《Blood Magic and Other Drinking Games》Chapter 21


Hypatia turned to Regulus with a pout, "I don't want an Order of Merlin. I want to be able to go on a courtship date. Tom ruined everything."

"Are you suggesting we should have let him live?" Regulus asked with a smirk.

"No, of course not, but I'm still hungry."

"I'll have the chef place a Stasis Charm on your food so you can have it when we get home. How does that sound?"

"Fine. I suppose," Hypatia conceded.

Regulus didn't miss the look of incredulity that Mad Eye gave Hypatia.

"You do realize the significance of what happened here?" Moody asked. "You just killed the Dark Lord. You ended the war before it even started, and you're worried about dinner?"

Hypatia rolled her eyes and tangled her fingers with Regulus'. Regulus was so smug it practically leaked out of the corners of his smile. His witch's confidence was a sight to behold. 

"I understand," Hypatia assured Moody. "But I've already killed him twice. It was getting old. Frankly, I'd rather be celebrating the first birthday I can remember with a happy family."

Mad Eye Moody looked at her, with a newfound respect in his eyes.

"We're still going to need you to come to the Ministry."

"For what?!" Hypatia demanded. "Can't you take my memories now? I am turning sixteen in just a few hours! I mean really!"

Regulus smirked and squeezed her hand gently. He angled himself slightly in front of her, so that Moody would focus his attentions on him instead. 

 "Surely this can wait. I give you my word we'll be there the day after her birthday. Bright and early, so we can run through whatever red tape the Minister is insistent we go through. But I warn you now, where Hypatia goes, I go. Tonks as well."

Mad Eye looked at his protegee, who stood behind Hypatia and Regulus now. As sad as he had been to see her go, he could tell she was happier. She had clearly made the right choice, as Voldemort was now dead, at these young folks' hands.

"The Minister won't like it," Mad Eye grumbled vaguely. "But I suppose if you were to slip out, I could look the other way. As long as you keep your word."

"A Black always keeps his word," Regulus promised.

"Well then I think I'll just head assist the coroner in incinerating Voldemort's body. We don't want to take any risks."

He made a grand show of turning his back and hobbling away towards where a coroner was kneeling over the body of the Dark Lord. Hypatia, Regulus, and their family high tailed it for the Floo.


Hermione clutched Hypatia to her body, tears running down her cheeks. "You did it. Oh, I'm so proud of you. The war is over. Oh, Merlin!"

"Regulus was the one who poisoned him," Draco reminded her.

"Be quiet," Hermione insisted. "My sister has defeated Voldemort."

Regulus rolled his eyes as he took a sip of wine. 

"Now I know you want to have babies, but can you please wait? It's going to take at least a year to plan our weddings, and then another year until we get pregnant so that we have time to travel."

Hypatia looked at Regulus, and he waved his hand indulgently. He wanted children badly, just as badly as Hypatia did, but if she wanted a little more time, he would give it. She had barely had a chance to rest, and she had never travelled. Neither had he, for that matter.


"It could be fun," he conceded. "We could court. Have a formal wedding like we promised the Granger's. Travel. Start our work on creatures rights, and enchanted clothing. Two years is nothing in the grand scheme of things."

Hypatia was thinking. Her impulsive Gryffindor side wanted her to jump right in, but she could see the sense in waiting, and it would be so much more enjoyable if Hermione and she had children the same age.

"Fine. Two years. But you and the twins have to start courting right away, or I will rescind this offer. Understand?"

"I understand. Of course I understand." Hermione agreed.

"Georgie, this is our big chance," Fred whispered.

"Better not screw it up," George replied.

Hermione turned her eyes on them, and they tried diligently to not turn into piles of lovesick goo.

"Do you have a courtship offer ready?"

"Do we have one ready?" Fred joked.

"As if we haven't had one ready since her fourth year."

"Right. Then go talk to my parents. They're in the library. Shoo!"

George pulled Fred off the couch by his collar. The sound of their heavy footsteps could be heard all the way up the stairs. Draco shook his head rather dramatically, and Hermione turned her gaze on him.

"Have something to add to the conversation Malfoy?"

