《Blood Magic and Other Drinking Games》Chapter 4


Hypatia followed Regulus down the stairs. When they reached the foyer she grabbed his hand and pulled him close. Regulus looked down at her and all intelligent thought fled her brain.

"What is it?" Regulus asked.

"For the life of me I can't remember."

Regulus smiled, and tugged on her hand. A shriek rent the air. Oh yes, his mothers portrait. Hypatia hurried over and wrenched the curtains shut.

"Was that my mother?" Regulus whispered with wide eyes.

"Yes. No one can figure out how to get it off the walls."

Regulus glared at the portrait. He wouldn't be held hostage in his own home by his banshee of a mother. He strode towards it and plucked it off the wall.

With a flick of his wand he hovered it in the air. He Incendio'd it with a silent spell and watched as it went up in flames.

Hypatia gaped at him, "How did you do that? Sirius has tried a hundred times."

"My guess is that the house only recognized him as a temporary keeper, and not Lord Black. That's why he was unable to make permanent changes."

"Well fuck that," Sirius muttered from behind them.

Regulus grinned cockily, and Sirius flipped him off. Hypatia smiled at the byplay. At least they were talking and not dueling. Sirius turned to go down to the kitchen, and Regulus stopped him.

"Where are you going?"

"The kitchen. I'm hungry."

Regulus stared down his brother, and something passed between them that Hypatia didn't understand. Finally Regulus broke the silence after a tense moment.

"We have a perfectly good Dining Room on this floor."

"I hate that Dining Room."

"Sirius, we are not children anymore. This is our home. We can go anywhere, do anything, and there is no one to stop us."

Sirius paused as he considered the idea. Remus smiled at Hypatia.

"Holy shite you're right."

"I know."

"I can dance on the table if I want."

"You really can, but preferably not when we have company."

"I can swim naked in the pool."

"There's a pool?" Hypatia asked.

"Of course there's a pool," Sirius and Regulus chorused incredulously.

"Okay rich boys," Remus replied. "I would like to eat sometime this century, so if you could please pick a room."

Sirius looked at Regulus with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, "The Dining Room."

Regulus waved his wand and a pocket door opened that Hypatia had never noticed before. It led to a massive formal dining room. There were several floor to ceiling windows that would have let in light, had they not been covered with heavy black drapes. Sirius waved his wand and they opened. Dust flew off in every direction.

"Walburga never wanted to open these drapes," Sirius muttered angrily as he walked to the next one and opened them.

"Why not?" Hypatia asked.

"She had headaches," Regulus said at the same time that Sirius answered, "She was a cunt."

Regulus tilted his head to Sirius' point, "That's true, she was."

Hypatia shook her head. The Black brothers together were hilarious. After Sirius had opened all the drapes he used one of the gilded chairs to climb up onto the long black marble table. He stood on its top and looked at either end rather dramatically.

"Kreacher," Hypatia called, seeing that nothing would get served if she didn't order it. The elf appeared and scowled at Sirius where he stood on the table.


"Could you bring us some lunch? The boys are....reminiscing."

"In here?"

"Yes. We will be using the Dining Room from now on."

Kreacher left to fetch the food, and Hypatia gravitated towards Regulus' side. He was sitting in a black velvet high back chair at the head of the table. Remus was still walking around sending cleansing charms in every direction.

"How does it feel to be in your fathers chair?" Hypatia asked.

"Like I want to throw all these out and buy new furniture," Regulus admitted bitterly. "I don't want to be like him. I don't want to sit in his chair."

Hypatia tilted her head as she looked at it. She couldn't buy new furniture before the Order arrived, but maybe she could do a little something for him and Sirius. She removed her wand from its holster and turned the upholstery on his chair emerald green, and the three near it.

"How's that?"

Regulus turned around to look at the chair. The color matched Hypatia's eyes.

"It's perfect."

"Aw Hypatia, do I have to sit here? It's Slytherin green," Sirius whined.

