《Blood Magic and Other Drinking Games》Chapter 13




When Hypatia woke she was wrapped up firmly in Regulus' arms. She tried to move but he pulled her closer in his sleep.

Hypatia barely resisted the urge to laugh at Regulus. He was so cute like this-all his hard edges softened by sleep. She took a deep breath and angled slightly so she could slide sideways off the bed. Regulus grumbled in his sleep but let her go.

Hypatia tiptoed her way towards the closet, and slipped through the door. She was surprised at what she found inside. On top of a large chest of drawers against the wall there were several wrapped packages with her name on them from The Smoking Cauldron.

Hypatia pulled the green ribbon off a package. The wrappings slid open with ease, revealing a dress she had seen just yesterday. It was a beautiful gray color, just a single shade off Regulus' gray eyes.

"Oh my God. He didn't."

Arms snaked around her waist from behind. "I did, and Daddy will do."

Hypatia spun and pulled him into a kiss. He pulled back after a moment, happy to see the radiant smile on his face.

"Thank you Daddy."

Regulus smiled smugly, "Someone has to spoil you since you clearly have no intention to do it yourself."

"But I really don't need all this."

Regulus looked at her skeptically.

"Well I suppose it couldn't hurt," she conceded.

"That's right Princess."

Regulus' smile was radiant as he looked down at her. "Will you open the others?"

Hypatia nodded, "I feel like it's Christmas."

Regulus watched her open the packages with a mirthful smile. There was something so satisfying about making her happy. He knew he was lost to her. Never had he been able to make someone happy so easily. Hypatia certainly made him happy.

Hypatia reached for the first package she had opened and picked up the fine gray dress. It was made of flowing chiffon that had pearls sewn on it.

"Are you going to help me get ready again today?" Hypatia teased.

"I would love to, as soon as I get dressed. Why don't you start without me?"

Hypatia busied herself with doing her hair, and picking out the rest of her outfit. She put on a nude underwear set and turned to see Regulus staring at her. He had donned a pair of gray dress robes that set off his eyes perfectly.

"Just enjoying the view," Regulus replied. 

"I thought you were going to help?"

Regulus picked up the pair of heels she had set aside and came to kneel in front of her. This time she was prepared and stepped into the heels when he offered them. He placed gentle kisses on her legs before he stood up and helped her into her dress.

"You are stunning," Regulus whispered in her ear as he clasped the back of the dress into place.

Hypatia leaned back into him, enjoying the feel of his arms around her, of his lips on her neck.

"Your birthday's next month. Is there anything in particular you want? Any dreams I could help make true? We could have a party with your friends."

"I just want you."

"Well, that you already have. I belong to you completely."

Hypatia smiled, "That you do."


The silence in the Dining Room was haunting as Regulus spoke to those assembled. Hypatia watched Tonks, who looked like she was going to be sick any moment. Bill conjured a bag as Fleur aimed a cooling charm at her neck.


She didn't blame her one bit.

Horcruxes were terrible, but what was perhaps worse was the intentional tearing of one's soul. There were ways to take life, and not tear your soul. Regulus had done it himself, and so had Hypatia. But no, Voldemort chose to tear himself apart.

Tonks retched into the bag, and Helene sent her a look of sympathy. She wanted to be sick herself. She couldn't help but wonder if they hadn't been lucky to be born Squibs. Regulus paused to give his cousin a chance to regain her composure. Bill vanished the bag, and she gave a shaky smile as Kreacher brought her a glass of water.

"So how many are left?" Bill asked.

"Three remain. Ravenclaw's diadem, the locket, and Nagini."

"Ravenclaw's diadem is lost," Hermione added.

"It is not," Regulus corrected. "It merely remains hidden."

"You know where it is?!" Hermione asked incredulously.

"I do," Regulus replied evenly. His eyes took on a pained expression, "Pandora found it...before. She knew something had been done to it, and she brought me to see it. It wasn't until nearly a year later that I discovered how to kill a soul fragment. It should still be in its hiding place."

"So how exactly do you kill a horcrux?" George asked.

"You need something incredibly powerful, such as Basilisk venom. I knew of the legend when I was in Hogwarts, but not how to get into the Chamber."

Hermione's eyes snapped to Hypatia. "You're taking her back there?! You said it was dangerous to go to Hogwarts!"

Hypatia rolled her eyes, "Do you know someone else who can speak Parseltongue, Hermione? Besides, we'll go during the summer so there's no chance of running into baby Death Eater's."

"Well fine," Hermione dithered. "But I still don't like it."

"How will you get past the Hogwarts wards?" Remus asked.

