《BTS Oneshot Book 2》Innocence? Who's that??
A/n ~ yeah I'm ending this book. It just don't get appreciation and I'd rather write horror stories and do most of the smut on ao3!
I'll put the link if you want to see my stories...the browser isn't that hard to work with! It's better and has more things to choose from :)
The constant clicking sounds, frustrated grunts, and a few rages were all around the young woman who walked through the open room. Her checkered vans guided her easily around to peoples desk, checking to see how things were running.
"Hey Denton let's not break another keyboard hun!" The woman said to the guy who was clenching his fists so tight, they were almost red. She kept walking throughout the floor, coming across a girl shouting through her mic. "You dumbass! Didn't I tell you to watch the rear... ugh!"
She lifted her brow at the girl until she noticed her "Remember the point of the game Yijun." She made an okay sign then got back to playing, her boss walking away to an office at the end of the hall.
She sighed closing the door, pulling at her overalls that clung to her curvy body. "Gosh I need a break already!" She groaned as her phone went off, a call from the puppy daycare.
"Hello? Yes this is Marlowe. Okay thanks so much!" I said with a grin, my puppy Olive was finished with his training. I fixed the top of my overalls in the window that showed off the impressive city. I could see a beach not too far away, it was summer so a beach trip was needed soon.
I grabbed my small bag and keys then left my office, I waved goodbye to the blind gamers who were testing unreleased ones. I'm a regional manager of Winterblossom Arts, one of the newest and best gaming companies in Busan!
We have our own gaming cafes on 8 floors but we tend to make it into a game. When new people come in, we send them to the first floor to play little beginner games. They think it's silly but keeps them going as we say there's a price, if they make it to the 8th floor.
Only if they beat the game of course! We let them play an unreleased game we made, 9/10 they couldn't beat the extremely hard levels.
I was checking my house cameras to see what was going on, from the front door I could see across the street. The neighbor's kid was walking out, fluffing his brown hair before walking away. I kinda thought how wrong it was of me to find him attractive but, the young boy was too cute to resist.
He had recently graduated high school, I only knew cause his parents invited me to his party. Yeah... the parents knew of me, they were the first ones to introduce me into the neighborhood. Time to time I would his mother in her garden or with technical issues.
The dad was nice but sorta looked at me sideways, not cause I'm black... but because he saw the way I looked at his 18 year old son. I mean I'm only 24... yeah it's a little different but not my fault they created a handsome son.
I stood at the bus stop, waiting for slow ass Grady to pull up. "They need to switch his ass out already!" I groaned to myself, tapping my foot impatiently as the bus finally showed up. Getting on, I ignored Grady the driver and sat in the back to keep away from people.
'All the stars - Kendrick Lamar' began playing through my headphones, the city had slowed down as I looked to see we were in traffic. "You got to be kidding me right now?" I saw the insane amount of cars slowly moving then stopping, being from city you got used to traffic.
But, I needed to get Olive I can't sit in traffic for an hour. I sent a text to the place saying I might arrive late because walking would've took longer.
The traffic started pushing forward, we had passed a wreck but it wasn't bad. "Hmm... first wreck in 8 weeks," that was new for me since I'd see car wrecks every damn day. I had moved to Busan around 21 mainly to get a new environment and travel more.
I had scored a job at a new company that was small at first, now we're bigger and better. 15 minutes passed and I reached my stop, I did a wave to Grady who smiled back. Such a friendly old man.
I saw one of the employees running around the front of the store, they looked like they were panicking. "Hey what's wrong?" She froze to see me and had a apologetic expression, "We lost Olive...". Taking a deep breath, I tried to come up with a response but each one sounded too rude in my head.
"How... did you lose... my puppy?" I asked slowly, the woman motioned toward the doors. "He smelled food from out here and jumped out my arms, I tried to get him but he runs so fast!" My eyes blinked slowly as the words embedded themselves in my ears. She couldn't chase a damn puppy?!
"Okay! What way did he go?" She pointed to the right and told me he went past the barbecue shop. I thanked but made a mental note to call the higher ups later, it's not that hard to keep a puppy in a cage. "Olive! Olive!" I called out to my puppy, he was white with large black eyes and floppy ears. I hope someone found him before night...
Jungkook was walking around the corner of a store with a great scent coming from it, he instantly ran inside. As he did, he heard the commotion of his 형 screaming in the kitchen.
He ran to the back to see Jin on the floor wrestling back and forward with something on the floor. It was under a counter so Jungkook couldn't exactly see what. He called out, Jin tried to motion him but felt back as the thing let go of the meat.
Jungkook flinched away as he heard the thing rustle under tables, it looked white and small to hold. Not a rat or anything but dog maybe? "Go get that thing out of here!" Jin yelled to Jk, the young boy immediately went through the dining room to find it.
He even checked outside but couldn't find it, the thing made him lose his appetite so he just went back to walking.