"You have them completely wrapped around your finger. It's hilarious."

Hypatia sucked in a breath. Regulus sat beside her and offered her a wine glass. She took small sips as she waited for what was sure to be an amusing come back from Hermione.

"You know what Malfoy? I'm tired of your vague nonchalance. You have a front row seat to all of our romantic lives, but you don't return the favor. We all know Parkinson doesn't interest you anymore. So who is it then? Greengrass? Nott? Bulstrode?"

"Shut up," Draco sneered. "You don't know what you're talking about."

"I know more than you give me credit for," Hermione replied, a hint of steel in her voice.

"What am I missing?" Regulus asked.

There was a silent war going on between Hermione and Draco, the slightest tilt of his head imploring her not to speak. Hermione had nearly decided to keep his secret, when he opened his mouth and ruined it all.

"See the stupid girl doesn't know everything after all."

"Draco Malfoy has had a crush on Ginny Weasley for years!" Hermione shouted out as she stood to her feet. As soon as she said it her hand flew to her mouth. Her brown eyes went wide, as if she couldn't believe she had said it. What little color Draco possessed drained from his face. Regulus' eyes traveled between Hermione and Draco. He addressed Hermione first.

"How do you know?"

She looked ashamed now, her hands fiddling nervously in her lap. Hypatia set down her glass, and moved to sit beside her best friend. She could tell Hermione felt terrible for blurting out Draco's personal business.

"Draco came to see Ginny in the hospital wing after Hypatia rescued her from the Chamber of Secrets. I was petrified, but I could still hear. I heard him crying. I heard him begging for her to be okay. Ginny and Hypatia were knocked out cold by potions. They had no idea."

Draco looked like he was seconds from puking. Regulus moved to sit beside him, in a silent show of support.

"Why all the secrecy?" Hypatia asked.

Draco glared at her, "It's the Weasleys, Hyaptia. You banished them from your home. You know what that harpy of a mother of theirs is like."


"No. Technically I gave Molly and Arthur a choice, and they sided with Dumbledore. I have nothing against her children. Ron and Ginny are even keyed into the wards."

"They are?" Draco asked with wide eyes as if he expected them to walk through the Floo any minute.

"Yes," Regulus confirmed. "Ron came to me in Diagon Alley. He was concerned about Hypatia. He only went back to their family home to protect his little sister. It's my understanding that she wanted to return."

"Can't imagine why," Draco snarled.

"Because Molly hides her mistreatment in the guise of love. My guardians didn't pretend to love me, so it was easier to call it abuse."

"You were abused? You think Ginny's being abused? Why doesn't anyone tell me anything?!" Draco complained.

"Well you've been a prat until the last few months, for starters, and yes I was abused. And yes, I think Ginny's probably being emotionally abused, and manipulated."

"Please explain," Draco whined.

"Well Molly has a habit of lashing out verbally, and generally treating their children like their screw ups. As for the manipulation, Dumbledore has that down to an art, and the Weasley's are his number one fans."

"Can't we just make them come here?" Draco asked nervously.

"Not really. They have to come voluntarily. Not only would she run back at the first chance, if we took her against her will, it's incredibly illegal. There's precedent for Pureblood children being raised by other families, such as in Sirius' case, but they have to be the one to choose it. It can't be forced upon them."

Draco sighed, "Shite."

"Don't worry," Regulus comforted. "I give it a week max before they show up. Dumbledore won't be pleased about what we did tonight. Merlin knows what he'll do. Ron is the protective sort. He won't risk his sister."

"How can you be sure?" Draco asked.

"Because he reminded me of myself."

"I don't know how you kept this a secret all those years," Hypatia marvelled.

"I didn't. Half of the Slytherin's in our year know."

Something dawned on Hypatia, "Is that why you and Pansy fought at the Yule Ball?"

Draco sighed as he shook his head. "That dress was truly atrocious, but she looked stunning in it. She was so happy. I wanted to deck Longbottom. Pansy caught on pretty quickly that night."

"You really shouldn't have led her on if you like Ginny," Hermione chastised.