"We might be able to help with that," Bill added. "Dumbledore has asked Fleur and I to double check the Hogwarts wards for weak spots. We haven't exactly informed them of our defection. You and Hypatia could sneak in with us when Hagrid lets us in."

"When will you be going?" Regulus asked.


"What do you think, Hypatia?"

"I think it's perfect," she replied.

"Then that's the plan. We'll go with Bill and Fleur. I don't want anyone underage touching a horcrux. They have terrible magic in them, as you can imagine. Lord and Lady Granger, you too. I don't know what it might do to someone without magic."

They nodded their heads. Regulus was glad they didn't fight him. He didn't have the energy for that right now.

"How do we get the others?" Remus asked tensely.

"The locket is already in my possession. The diadem I believe is in Hogwarts. I can kill it after we retrieve the fangs."

"And the snake?" Fred asked.

"That is more tricky. We must be patient, and cunning. Severus tells me the snake stays close to the Dark Lord. It would be best for me to lure the Dark Lord out of hiding if I can. Truthfully, the sight of me just functioning in society might be enough to force his hand. He's always needed absolute control. He'll be wondering why he can't control me through the Dark Mark anymore."

Hermione's eyes flickered between Regulus and Hypatia, before she finally seemed to decide on something.

"Do you really think you can beat Voldemort in a duel?" She asked. "I know you love Hypatia, but love doesn't win wars, contrary to Dumbledore's beliefs. She is the only living person known to defeat the Dark Lord."


Regulus tilted his head at her, "What do you know about soul bonds?"

"What everyone knows," Hermione sniffed haughtily. "It twines your souls. You can feel each other's emotions, to a certain extent."

Regulus nearly laughed. The education at Hogwarts was so cursory it was borderline negligent. Of those assembled it was likely only Sirius and Cissa knew the full extent of a soul bond, as they had been educated by their family. He braced his hands on the table.

"Soul bonds do not just twine the soul, Hermione. They twine magic."

"What does that mean exactly?"

"I will be able to use Hypatia's magic, and she will be able to use mine."

"She will be able to? Why can't she now?"

Cissa rubbed the crease between her eyes as Sirius cackled in his seat. Hermione turned to glare at him, and he laughed even harder.

"They haven't consummated the bond," Sirius choked out through tears.

"Why is that so funny?" Hermione asked Remus.

Remus shrugged, "Brother's are vicious."

Hermione shot Sirius her most disapproving look before turning back to Regulus. He seemed undaunted by the fact the whole room knew he hadn't bedded Hypatia yet.

"Hermione, I understand your concern. I'm not discounting it. I want you to consider something new, however. None of us have to fight the Dark Lord. It might be satisfying, it might provide some closure, but it's not necessary. Once the horcruxes are destroyed, he's a normal man. He could be poisoned, or catch on fire, or any manner of things."

"I hadn't considered that," Hermione conceded.

"Gryffindor's aren't exactly known for their subtlety," Draco snarked.

"Do you see how that's not helpful Draco?" Hypatia snapped.

Draco rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, but Hypatia couldn't help but laugh at him. It was nice to see him muster the energy to sass her. Cissa watched their bickering fondly. She wondered vaguely if this wasn't what it would have been like to have a daughter.

"Focus please," Regulus pleaded.

Hypatia had the decency to pretend to be sorry for a beat. When Regulus refocused his attention on the table a smirk took up residence on her face that Draco had to ignore.

"We will destroy the horcruxes we have access to. What we need you to do is pay attention. Keep your mouths shut, keep your eyes and ears open. People speak far more freely than they should, especially when they're doing things like shopping."

He looked pointedly at the twins, and they nodded their heads.

"Any hint of anything related to the Dark Lord, I want to know about. I need to know if he's coming after me or Hypatia, because that may be our only chance to end this."


Hermione riffled through her trunk, looking for her bag. The twins ogled her ass from their position on the bed. Hypatia sent a stinging hex their way that had them yelping and rubbing their ouchies.

"What was thar for?!" Fred wailed.

"You know what for," Hypatia glared. "No ogling my sister in front of me. It's grosse."

"You and Regulus make eyes at each other constantly," George pointed out. "Plus you and

Hermione aren't actually related!"

Hermione aimed her wand behind her without even looking up and whispered another stinging hex. George dove underneath the bed covers, mumbling complaints about difficult women. Hermione gave up digging in her trunk and stood back up, giggling at Fred and George's woes.

"Oh, screw it. Accio beaded bag!"

A small bag flew out of her trunk and into her hand. She motioned for Hypatia to sit on the edge of the bed with her.

"Look at this, I've placed Undetectable Extension Charms, and Featherlight Charms on it. You can put everything in here."

Hypatia blinked at her friend in surprise, "Hermione, this is serious magic. I'm impressed."