Jungkook kept hearing about this new gaming online, how they had this 8th floor gaming challenge. He was pretty good at gaming so he felt like he could reach the floor in no time. He kept whispering the name until he found the building.
A few passed us were cooking at his feet but he thought it was towards him, Jungkook was used to it by now. He still had a baby face for his age, large eyes, and slight lisp. He was 18 but always called cute, he wanted to be called handsome and not by some old lady this time.
Jk walked inside the cool building, it's design was on the modern but darker side. Beautiful paintings of flowers in the winter were on the walls, soda and snack machines close to the elevator.
He went to the counter where a young woman was sipping a smoothie, he cleared his throat. The woman was startled cause she didn't hear him, even though the sliding doors gave his presence away.
"Oh! Well our manager left early so you'd have to speak to her," Jungkook nodded, his ankles felt itchy as something rubbed against them. He ignored it at first, The lady nodded going to write the information down.
A bark made both of them pause, Jungkook had looked down to see a white puppy at his ankle. The lady gasped as she seen it, "Olive! You sneaky puppy, yo mama know you ran away?!" Jungkook lifted a brow to her.
He picked the puppy up who quickly licked at his cheek, Olive already liked him. He asked the lady, she chuckled at him "The managers pup! She left to get him but clearly he came to see her instead." She made a goofy at Olive who barked at her.
She handed Jungkook the card that had the managers info on it, he gasped when he saw the small photo of her. It was his neighbor? She worked here!
The lady looked up in shock, "Wait you know Marlowe?" Jungkook nodded as Olive tried to bite the card. She nodded with a sigh, wishing them a happy day and watched as Jung look left with Olive barking.
After taking the bus again, Jungkook walked down the block in his neighborhood. He checked to see his parents were gone, now he had to sit outside and wait. At 18, they didn't even give him a house key yet.
So, Jungkook walked into his 누나's yard that was kept up so nicely. He saw she was growing new flowers by her door, somehow her soil did better than his mothers. He heard the doorbell speak 'Camera recording' as he stood there, he could see the red light flicker then change to a white circle.
I finished sliding my shorts up as I heard my phone go off, I checked to see it was my front door camera. I looked to see Jungkook holding Olive as they stared into the camera. "Oh gosh! I'm on the way hold on!" I shouted before jogging down the stairs, opening the door Olive leaped out of his arms.
"Olive baby!! You had me scared... don't run off like that!" I lightly scolded the pup who kissed my ankle before running into the house. "Thanks Jungkook! Where did you find him?" He blinked a few times, I noticed he was wearing dark grey contacts... they fit him well.
I smacked my forehead, I tend to bring him there after daycare so he knew the way. "Damn it! I swear he's smarter than the average!"
Jungkook chuckled with me then whispering, I could see he was hesitant on something so I lifted a brow. "Oh wait! I'm so dumb, let me give you something for bringing him back!" He shook his hands stopping me from turning around.
I bowed a little with another thank you, he was still hesitant as he looked to his house than back to me. I looked over to see his parents car was gone, I stood aside with a smile... or small smirk.
"You can come in until they get back? That's if you want!" He nodded as he shyly walked in, taking his shoes off by the door. 'Boys like you - Tanerèlle' was playing from the living room, since I randomly stayed there to work on games.
"So did you enjoy knowing I worked at Winterblossom?" I teasingly asked, he scratched the back of his neck with a shy nod. I went to the kitchen to grab water bottles, handing him one since the heat was kicking.
"That's amazing! I had got a text saying someone wanted to do the competition... was it you?" He nodded, taking a few sips from the water. Something about his eyes getting larger as he drunk from it, so cute and small.
His height was around mine, he wore a black shirt with a green bird on it with black leggings type pants. They squeezed around his thighs and such, a remarkable thing to see if I say so myself. I nodded taking a sip to keep myself cool.
"Yeah just to give out the basic rules and guidelines talk haha" we chuckled together, I noticed the slight voice crack from it. He was barely hitting puberty in some aspects, he looked lean and body grew fine.
His voice was a bit low but you could tell it was gonna get deeper, I tried not to drip in my panties to the thought of it. I brought him over to the couch as my tv kept playing Spotify, he saw the song and hummed.
I remembered the singer was singing in English but she did make a few Korean songs, 'Over again - Rakiyah' was the song playing. I lifted a brow with a smirk on my face, "She's speaking to a guy... on how she wants him again and again." He choked a bit on his water but gulped it down.
He asked, I nodded "Yeah like wants him wants him." His cheeks turned red and I chuckled, I reached for the remote to turn it down but still audible. I looked him up and down, the boy had girlfriends before... a long term one as well.
"You never fucked one of those girls before?" He choked on the water again, I took the bottle from him before he crushed it. Jungkook nodded either way, I hummed, looking him up and down.
"Y'all were virgins... it starts off weird or bad then gets better as you experience new things," he stared at me like I said something so wise, he made a 'wow' noise quietly. I couldn't help but to laugh at that.
