《Blood Magic and Other Drinking Games》Chapter 15


Regulus watched Hypatia pull her dress on with a wistful smile. She was tired now, and moving slower. He walked over to her and helped her into her boots, zipping them up her slim legs. She smiled as he stood to his feet and took her hand.

"So how do we get out of here?"

Hypatia froze, blinking owlishly. "I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?"

Hypatia began to panic. Her breath came in short spurts as she sat back on the edge of the bed. She fanned herself with one hand as she tried to calm down.

Regulus came to her side and pulled her long braids up off her neck. "Deep breaths sweet girl. We're okay. Now how did you get out last time?"

"Fawkes came and saved us. Dumbledore sent him."

Regulus sighed, "Right. Well that's not really an option. We'll just call Kreacher."

Hypatia's eyes snapped to him. "Kreacher?"

"Yes. Our elf. Small, cranky, wrinkly? Kreacher!"

Hypatia jumped up into Regulus' arms, wrapping herself around him as the small elf popped into thin air. He immediately placed his ancient hands over his eyes. Hypatia hoped back down with a bright blush.

"It's safe to look now, Kreacher."

The elf peeked through his gnarled fingers. Seeing that they were standing side by side, he looked between them.

"Have you everything that you came for?"

"Yes Kreacher, thank you."

Hypatia held the bag tightly in her hand with the fangs.

"It would appear we need assistance returning home," Regulus told him.

Kreacher nodded his head and held out his ancient hands. With a sickening twisting sensation, and a snap, they were gone.


"So they're really gone?" Hermione asked.

"I saw it with my own eyes," Hypatia confirmed.

She and Regulus had thoroughly bathed and changed clothes before they convened the house and told them they were successful in their task. Hermione had insisted on rehashing it several times.

"Have a little faith in us Hermione," Regulus sighed as he slouched in his chair.

"There's just one thing I don't understand," Draco added.

"What's that?" Regulus asked.

"If you were able to destroy them just like that, why were you gone so long?"

Hypatia froze. Her face blushed a bright red. She turned and buried her face in Regulus' shoulder.

Hermione burst into giggles. "You didn't! In the Chamber? Oh Merlin, that's legendary. I'm putting that in the margins of Hogwarts: A History. The twins are never going to let you live this down!"

Hypatia thanked all the gods that the parents had left the room after the first telling. She didn't think she could face the Granger's or Sirius right now. Draco was looking at Regulus with clear shock in his eyes.

"I can't tell if you're a deviant or a genius," Draco whispered.

"Certainly both," Regulus chuckled as he smoothed a hand over Hypatia's arm. "But now you can all focus on having fun. Summer is still ahead of us, and you're safe here."

"What about you?" Draco asked.

"I still have work to do. Sirius' acquittal is first on my agenda, not to mention subduing our enemies. That, however, is more fun than work. Plus I have a ring to purchase for Hypatia."

Hypatia's head popped up at that, only a faint blush remaining on her cheeks. She looked at Regulus with excited eyes.

"A ring?"

Regulus chuckled, "Yes, well you are my wife. There's other Lady Black rings in the vault, but they're not worthy of you."


"I don't need something big," Hypatia hurried to assure him.

"It's not about the size," Regulus told her.

Draco and Hermione descended into raucous laughter, and Hypatia and Regulus couldn't help but join them. After several minutes they were finally able to speak properly again.

"What's it about then, cousin?" Draco asked.

"It's about the meaning," Regulus told them. "This family hasn't been happy for a long time. We are. You deserve a ring that represents that- a new beginning for our family."

"Now that's actually quite sweet," Hermione observed.

"Black's aren't cute," Regulus glowered.

Draco barely stifled his laugh behind his hand.


Hypatia and Regulus walked into the Dining Room. Sirius was laying in the middle of it, twirling his wand, while Remus read a book in his chair.

"What's on your mind Siri?" Hypatia asked.

Sirius propped himself up on his elbows, "I really hate the colors in this room. In all of the rooms to be honest. They're shite. Did they think that they had to prove they had Dark magic by using only dark colors? It's like, get a color wheel for fuck's sake."

