《Severus Snape x Reader Story》A Hogwarts Christmas - Part One


I looked at the bronze knuts, silver sickles, and the few galleons clattering around in the small pouch I was carrying. This was the big moment. I had to use this remainder of my money to buy my crush something. But the question still remained:


I looked at the window displays of the crammed shops. Broomsticks, wands, glass bottles, pranks (thank you Gred and Feorge), and many more things. But out of all these things, there was only one object that I could give to the Professor. And I wouldn't stop cease looking until I found the most perfect thing for him. Then again, I could get him anything and still surprise him. I looked over at this corner store which was a little beat-up, but it looked cozy and cute in the corner.. I glimpsed at the sign above: Pickpocket's Lot.

That was reassuring. I walked into the store, which was different from what I imagined. It had shelves back to back, crammed everywhere. And little baskets filled of candles and licorice snaps. I heard that the headmaster rather liked them. I made a mental note to get some for him. I continued to sweep through the shop. I couldn't find anything interesting. So, I ended up walking up to the counter to ask this old woman employee for some help.

"Hello ma'am. I was wondering if you could help me find a gift for the guy I like."

She let out a raspy, dry chuckle. "I'll help you, don't worry. I've done this for awhile now. Especially today, there was this man. He was so specific. Now, what is your man like?"

She hobbled out from behind the counter to reveal her rather short height (about 3-4 feet). As she walked around, I explained him to her.


"He's not like anyone I've ever known. He is tall, has black hair, and has a big nose - which I don't mind because we all have our own flaws. He also stands out from the rest. He is like a secret tunnel: you never know what's on the opposite side." I explained with passion.

She nodded for me to continue as she shuffled down another isle of things. "Go on, dear."

"He is also very talented. He likes potions, and maybe the Dark Arts even more. One minute he's this mysterious guy you know nothing about, and the next..." I let out a sigh. "He's your hopeless crush."

"Here we are, dearie. Now, go on and wrap it for him. All nice and neat. What was your name again?"

"(Y/n). (Y/n) (Y/l/n)."


I looked at the gift. It was a quill. A simple quill. Black and pointy. A quill. I looked at her uncertainty.

"Are you sure this will work? That this is okay for a present?"

She chuckled that dry, raspy chuckle again. "Of course it is! I've been working here for awhile, it's blatantly obvious. Now off you pop."

"Y-you're giving this to me for free?"

"Yes. I am an old woman. Money will do me little now....all I can do it help as many people as I can. Now make sure you give it to him over Christmas Eve's Night, you understand? Today is the 23rd, so you shouldn't have much trouble."

I nodded. "Yeah, I do. But are you positively sure-"

She shoved me out of the building. "Yes, I am sure. Go away." She closed the door, leaving me out in the cold.


I decided to hobble on down to Madame Rosemarta's bar. I ordered a quick butterbeer and sat down at a table by myself. Five or so minutes later, I was served a Hot Butterbeer and it looked extra foamy. I took a sip and my insides warmed up immediately. The sweet, but savory taste of lavender honey and a dash of cream crept down my throat. Just when I was finishing my drink, I heard a familiar, unwanted voice. I narrowed my eyes: Malfoy. I turned around to see him standing right next to my table. I didn't want to do this today.


"Can I sit here?" He asked with mocking politeness.

"No. Go away Draco."

He sat down anyways.

"So what are you doing here (y/n)? I thought you were going out with your Gryffindor friends."

"I was, until I decided a solo mission was for the better. I get the job done much quicker than normal that way."

Malfoy scooted closer to me so that our faces were only three inches apart. "I...may have a special mission for ourselves tonight, (y/l/n)." He whispered in my ear, his hot breath making me cringe. "What do you say~? The two of us~? Alone~~?"


That was it. I strode into the bar casually and pretended to 'notice' two of my students. Once a minute or so had gone by, I made my way to Malfoy's table and pulled him up by the collar.

"Get off you - let go of me!" he spat.

"Stop bothering Miss (y/l/n), and I will."

Draco eventually managed to squirm out of my grasp and bolt out of the door.


Obviously. I rolled my eyes. Draco and his dramatics. I turned around preparing to see (y/n).

"Are you alrigh-"

I found it of no use to speak because my female student had already gone. She must've snuck out somehow when I had grabbed Draco. I closed my fist. There was nothing I could do about Draco, his father was a Death Eater, like me. And his mother was not someone to mess with. I know firsthand of what she can do. So, I couldn't mess with him. That was the moment I saw (y/n)'s winter cloak on her seat. I walked out of the bar swiftly, knowing that she wouldn't last long without it.

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