"Fine, I'll change yours to red. Kreacher is coming with the food, so sit down."

"Merlin, when you'd get so bossy?"

He sat in the chair she had changed to red for him with a smile, and ate when Kreacher sat food in front of him.

Hypatia smiled as she watched him tell Remus all the outlandish things he was going to do in the house. Kreacher came in after a while and took away their plates.

"The Order will be here any minute," Remus noted.

"Let me ask you one more thing," Regulus started. "Is there anyone the Dark Lord may try to harm to get to you? Anyone vulnerable? He knows you're noble, and it would be the obvious play now that he knows it will work."

"Hermione," Hypatia provided immediately. It had worried her before that the Order refused to protect her or her parents, but she couldn't make them. They never listened to her. "She's like a sister to me. I'm truthfully amazed she hasn't been attacked before now."

"And where is your friend now?"

"St. Mungo's," Remus provided. "Dolohov hit her with a nasty hex."

Regulus' brow furrowed, "What color was the spell?"


"I know that spell. He crafted it right after I joined the Death Eater's. I can send instructions to St. Mungo's on how to heal her. It will at least give her a fighting chance. Would you like your friend and her parents to come stay with us until the war is over?"

"Really? You'd be willing to do that? They're Muggles, Regulus."

Regulus frowned slightly, and then nodded. "I'm sure."

He conjured a parchment and quill and wrote out instructions for the Healers at St. Mungo's. Once he was done he called Kreacher once again.

"I need you to go to St. Mungo's and deliver this message to the healer of Miss Granger. Then go to her parents and invite them to stay with us. You are to bring them back here when she is discharged. You alert me at the first sign of danger. Do you understand?"

Kreacher took the letters with a grimace and a muttering of, "Dirty blood."

"Kreacher," Regulus said softly.

"Yes Master?"

"This is very important to me, and to your Mistress. Lady Black views Miss Granger as a sister. That means she is under the protection of the Ancient & Noble House of Black.."


Kreacher's eyes grew wide as he looked between Hypatia and Regulus.

"Yes Master and Mistress, I do it. I will bring the Mud- I mean Muggleborn here. I won't let anyone touch her. I promise."

"Very good. Now go."

The elf popped away, and Regulus looked at Hypatia. Admiration was clear in her eyes, though he'd never savored the look so much before.

"He called her a Muggleborn," Hypatia whispered.

"He is teachable."

Sirius scoffed as Hypatia felt something ripple through her magic. Regulus sighed and stood up from his seat, holding his hand out to Hypatia, who did the same.

"What was that?" Hypatia asked.

"Someone had crossed the wards. The family magic has recognized you as Lady Black, so you will feel when someone enters the house."

He held out his arm to her and she took it gratefully.

"That is eerie," she whispered.

"I know."


The Dining Room was soon overflowing with Order members. They stuffed themselves around the long table.

Regulus and Hypatia greeted them as they entered. Most greeted Regulus stiffly, if politely. No one was quite sure what to say. Except for Tonks of course.

Tonks stumbled through a curtsy, and glanced between Sirius and Regulus pointedly several times before she burst into a huge smile and pulled him into a hug. Sirius dissolved into giggles. Hypataia nodded at Regulus encouragingly, and he managed to make himself pat her on the back.

"I'm glad you're back, cousin," she added before she took her seat by Mad Eye Moody.

Dumbledore entered last. When he came to greet Hypatia, Regulus took a step slightly in front of her, and the Headmaster stopped in his tracks. Regulus merely raised his brows at the Headmaster and motioned to a seat at the far end of the table.

The Headmaster took the hint and took the seat opposite Regulus, who retook his seat at the head of the table. Hypatia, Sirius, and Remus took the seats around him.

"Welcome to our home," Regulus intoned. "I am sure you have some things to say, Headmaster Dumbledore?"

Those gathered around the table looked acuttley uncomfortable. Mad Eye Moody was glaring at him.