"It's also illegal," Fred added mischievously.

Hermione gave him a sharp look and he threw his hands up in defeat. Hermione smiled sweetly at him, and he beamed. Hypatia laughed. The twins were so love drunk Hermione could have lit them on fire and they would have thanked her for the privilege.

"So it's not the most legal," Hermione admitted. "But when has that ever stopped any of us?"

"Never," Hypatia giggled.

"You will be careful, won't you? No wandering away from Regulus."

"Stay with my husband. Got it."

"She never worries about us that way," George grumbled to Fred.

"That's because we're more capable," Fred told him.

"More replaceable is more like it," Hypatia shot back.

Fred fell back onto the bed dramatically, "Oy! I'm wounded. Replaceable, she says! Where's your husband anyways? Use some of your sharp wit on him, and leave us be."

"Oh, off plotting with Sirius and Remus."

"Plotting what?" George asked with renewed interest.

"Revenge I imagine. He came back to find much of his generation gone, not to mention everyone who wants me dead. People will have to pay for that."

"Since when are you so cutthroat?" Fred asked with amusement.

"I don't know. Maybe it was always there. Maybe it's the Black family magic that's taken root in me. Whatever it is, I know one thing. No one one messes with the Ancient & Noble House of Black."


Remus twirled his wand in hand, "Don't you think people are going to notice if we go around killing people?"

"Not particularly," Regulus shrugged. "People never notice things that are right under their nose. Are you genuinely telling me you don't want to kill Umbridge? Moony, I expected better of you. After all you and James went through, don't you consider his only child Pack?"

Sirius raised his eyebrows at Regulus. He knew exactly what he was doing. He addressed the wolf, not Remus. Remus' eyes flashed aureate gold. Moony was forcing himself to the surface. A growl filled the room.

"Of course I do," Moony yelled. "I'll rip her throat out."

"There we are," Regulus smirked.

"Nice of you to join us," Sirius drawled.

"Shut it."

Sirius gave a salute, and Moony rolled his eyes.

"Welcome back from the dead, little Black."

"Wasn't exactly dead, but thanks Moony."

"Are you going to kill Umbridge, or do I have to do it myself?"

Regulus smirked, this was the side of Remus he enjoyed the most. It was him in a way, but he repressed it so hard in an effort to be a "good person". Absurd. He should have let both sides merge a long time ago. Perhaps with a little Dark influence he would.

"I'm going to kill Umbridge, though you're welcome to help me if you wish. Just don't do anything Remus will complain about for the next twenty years."

"What am I? Chopped liver?" Sirius demanded.

Moony looked down at him with a lascivious smile, "You're mine."

"What you are is a wanted man, and until I clear your name you'll stay put. I already have things in motion."

"What things?! You got here like two days ago. What the fuck?!"

Moony laughed, though it came out more like a bark. Regulus rolled his eyes at his brother.

"Did Dumbledore really make you think you had no friends left?"

Sirius paused. He had no answers for that. Regulus shook his head.

"We're not as alone as you seem to think. There are people who will help us, and we'll remember them after the war when we restore this house to its former power."

Sirius looked at him warily.

"I'm not our father, Sirius. I don't want to control you, or Hypatia. But I will restore our line, and the Potter's. I owe it to Hypatia, and to our future children. We could have the ability to push through werewolf rights if we play our cards right. I'll take the Black seat, Hypatia the Potter seat. Draco will side with us when he takes the Malfoy seat, and Bill could easily claim the Weasley title from under his fathers nose."

Remus' eyes began to return to their normal hazel, the gold fading quick. "You really think you can push through werewolf legislation?"

"Absolutely. If Dumbledore hadn't been sitting around plotting for the last sixteen years he could have pushed it through himself."

Remus looked at Sirius, his gaze thoughtful. "Fine, I'm in."


Hypatia allowed the silky fabric of the invisibility cloak to fall through her fingers like water, and onto her bed.

"Are you alright, love?"

Hypatia turned to see Regulus leaning with his back against the door of their room. She hadn't even heard him come into the room. Hypatia shrugged and sat on the edge of the bed. Regulus crossed the floor until he stood in front of her. He tilted her face up and stroked her face with the back of his hand. Hypatia closed her eyes and leaned into his touch.

Hypatia looked up at him, her eyes fraught. "I used to think of Hogwarts as my home, but it's not anymore. It's place in my heart has been filled by you, by this house. What if going back just ruins all those memories?"

Regulus sat down next to Hypatia. His eyes had a spark in them, as if they were molten silver. He brushed his hair away from her ear, and leaned in until his lips brushed her ears.

"We can make new memories there, better ones."

Hypatia's heart took flight. 

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