Hypatia bumped her shoulder. "As if you've never made a mistake. You went to the Yule Ball with Krum for Merlin's sake."

"Oh, shut it. I'd hate to insult you so close to your birthday."

"Speaking of," Regulus interrupted. "Perhaps we should retire for the night. We celebrate tomorrow, and then we have to be at the Ministry bright and early the next morning."

"What for?" Hermione asked.

Regulus shrugged, "Politics."


Regulus woke early on the morning of Hypatia's birthday. She slept soundly next to him, her hand laid on his bare chest. He ran a hand over her back as he thought. In a few short weeks they had drastically changed their futures.

The Dark Lord was dead, and they were free.

But none of it was possible without Hypatia. He knew his love for her bordered on obsession, as did hers for him. It seemed inevitable with their souls and magic intertwined. How could he not be obsessed with her? Her love was so pure, her convictions so strong, her want so seductive.

It flowed through their bond to him. It consumed him, heart and soul.

He slipped from her grasp, and left the bed. He was too excited to sleep. He had never wanted for anything as a child, but Hypatia had. She had been denied the most basic of niceties, and when she discovered she had money, she had continued to deny herself of most luxuries. 

Spoiling her was healing something inside of them both.

He used levitation charms to move her presents up into their bedroom. He grabbed his wand off the bedside table and twisted it in the pattern Hermione had taught him to make golden letters hover in the air at the end of their bed.

'Happy Birthday Hypatia.'

The irony that she was jsut turning sixteen, and they were already bonded, did not escape him. It was an unusual situation, for an unusual witch, and yet he couldn't make himself regret it. He only regretted the circumstances that led her to feeling so alone that she had delved into Blood Magic. She had bonded herself to him in an act of desperation, and love.

He would try his best to make sure she never regretted it, that he proved himself worthy of her all consuming love. Once everything was ready he returned to bed. She curled into his side like he had never been gone, and he sighed happily as sleep claimed him once again.

Regulus woke to the feeling of the bed bouncing underneath him. He opened his eyes. Upon finding Hypatia's spot empty he turned his eyes to the end of the bed. Hypatia was bouncing excitedly on the edge of the bed.

"You can open them you know," Regulus chuckled.

Hypatia's head whipped around so quickly that her own curls smacked her in the face. She blew them out of her face. "I was waiting for you to wake up! This is amazing!"

Regulus pushed himself up and placed a kiss to Hypatia's shoulder.

"You deserve much more than this, but it's a beginning."

Hypatia smiled sweetly at him, but he could feel her excitement.

"Go ahead! Open them!"


Hypatia sat surrounded by open boxes and crumpled tissue paper. Ribbons littered the floor. There were beautiful robes everywhere she looked, of the highest quality. Regulus had commissioned her several custom gowns, not to mention the matching shoes for every outfit. She sighed happily as she rested her back against Regulus' legs.

"Are you happy, love?" Regulus asked.

"Of course I am. This is the most perfect birthday ever."

"We haven't even left our bedroom yet," Regulus laughed.

"There's more?"

"Well of course there's more. These are only your presents from me. The rest are being checked by Tonks for curses and hexes."

"Even Hermione's?" Hypatia laughed.

"Of course not, she'd hex her for suggesting such a thing."

Hypatia couldn't help the laugh that escaped her at that. She tilted her head back to smile at him, and was warmed by the heat in his eyes.

"What's next?" She asked.

One side of Regulus' lips tugged up in a barely there smile. "What do you think Princess?"

Hypatia's heart sped up as she donned a smirk of her own and stood to her feet. She placed one foot behind the other very carefully, attempting not to trip on the mess of wrappings littering the floor. Regulus tilted his head and appreciated the sight she made in her little silk night dress.


Regulus bit his lip as he watched her slide the straps of her dress off her shoulder. It floated to the ground. Hypatia stood there with a taunting look in her eyes. Regulus finally stood to his feet with a cocky smile. Hypatia turned and fled into the bath, her eyes watching Regulus all the while.

It took him all of fifteen seconds for him to join her, his pyjama pants joining her dress on the floor. He whispered the contraception charm before he left his wand on the side of the tub.