"How do we know we can trust him?" The old Auror grumbled. "He was a Death Eater, I seem to recall. Besides, it could be an imposter."

Regulus smirked, "You'd know all about that, wouldn't you?"

Mad Eye grumbled, and Sirius did his best to hide his laugh behind his hand. He loved this side of his brother. He never knew he was so funny.

"Anyone have any Veritaserum?" Regulus asked offhandedly.

"You don't have to do that," Hypatia whispered. "I trust you."

"Don't worry, love. It's alright."

Tonks produced a small vial from her pocket, and brought it to her cousin. Regulus took it with a look of pure amusement on her face.

"Do you make a habit of keeping controlled substances on you?"

Tonks shrugged, "If they're useful."

Regulus smiled and took a dose small enough to force him to speak truthfully for a few moments. He handed the vial back to Tonks and she retook her seat. Hypatia watched as vacancy filled his eyes. She absolutely hated it.

"What is your name?" Mad Eye demanded.

"Lord Regulus Arcturus Potter-Black."

Hypatia smiled. She hadn't heard their joint name yet. It sounded nice. Mad Eye grumbled in his seat. He seemed terribly put out that it wasn't someone polyjuiced.

"Do you remain loyal to the Dark Lord?" Dumbledore asked.


"Were you ever loyal to the Dark Lord?" Mad Eye demanded.


"Why?" Hypatia added in haste.

These questions weren't fair. He wasn't allowed to give context.

"I obeyed or I died."

"Do you love Hypatia?" Fred yelled.

"Frederick Gideon Weasley!" Hypatia admonished. This was getting wildly out of hand.


Hypatia's attention was drawn back to Regulus. She watched as the light came back into his eyes as the Veritaserum wore off. He gave her a small smile and leaned in close to her so that only she could hear him speak.

"It's easy to love you, Hypatia. I can't imagine anyone could feel your soul and not give into the temptation."

Hypatia smiled, "I love you too."

Regulus straightened back up, a haughty smirk on his face. He already knew Hypatia loved him, but to hear her say it in her soft whisper, her breath against his face, was something else entirely.

"Now that we've established that I love my wife, perhaps we can get to business."

Dumbledore spoke, "The battle last night was hard fought, but luckily we had no casualties. Those in St. Mungo's are on the mend. I think we must revisit the topic at hand, Lord Potter-Black."

Regulus sighed. Hypatia watched as his jaw tensed, his eyes narrowed. She didn't think she'd want to be on the wrong side of his anger. He wasn't going to lay all their personal business at the Order's feet. If they had questions, they could ask them.

"Perhaps you could tell us where you were all these years?" Dumbledore asked after a moment of tense silence.

"Suffice it to say I was unavoidably detained."

Dumbledore waited for him to elaborate, but Reguls merely stared at him. Eventually he turned his attention to Hypatia.

"Hypatia, why did you bond yourself to Regulus? There is a war going on, you had to know this would draw attention to you, make you even more of a target. I'm aware of no prior relationship between the two of you."

Hypatia looked down at her hands. She blushed a bright red. She was incredibly embarrassed to admit that she had been drinking so heavily. It was incredibly improper, and the twins were sure to tease her about her intolerance. Regulus saved her from thinking of an answer.

"It's Lady Potter-Black, Headmaster. No one disrespects my wife. Not at her own table."

Hypatia felt warmth build as she looked at Regulus. His face was intense. Sirius was beaming in his chair, only kept silent by the calming presence of Remus. Molly Weasley broke the silence.

"She is too young to bond! She should be removed from Grimmauld Place!"

Hypatia's posture tensed. Regulus stood to his feet as the walls of the Dining Room shook. After a moment they stopped, and all eyes turned to Regulus. He had his wand in hand.

"What was that?" Molly asked fearfully.

