《Blood Magic and Other Drinking Games》Chapter 17


Regulus was relieved to find that Hypatia's friends seemed much like her. He always thought Gryffindor's were noble, or at least thought themselves so, but what he now thought connected them the most was their fierce loyalty. Loyalty to one another, loyalty to whatever they deemed worthy, and fiercely protective should someone dare to threaten it.

They all orbited around Hypatia, as people had James. It was clear they all loved her in their own ways. His eyes turned to Luna after a while. She paused in her dancing, and turned her eyes to meet him.

"Narlywhickets," she said by way of explanation.

Neville tensed, and stood up, as if he expected Regulus to make fun of Luna. Hypatia put a hand on her Godbrother's arm. He need not worry. Regulus smiled and held out a conciliatory hand towards Neville.

"I know all about Narlywhickets, actually. Pandora told me all about them."

"You believed her?" Luna asked with wide eyes.

"Pandora was my dearest friend, Luna. I believe everything she ever told me."

Luna jumped up and down like a little girl. Her blonde curls bounced with mirth. She ran towards Neville and grabbed his hands.

"He understands," she whispered.

Neville beamed down at her, "He does."

Luna skipped over to Regulus and pulled him down towards the grass to start a long discussion about the various shapes of Nargles. Draco looked around Neville's shoulder at their grouping on the grass.

"What's a Nargle? And what's a Narlywhicket?"

"Come Draco! We'll teach you all about them!"

Hypatia and Neville pushed him towards the grass, where they all were given a very thorough education from Luna. The rest of the day passed quickly. They had lunch on the lawn. Eventually Luna and Neville returned to Longbottom Manor, with a promise to return soon.

"She's a little different," Draco noted after they left.

"She is," Hypatia admitted, "but say a word against her, and I'll hex your bullocks off!"

"Merlin!" Draco swore. "I didn't mean anything bad by it, I've just never met someone like her before. Most Purebloods are so bloody uptight."

"Sorry," Hypatia shrugged, though Regulus was smiling brilliantly. He loved it when she was feisty. "It's a knee-jerk reaction. She was bullied horribly by the other Ravenclaws until Hermione and I put an end to it."

Draco gasped, "Wait, no. Edgecombe!? Chang?!"

"You didn't really think we permanently scarred them for telling on our meetings did you?" Hermione asked.

"I would have," Regulus scowled.

"They're bullys," Hermione sniffed as she inspected her nails. "They deserved what they got, and I have not one ounce of remorse for their fate. The only thing I regret is the lack of a nail salon in this house. My cuticles are suffering."

"I can do your nails tomorrow," Hypatia offered. "I have some potions that will work wonders on your cuticles."

"You two are insane," Draco accused. "You talk about permanently disfiguring girls one second, and cuticles the next."

"You know what's truly deranged?" Regulus asked. Draco waited, clearly unsure of the answer. "Insulting two powerful, dangerous women that you literally can not get away from."

Draco looked caged, and took off for the staircase. Hypatia, Hermione, and Regulus descended into laughter that followed him all the up to his room.


Hypatia stood in front of the mirror, looking at her reflection. She was amazed at how tan she had gotten today. She found she enjoyed spending time outside, when not being forced to pull weeds by her Muggle guardians. It was nice to lay in the sun, and laugh with her friends.


She caught sight of Regulus behind her as he entered the room. He closed the door behind him, and raised a silencing charm before placing his wand on the bed. Hypatia removed her earrings and laid them on her vanity.

"What happened while you were out today?"

Regulus sighed as came to stand behind her. "I ran into Ron Weasley. He had some interesting things to tell me about your guardians."

Hypatia froze, her entire body going tense. Her gaze went unfocused. He could feel her side of the bond nearly shut down. Perhaps it was easier than feeling something about them, than thinking about what had happened in that house.


She didn't know what to say. She didn't like to talk about it. It happened. It was awful. It was over. She wanted it to be over.

"I went there."

Her eyes flashed back to consciousness, meeting his in the reflection of the mirror. He was standing directly behind her now, the fraction of space in between them like a livewire.

"What happened?"

Regulus raised one hand to grip her waist, with the other he brushed aside her curls and placed a kiss on her neck. He grazed his lips up her neck, making her shiver, and up to her ear. "I made them pay for what they did to you. They'll be dead within a month."