Hypatia and Regulus laughed as Remus rolled his eyes. He'd heard this rant many times. Hypatia plucked at the drapes and gave Regulus a grimace.

"I kind of hate them too."

Regulus sat in his chair. "Well why don't you and Siri redecorate? You can't exactly go shopping until the Dark Lord is killed, but you could request catalogs from all the best stores. I'm sure they'd be happy to have anything you want delivered. Money is obviously no object. Cissa can help you with the names of stores, I'm sure. We'll just have to make sure we scan anything coming in for spells or hexes."

"Really!?" Hypatia asked in excitement.

"Really. I don't see why not. It will give you something fun to do this summer, and it will make you both happy."

Sirius jumped up on the table, and Remus groaned. "Sirius, no boots on the table, please. It is unsanitary, and it will scuff."

Sirius jumped off the table, and wrapped his brother in a hug. Hypatia smiled at them both. It warmed her heart to see Sirius so happy.

"We'll do a good job brother dearest, I swear."

Regulus smirked, "Oh, I know you will. Because I'm putting Hypatia in charge of final decisions."

"What?!" Sirius wailed dramatically.

"It is her house," Remus pointed out.

"Don't worry Siri, we'll find something we all like, and you can decorate your and Remus private room however you like."

Sirius stopped his flailing and stood up straight, "Well when you put it like that, that's alright then."


"Will you go alone tomorrow?" Hypatia asked.

Regulus ran a hand up and down Hypatia's back as they laid in bed. They were both exhausted from the day's events.

"No. Tonks will go with me."

"Won't it be clear she's broken from the Order then?"

"Truthfully it's only a matter of time until people know, anyway. She is of Black blood, so it won't be that shocking to anyone. I'm going to have to go into the public sphere. I have a Wizengamot seat."

"I know," Hypatia sighed. "I just love you. I don't want anything to happen to you."

Regulus pressed a kiss to her forehead, "It won't. I promise."


Hypatia watched Regulus get dressed from the comfort of their bed.

"Are you sure you have to go?"


Regulus paused, his shirt halfway buttoned up. "You're worried something will happen to me?"

"Of course I am."

"I'm going to be okay, love. It's just a quick trip to the jewelers. Tonks will be with me, and she's an Auror. You know I'm going to have to go out eventually. The Dark Lord won't be lured out if we fade into the background."

Hypatia's eyes looked tormented. He could feel her fear and trepidation down their bond. He kissed her, muting her worry. He pulled back just enough to move his lips to her ear. His hand traced over her pulse, and he felt it quicken under his touch.

"I am coming back to you. I will always come back to you, Hypatia. Do you understand that?"


"I don't care if I am on the verge of death. I will find a way back to you. I will never leave you wondering what happened to me. Do you understand baby girl?"

"I understand Daddy."

"Good girl."

He kissed her gently, reassuringly. He stood back to his feet and started to re-button his shirt. "I suggest you get up and get dressed, I made arrangements for a surprise while I'm gone."

Hypatia shot up in bed with a smile, "What did you do?"

"You'll just have to wait and see."


Regulus had only been gone for five minutes when she felt the wards shift again. The twins had already left for work, and she wasn't anticipating anyone else. She placed a final hair pin into her hair and ran down the stairs as her feet would take her.

She drew her wand as she went. The only people allowed through the wards would have had to be added by her or Regulus. Was this his surprise? She turned the corner into the sitting room, and ran face first into platinum blonde curls.


The girl in question spun around and Hypatia squealed with glee. "Oh, it is you! Is Neville here?"

"Right here," Neville greeted from behind her.

Hypatia rushed towards him and hugged him tightly.

"Oh, I'm so glad you're okay! This is the best surprise ever!"

Hermione chuckled from her position by the fireplace. Draco was sitting in a chair looking acutely uncomfortable. She supposed she couldn't blame him. He'd been a terrible bully to Neville. He had to be fearful to face him.

Neville looked down at her fondly. "We leave you alone for a couple days and you get married, and move Malfoy into your house? What's that about?"

Malfoy got rather red around the ears, but Hypatia just smiled. He was due a little teasing.

"Take a seat. I'll tell you all about it."


