《Severus Snape x Reader Story》The Plot Thickens






"So let me get this straight....you weren't in your dorms because you were in the bathroom?" One of my friends asked me.

"Yep. Apparently, I had an ongoing bursts of vomiting and diarrhea. Just don't worry! I'm fine, but please don't ask again, alright?"

The fourth year nodded and continued to her class. I had just told her the story that I had told all of my friends. Now, I had to notify Snape that I had it covered. I whipped out a small piece of paper and wrote:

Convinced them otherwise

I folded it in half and cast a spell on it, sending it flying towards the dungeons. I hurriedly followed it, wanting to get to class on time. When I finally reached the classroom, I had discovered I was late, judging by all the filled seats (except mine of course) and the students staring at me curiously.

"How nice of you to finally join us, Miss (y/l/n). Ten points from Gryfindor and detention. See me after class for the details."

I nodded and walked over to my seat. The shame of it was still raw so it burned on my cheeks, and I was sure that they were a bright red. Getting a detention was still a detention, and that was bad. I knew a couple of students who really didn't care what their grades were at all; they just wanted to cause trouble. I sighed and began to take out my things for this class. The Professor walked the rows of tables, instructing us (well, more like snappish talking but still) and providing examples (of what could go wrong and what could happen). At one point I got confused on what to do....the book was very unspecific.

"Professor Snape?" I asked.

"What, (y/l/n)?" He snapped.

My cheeks flushed as he walked over. He would be the death of me. I knew he was acting his usual part as the 'grumpy Professor', so I was perfectly fine with it.

"I-uh..The textbook's not very specific on how to do this....at all. C-could you teach me how to do it properly?"


He nodded and stood close to me. My cheeks were on fire. Just because we had admitted each others feelings, doesn't mean I get flustered when he's around....this close. In front of students.

"Pour the gillywater and mix at a constant pace, alternating between clockwise and counterclockwise. Then, add the pearl shavings. Attempt at not messing up, if you can."

I poured the gillywater, but my hands were shaking from the anxiety that was building up. The water poured everywhere and melted several parts of the desk and floor.

He cocked an eyebrow and let out a small, exasperated sigh. "Did you listen at all? I said 'pour', not 'spray it around'."

"I-I know. But....uhmm.......I-"

The clock turned to thirty as the class started to clean up with the five minutes remaining. I started to clean up as well, using a spell to empty the contents as the Professor annoyedly turned towards the class.

"Write a 2 page essay on the importance of this potion. Get it back to me by tomorrow." He barked out. "(y/l/n), stay for a minute to discuss detention."

Once the entire class had drained out of the room, he walked towards me. "What did you tell them?"

"That I was puking my guts out in the bathroom all night."

He grunted. "That's all?"

I rocked on and off my heels, "Yep."

"This is insane. We...shouldn't be doing this at all. You are coming to your classes late, making up ridiculous excuses to your so-called 'friends'...."

"I know that, and I'm aware of the consequences. And my friends always stay true, though it took a while to start acting properly not like the jerks they sometimes are. And no - anyone can act just like jerks, not just Gryffindors. What do you have against my house anyways?"

The Professor turned around and walked towards his desk, "6:00 detention. Do not be late."

"Alrighty then!. Talk to me about it later."

He grumbled something as I marched myself out of the doorway. Great. Now Snape is all annoyed at me for wanting to stay together....was there something wrong with me? Anyways, I better start running. McGonagall was going to kill me.


I arrived in Transfiguration class when everyone was still arriving and putting their stuff down. Phew! Now I wouldn't have to worry....much. I spotted Holly and immediately sat down next to her.

"I think I'm having a panic attack." I gasped, slamming my hands on the desk facing her.

"Okaaay....is it about you-know-him."

"Possibly." I mumbled.

"Hm...the last you ever said about him was, 'he heheeee.....he said we're cool' and that was followed by more giggles. Did I miss something?"

"A little...."

I explained what had happened the night before and what happened now.

"Y-you did whhhaaaaatttt?! You wait....what? I'm sorry, my ears are bleeding now. What. WHAT?! You are going to fast, that's for sure." Holly shook her head.

I waved her off. "That's not the worst of it. It seems like he doesn't want to do this anymore. Is he tired of me?"

"Nah. You have the energy of two Hungarian Horntails combined. Which would be enough to nuke Ilvermorny in the United States."

I rasberried my lips and flopped my head down on the table. "That didn't answer the question."

She sighed. "Honestly, (y/n), I don't know. This is Snape we're dealing with. He's like....a Batman-Vampire-teacher. Give him some time to warm up to your feelings perhaps. Maybe you were a little cocky and ambitious and didn't know what you were doing. Which reminds me.....did you use protection?"

"Uh...yeah. Sure. I used the 'fetus deletus' spell after the whole shebang."

"What is a 'shebang'?"

"My dear Hufflepuff," I held her with one arm while the other was stretched out overseeing the room, "a 'shebang' is the general gist of the conversation. So, instead of saying the necessary subject for the millionth time, you say-"

I gestured to her.


"Very good! Now, let's practice our spells shall we?"


The day went on and on. Students rushing and cussing as their papers fell from their grasp on the way to their classes. Teachers reprimanding the foolish students or the ones that were just plainly stupid. I arrived in the Great Hall for dinner. All the smells and sights crashed upon me like a wave. The Slytherin and Gryffindor tables were arguing over which broom was the best: The Nimbus Two-Thousand or The Nimbus Two-Thousand-and-One. Did it really matter? Oh, and the Hufflepuffs were arguing if it was better to use a big, or small shovel. You know, for murder. And the Ravenclaws...I heard the words "Pythagorean Theorem" and backed up. Those little birds were vicious over math. I scooted my way through bunches of students and to my table. I sat down quietly and put some (favorite available food) on the plate. Before I could start much talk, the Headmaster to the podium.

"Students and Staff. I would like to remind you all of the Valentines Masquerade ball. There are no restrictions to what year you are currently in, or what your relationship status is."

My heart sank dramatically. My relationship status was down the toilet and I knew it.

"But," he continued, "Have your attire ready, along with your mask. Make sure whatever you wear is appropriate." He glanced at the Weasley twins. "And that you arrive at 6:30 sharp. And of course, this will be held on Valentines day. So, do try to bring a date of some sort."

He walked off the podium and gave me some sort of wink. Oh no...he didn't. My heart hammered as my soul turned to ice. He....had he figured it out? Welp, I'm screwed anyways.

When the ginormous clock stuck six, I headed out of the Great Hall and to the musty-smelling dungeons. And for once in my life, I wasn't keen on going.

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