At his age, I was past the watching porn stage and inexperienced. "Well... one day you'll find someone! Just don't rush into it and always be safe!" He nodded with a playful mocking gesture.
my toes dug into the floor as he said that, he never got his dick wet by a mouth?
I sighed before even bringing the suggestion up, "You know... maybe I could be of assistance?" His face showed an impressionable look as he lightly clawed at his thighs. I chuckled, scooting closer but not too close.
"You can say no it won't affect me, just putting the offer out there." I shrugged because I was honest, I was getting too old to be hurt from receiving a no. Jungkook shifted around, adjusting his pants I could see the boner poking but kept my eyes somewhere else.
I felt his hand grab mine, slowly putting it over his bulge. I looked at him in silence, our eyes connected and he nodded... I was given consent.
(Which is sexy btw!) ~ A/n
I lightly palmed his dick as Jungkook sighed, his body was compliant as I fondled him. I tugged at his leggings to pull them down, he lifted his hips to help me and his cock was in my view.
"You're just cute everywhere huh?" I giggled as he flushed pink, my hands grabbed at his dick that slowly hardened. he groaned with his head laid back as I spit on my hand then continued stroking him.
"Such a handsome boy with a pretty dick... guess todays my lucky day," I bent down to lick a strip up his dick. He gasped as my mouth wrapped around the tip, the rest getting slowly stroked.
I kissed the tip then engulfed it, slowly bobbing down his dick till my nose brushed against his balls. His hand went to the back of head, softly playing with my fro made me smile internally.
My hand rubbed at his balls while I sucked his dick, he wasn't too big and definitely not small for his age. I was sucking slowly on purpose, slurping as I went up then swallowing as I go down. His little whines mixed in with the grunts were arousing me.
I slowly removed my mouth, using my thumb to rub his slit. "More what Kookie?" His hips bucked into my hand, I kissed the tip then put my thumb back.
my eyes flashed at his tone, I squeezed his balls and removed my thumb. A sticky line of his pre cum on it, I sucked at the tip as if it was a straw making him groan.
I bobbed my head in a faster pace, rubbing my tongue against it as I did so. "Mmm... mmm" I hummed around his dick feeling it twitch, I open my mouth so I could fuck my throat with his dick. He gripped my hair, bucking his hips up causing me to slob on hard length.
I kept squeezing my thighs for my own pleasure, I could cum just from this. Jungkook was breathing heavier as I sucked at the tip and my hand stroking in a spin motion.
I moved my hand quicker, the other moving below his balls using the drool to wet my finger. Not harshly, I pressed a finger slowly into his rim.His thighs trembled as his cum down my throat.
I felt the warm strings of cum going down my throat, I hummed as I removed my mouth and finger. Licking my lips, I sat up to look at Jungkook and almost laughed. He look pleased and shocked as he stared at the ceiling, I had chuckled and tried to pull his pants back up.
"Are you alright?" He reached over slowly and grabbed my hand, I chuckled as I looked over to him, I stopped as I saw how serious he was.
"But Jk... you're young! You know... you got college and stuff coming up... you won't be worried bout me!" He shook his head, reaching for both of my hands.
I blinked in shock, I saw some of his art and he was talented in his own way. But, he was still going away... I couldn't do long distance. "You're going somewhere far though I just know.." he cut off with a short kiss, I was wordlessly after that. He didn't even care I just sucked him off... I like that.
I was gonna speak again but he kissed me once more,
If my phone didn't go off, I'd probably get him back hard and ride him off but chose the other option. "Hello?" I was cut off by loud yelling from his parents, they eventually found out he came to my house while they were out.
Nor did he answer their calls. "Your parents are here and they're pissed!" We both stood up but he blocked me from walking forward.
It's not like I didn't want him but was nervous of the age gap. I kissed him softly then his nose and forehead, "We can try! But relationship wise... I'll wait till you graduate grown man!" We both smiled and shared a last kiss before he walked out.
After those 2 years, I watched the 20 year old Jungkook walk across the stage with his degree. I smiled as I noticed the M tattoo on his knuckle, he had gained a little fan base from his singing and drawing.
They were called Army... but only I knew who the M stood for.
"Didn't I tell you I'd wait?" I said as I kissed the man who grew taller than me, he was getting buff and his hair longer.
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Leaves of Terranthir
DISCONTINUED - I won't be writing more of this fiction. Check out the latest post for a worlbuilding summary / final thoughts. Leaves of Terranthir is a gamelit blend of ARPG, action, fantasy, and slice of life. It's inspired in part by some of my favourite games, borrowing in themes, sense of exploration, and aesthetics from the Soulsborne and soulslike genre, mixed heavily with arpg itemization from Diablo/PoE style games. While many may remember their Soulslike experiences as nothing more than suffering, I personally loved the sense of progression, to prevail over challenges and monsters that seemed impossible to defeat at first. If any of that seems interesting to you, do check out the first chapter and let me know what you think. Cheers, and thanks for reading. Cover by Baconstrap.
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