He pulled Hypatia towards him in the bubble filled water. Her legs wrapped around him, he angled his hips, and he was in heaven once again. He muttered a cushioning charm and pressed her against the wall of the pool-like bath as they moved together. His hand travelled down to move against her clit as he pressed into her.

Hypatia moaned desperately. There was something different about their love making today. It was more gentle, and peaceful. She could feel it between them- the relief that they were free from Voldemort.

"Fucking perfect wife," Regulus muttered against her ear. "You were made for me."

Hypatia was nearly lost to sensation, to the new gentle thrust of Regulus' hips. It was a revelation, but she needed more.

"Harder, Daddy. Please."

Regulus smiled as he increased the force of his hips, giving his love what she needed. He let his nails dig into her ribcage as he helped her move, giving her the sting she relished. She came with his name on her lips, and he followed her, his head resting on her shoulder.

After a few moments their muscles relaxed, and their breaths evened out. Regulus summoned a bottle of hair potion and worked it through Hypatia's curls. Hypatia sighed happily as the smell of lavender washed over her.


Hypatia clasped her new emerald necklace around her neck, as she smiled fondly at it. "Of course you would get Slytherin colours."

"Bite your tongue," Regulus teased. "I got it because it matches your eyes."

Hypatia looked at him, full of suspicion. Regulus turned his back to her as he pulled on his waistcoat. He didn't want to have to admit that he was slowly trying to convince her that Slytherin was better than Gryffindor.

"Don't think I haven't noticed you're trying to indoctrinate me about Slytherin, so our children will feel encouraged to be sorted into Slytherin."

"Caught onto that have you?" Regulus asked as he pulled on his jacket.

"You're fairly obvious," Hypatia replied fondly. "I don't hate Slytherin, I suppose. As long as they're happy, it's fine with me."

Regulus beamed happily, "Well of course they'll want to be Slytherin's. I'm one, you almost were."

"I never should have told you the Sorting Hat will let you choose."

Regulus picked up a pair of Hypatia's new shoes. He knelt in front of her and helped her into the emerald green heels. This had become one of his favourite parts of the day. It was so intimate, so private, to kneel before her, and help her get dressed. Hypatia ran her hands gently through Regulus' hair.


The rest of Hypatia's day was a whirlwind of fun.

Luna and Neville came over, and the twins took the day off from the shop. There was a levity in the air. The rest of the Death Eater's had been captured overnight. There would be trials soon, but they were safe, at the very least.

Fred and George had ironed out a courtship agreement with the Granger's. Helene and Cissa were pouring over a large stack of wedding magazines, both magical and Muggle, as they plotted Hermione and Hypatia's nuptials. They had formed a fast friendship over the past few weeks.

"So what now?" Hector asked Regulus.

"I suggest you stay here, for the time being. Dumbledore is still out there, and he won't be pleased that Hypatia and I ended Voldemort without his involvement."

"Why not?" Hector asked.

"Because he wants to control everything. He's been plotting Hypatia's life and death for over a decade. It being wrenched from him isn't going to sit well. Trust me. My mother practically turned into a demon when she lost control of Sirius."

Hector nodded evenly. "You seem like you have a good head on your shoulders, despite her."

Regulus looked at Hypatia across the room. Luna was giving her a rather impassioned speech about the rare plant her and Neville had gifted her for her birthday.

"She's my saving grace. Every good thing I've ever done has been for someone I love."

Hector nodded, "That's as good of a reason as any. Hypatia has always been like a daughter to us, which makes you family too. If you ever feel like you need the advice of a father..."

Regulus raised his brows at Hector, surprised by the offer. He could see why Hypatia loved them so much. Hector was a solid presence, the epitome of a good father, which he one day hoped to be.

"Thank you. I may take you up on that. Especially when we have children."

"I'm glad. You'll always be welcome in our home. Well, when we can return to it, of course."


Hypatia took a bite of her food and sighed in delight. The chef at the Golden Cauldron had really outdone himself for her birthday dinner. Regulus tried and failed to not be obvious that he was developing a grudge against the fork that kept entering her mouth.

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