Regulus walked down Diagon Alley. Tonks walked beside him. She had chosen to wear her hair like her mother today. With her tightly coiled dark brown curls, the family resemblance was more clear than ever.

They were hyper aware of everything around him, of every pair of eyes that followed Regulus' movements. Ever since they passed Flourish & Blotts someone had been following them.

Tonks tapped her nose, grabbed Regulus' arm, and turned into an alleyway. Their pursuer followed them. Regulus got hold of the boy, and slammed his back into the brick wall of the alleyway. He held him by the neck as his wand dug into his jugular.

"Who are you?"

"Fuck, that's Ron Weasley." Tonks panicked.

"Keep guard," Regulus spat.

Tonks turned her back, but not before she whispered, "You can't kill a minor, Reggie. I draw the line at minor's. I'm a bloody Auror for Merlin's sake."

Regulus rolled his eyes at his cousin. "I'm not gonna kill him."


Tonks kept her back to Regulus and Ron, casting a quick Notice Me Not charm over the alley. The last thing she needed right now was someone noticing this little tiff.

"We need to talk about Hypatia," Ron choked out.

Tonks let out a low whistle, "Wrong move there Weasley."

Regulus ignored her commentary. "So what? Have you come to tell me you're in love with Hypatia, and that I don't deserve her? She's mine Weasley. There's no going back from a soul bond."

"It's not like that," Ron protested.

"Isn't it?" Regulus asked, his wand digging harder into Ron's neck.


Tonks looked over her shoulder quickly, "I said no killing minors Reggie!"

Regulus let out an annoyed sigh but let go of Ron's neck. The boy's posture slumped. Regulus relaxed a bit as he realized he wasn't a threat. Ron rolled his shoulders in an attempt to ease the ache of being slammed against the brick building.

"Merlin, you've got a short fuse. Has anyone ever told you that?"

"Half the magical world wants my wife dead, and the other half wants me dead. You'd be on edge too."

"Yeah," Ron sighed. "That's a good point. How is Hypatia by the way?"

"She's great," Regulus shrugged. "Better than she's ever been, in her own words."

Ron was looking at him piercingly, seeming like he was trying to decide on something. Tonks watched them with wide eyes. Finally Ron nodded and began to speak.

"Has she told you about her Muggle guardians?"


Ron's eyes flicked to Tonks, but he pressed on. "The summer after our first year there was a long stretch when Hypatia didn't answer anyone's letters. Not mine, or Hermoine's, or anyones. No one knew what was happening, but I had a terrible feeling. Eventually the twins and I went to get her."

Regulus' jaw flexed. He tried to keep hold of his temper. Of course. He knew something was off in the way she spoke about her guardians, but they hadn't talked about it yet.

"Continue," he ordered.

Ron blew out a deep breath, "There were bars on her window. They had locked all of her belongings up, so she couldn't get to them. They had burned some of them too. There were bruises, so many of them, all over her arms and legs. I tried to ask her about it but she refused to tell me anything."

Regulus could swear his blood was boiling in his veins. He looked at Tonks. He could tell she was angry too. She might be half Tonks, but she was half a Black as well. Hypatia was family now. This was unforgivable.

"Did you tell anyone?" Tonks asked.

"I told my parents, and they told Dumbledore. He said she had to go back there every summer because of the blood relation. After that summer Hermione's parents picked her up as soon as Dumbeldore allowed it. They've always been closer to each other."

"This should have been reported," Tonks whispered. "Dumbledore should have taken this to the Auror department."

"Like he took the abuse of Sirius and I to the Auror department? Or Draco? You imagine he didn't know? He knows everything that goes on in that school."

"Are you saying we can't trust Dumbledore?" Ron asked.

"Not if you want to live, Weasley."

"Fuck. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Hypatia is like another sister to me. I only left St. Mungo's with my family because I can't leave Ginny alone in that house. My mother is...well...she's intense."

Regulus looked at him measuredly, "What you're doing is noble, but if you and your sister ever need a way out, you're welcome at Grimmauld Place. I'll tell Dobby to answer your calls, just in case."

"What do you think could happen?" Ron asked in surprise.

"I don't know, but there's a war on. There's very little Dumbledore and the Death Eater's wouldn't do to win"

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