bit to take something from the faculty leaving the room with the freshmen and some seniors who also failed the subject as well, the room suddenly became loud.
Voices and whispers can be heard from left to right, non stop topics of each student. Beatrice put on her earplugs to listen to music instead while she reads the first chapter of the subject. It was an interesting one, it talks about photography and its meaning behind it.
She suddenly remembered Ava's words back to the pool area when Ava took a photo of her in the pool, she takes the hint that Ava is into photography. Beatrice gazed at Ava who was laughing with two familiar students. Dana and Samuel. Dana is the freshman in the swimming team.
But her eyes just focused on Ava, she was studying the younger girl. The uniform on her fit perfectly and she was right when she gave the sizes, Ava didn't need to put make-up on her face as she was naturally born beautiful and breathtaking. The freckles on her face also made her more cuter too. She was lost in her stares to Ava that she didn't realize Camila was standing there, Ava's fraternal twin was standing beside her table.
"Take a picture, it lasts longer." Camila spoke which startled Beatrice and quickly recovered afterwards.
"Camila. It's nice to see you. How are you?" Beatrice asked. Camila looked at her and smiled at her as if she knew something.
"Hi Bea! Well things are quite different around here than high school but all in all I'm doing fine. Plus Luna is also making things comfortable in the dorm and showing me around as well to be familiar. What about you? Are you and Ava catching up?" Camila replied.
"Um. Well—" Beatrice was cut off when some random guy she never met came and put his arm around Camila's shoulder without her permission. Beatrice was suddenly not pleased with what is going on in here.
"Mila, why don't you introduce us to your cute friend? You were supposed to let us meet your friends." The young man said, giggling and chuckling with the rest of his friends.
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