Hypatia's head fell back against his shoulder. Regulus felt relief flood through their bond as it slowly reopened. She was coming back to life under his fingertips.

"We don't have to talk about it, if you don't want to. I watched their memories. I know everything."

Hypatia nearly sobbed. This was a gift that she couldn't ever repay. To not have to relive that torture to explain it to her husband, was priceless. Her relief was soon drawn out by another feeling, because Regulus was doing something particularly distracting with his hands.

His fingertips ghosted over the line of her underwear, teasing her with his barely there touches. Hypatia arched her back, pushing her ass into his touch. She couldn't get enough.

Regulus chuckled, "Does it turn you on that I tortured them?"

Hypatia nodded her head, as her eyes sparkled in the candlelight.

"I meant what I said. Your enemies are my enemies."

Hypatia rubbed her thighs together, or tried. Regulus stopped her with a firm hand on her inner thigh. She whined, and he smirked at her reflection.

"Merlin, you're beautiful when you're desperate."

He flicked his hand, and her clothes vanished, leaving her bare to him. He gripped her hips in his hands, and leaned forward to trace his tongue over the new tan lines on her shoulders. She pushed back against him, but he took a step back again.

"Bend over. Hands on the vanity." Hypatia obeyed. Regulus palmed her ass. Merlin, it was perfect. "Fuck, look at you Hypatia. Such a good girl"

He squeezed her hips in his hands as he pressed his erection against her. She shivered, but didn't dare make a move. She waited for his next order. Regulus smiled as he ran his hands up and down her back. He pulled her hair gently as he bent around to pinch her nipple. Their gazes locked once again in the mirror.

He moved until he found her clit, and circled it gently. "Is that what you need, princess?"

Hypatia rocked against his hand, moving until she got him in the perfect spot. It was almost perfect, and she was much too far gone to care about how wanton she sounded as moans fell from her lips. She could feel Regulus' own arousal through their bond, making her bold.


"Daddy I need you."

"I'm right here," Regulus teased.

"I need you to fuck me, Daddy. Please."

Her green eyes were so big and pleading as she thrust her hips back against him, and really, who was he to deny her? He put a hand against her lower back to angle her down more, vanished his pants, and thrusted into the hilt.

"Fuck. Fuck." Hypatia gasped. She grabbed her wand and said the contraception spell. Regulus couldn't believe he had forgotten. He white light settled over her abdomen as he slowly thrusted in.

"Maybe I should start the potion," Hypatia gasped out.

Regulus hated the sound of that. It went against every urge he had in his body to continue his bloodline. The family magic practically revolted in his chest. It was his bloody idea to wait, and he was right, as much as he disliked it.

"No. We'll remember."

Regulus lost himself in Hypatia as they moved together. Her tits looked perfect from this angle, bouncing in time with their movements. But her pretty green eyes kept closing, and that would never do.

"Open your eyes."

Hypatia's eyes snapped open at the deep tone of authority in Regulus' voice. She found it hard to keep her eyes open when she was being overtaken by so much pleasure, but the look in Regulus' gray eyes was too much to look away from. That was a look to build a life on.

Regulus trailed his hand around her body, rubbing at her clit. A wicked idea took root in Hypatia's mind as pleasure started to mount in her core. She focused for a moment, and when she spoke it was in Parseltongue.

"I love you Daddy."

Regulus' hips sped up at her words, "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fucking killing me."

Regulus' desire pouring through their bond sent Hypatia over the edge, and Hypatia dragged Regulus with her as her walls clenched around him. Regulus collapsed over the top of her as they caught their breaths, his chest pressed to her back.

After a moment he raised his head to smile at her in the mirror. "You are perfect." He sucked at a spot on her neck that made her squeal and turn to face him. He picked her up and laid her down in bed beside him, where he quickly cleaned them both.

He littered her face with gentle kisses. He looked like he was close to tears as he stroked her face. "I promise you, I promise, I am going to give you the family you want. Just as soon as I kill Voldemort. I just can't bring a baby into this."

Hypatia smiled as her hands played with his hair, "I know you will, love."

She did. She could feel it through their bond- his own desire for a family, the desperation to give her the things she desired. It was so strong.

"Something's occurred to me," Hypatia mused.

"What's that?" Regulus asked as he trailed his fingers up and down Hypatia's back.

"I don't think the twins know about what happened in the Chamber yet. They would have been teasing us relentlessly."

"I've hardly even seen them," Regulus noted.

"They work crazy hours when they're trying to finalize a new product. When we were in Hogwarts they'd stay up for days, and then crash for a week. They're my best investment ever."

"You invested in their store?"

"Well, technically we did, since you're Lord Potter-Black. I'm a very silent partner. I gave them the thousand galleons that I won from the Triwizard Tournament to start the shop. It didn't feel right to keep it after Cedric died. Besides, look at what they've created from it!"

Regulus smiled, "That was very wise of you, love. Still, I don't think they'd tease you too much."

"Oh no? Just wait. You have not seen the full chaos that is the Weasley twins yet."


Hypatia's words were providential. The Weasley twins crashed into their beds that night, and did not surface until noon the next day.

When they woke they found the residents of the house in the sitting room. Sirius, Hypatia, and Cissa were pouring over color wheels and fabric samples as Hermione, Regulus, Remus, and Draco talking about magical creatures.

The twins collapsed onto a free love seat, and Helene fussed over them, as they rubbed their eyes sleepily. She pushed strong cups of tea in their hands.

"You work so hard, boys. You must take time for yourselves! Hermione, look at how exhausted they are!"

Hermione spared them a look and shrugged nonchalantly. "They've always been like this mum! You should have seen them at school. There's no stopping them."

Helene returned to her seat with a much put upon sigh. Hector put his arm around her. "You really should rest more. You won't be young forever."

George peeked over at Hermione, who was ignoring them again.

"We'd take more time off if Hermione would agree to go on courtship dates with us!"

"Now that would be worth taking off for," Fred agreed.

"I can't go out in public," Hermione reminded. "It's not safe."

Fred jumped out of his seat, his exhaustion apparently forgotten in the pursuit of Hermione's attention. Draco tried and failed not to laugh at the way he kneeled in front of Hermione like a knight.

"C'mon Mione, we've got this giant house, and that garden out back! Give us a chance, we'll make something spectacular for you! It will be just like a regular courtship date!"

"Are they always like this?" Draco whispered to Hypatia.

"They're usually worse," Hypatia snickered.

"You're one to talk," Hermione volleyed. "At least they don't get distracted in the Chamber of Secrets of all places."

Regulus froze, waiting to see how Hypatia would react. Anyone else and he would have defended her, he would have struck the person down in fact, but the relationship between sisters was different. Hermione clearly hadn't meant to let it slip in front of her parents, or Sirius and Remus.

"What's this about the Chamber?" Remus asked. "I thought the destruction of the horcruxes went smoothly? You said there were no problems."

"It went a little too smoothly, if you ask me," Draco jeered.

"What the fuck is going on?!" Sirius demanded. "This is serious magic! Regulus, so help me Merlin, if you put Hypatia in danger I will string you up from the rafters!"

Regulus burst out into laughter. He'd never put Hypatia in danger if he could help it, and the mental image of Sirius chasing him around the house in an attempt to catch him was just too much. Hypatia collapsed into giggles beside him. She hid her face in her hands as laughter racked her body.

"Someone tell us what's going on," Fred pleaded.

Hermione whispered in his ear, and he jumped up on one of the coffee tables, all sense of propriety forgotten. "Our fearless leader lost her virginity in the Chamber of Secrets and we're just now learning about it?! Oy, that's legendary!"

"I'm gonna puke," Sirius wailed.

Remus blushed around his ears, clearly embarrassed. The Granger's and Cissa dutifully pretended like they hadn't heard what Fred had just yelled. Instead Helene swatted at his leg with one dainty hand.

"Get down, Fred. It's incredibly rude to jump on your host's table!"

Fred jumped back to the floor, and was quickly joined by George. They knelt and bowed dramatically to Hyptia. Even Hermoine and Draco couldn't help but laugh at their antics. Sirius fled the room, with an apologetic looking Remus behind him.

After a moment they retook their seats, and everyone settled down again. Hector looked at them measuredly. "So this means you share magic now?"

"Yes," Regulus confirmed.

Hector nodded, "Good. I admit I'm relieved. I'd hate for anything to happen to either of you." 

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