"That is the magic of the Ancient & Noble House of Black. I imagine the home viewed your words as a threat to the Lady of the house. Hypatia won't be taken from me by force or coercion. She is the one that invoked the soul bond. We are inextricably linked now. Surely you understand how soul bonds work, or has the Hogwarts curriculum failed you too?"

Molly spluttered, but her ire was soon turned on the twins as they poorly concealed their own laughter. Voices of Order members overlapped each other as debate broke out. The ruckus continued until Dumbledore held up his hands for silence.

Regulus was still standing, and his face looked fierce. "Not that this isn't entertaining, but I'm wondering why you're all content to talk about my wife's fate like she's not here?"

Albus paused, his hands steepled in front of him.

"She is but a child."

A wicked smirk took up place on Regulus' face, "Oh, I can assure you she's not."

Molly's face turned an ugly shade of puce. Remus rubbed the crease in between his eyes as he waited for the fallout. Hypatia on the other hand, was thoroughly enjoying this side of Regulus. He was more commanding in front of others, more authoritative. It set butterflies off in her stomach.

"Furthermore, she is a legal adult now that we are married."

"She is fifteen!" Molly bellowed.

"She's sixteen in a month. How old were you when you ran off with Arthur?"

"That's not the point!"

"Kind of is," George threw in. "I say let the crazy kids be in love. It's not like it can be undone anyways. We might as well support them."

"But, but-"

"We care about her safety," Dumbledore provided. "We have more experience than she does."

Regulus scoffed, "You don't. With teaching? Certainly. With the Dark Lord? No. Hypatia and I both have you beat there. She won't be going anywhere without me. You've proven you can't protect her."

"Perhaps we should speak alone."

Dumbledore spoke directly to Hypatia, ignoring Regulus. The intensity of his gaze made her uncomfortable. Regulus turned his hand to her, a silent invitation. She took it and stood beside him.

"I'm not going anywhere. I agree with my husband."

"You are a child," Dumbledore said softly.

"Just another child you failed Albus," Regulus replied. "But don't worry, I'll take good care of her."

Their eyes met, and Regulus wondered if he didn't see a bit of regret there in the Headmaster's eyes. It was gone before he could process it, replaced by a steely resolve.

"I can not condone this behavior."

"Then leave," Regulus ordered. "I won't allow you to disrespect my wife. She's the Lady of two powerful houses, yet you wish to plot her future as if she's eleven."

Dumbledore turned his eyes back to Hypatia. She showed no signs of conflict or weakness. He stood to his feet and walked out calmly, followed by a large group of people. Sirius made sure they all left, and the door closed and sealed behind them.

When Regulus returned he was surprised to see Tonks and the Weasley twins still at the table. Tonks stood and smiled awkwardly at them, "We're family."

"What about you two?" Regulus asked testily.

Hypatia put a hand on his arm, and he looked down at her. There was a pleading look in her eyes that soothed him. He looked back at the twins, who were watching the interaction with a small smile.

"We've always watched out for Hypatia," George started.

"Besides, Mione will never talk to us again if we leave," Fred finished.

Hypatia laughed happily, and Regulus looked at her for explanation.

"The twins have been pining for Hermione for years. They actually convinced her to go on a courtship date with them to Hogsmeade last year, before Umbridge canceled the visits."

"May she burn in hell," the twins chorused.

Regulus looked at them with mirth. "Well you've made the right decision then. Miss Granger and her parents will be staying with us for the foreseeable future."

"Excellent," Fred beamed.

"So what's the plan now that we've pissed off The Order?" Tonks asked.

Regulus looked at Sirius. He wasn't quite sure who to trust yet. The horcrux hunt was something they could only trust with the most loyal of souls. Sirius seemed to understand his predicament.

"Why don't we go to the library, and we can get to know each other a little better before we get into that?"

Hypatia grabbed Regulus' hand and let the others go first. When Fred looked back at her, she smiled. "I want to speak to Regulus in private for a moment. We'll be up in just a moment."

Hypatia slid the door shut behind Fred. Once it was closed she flicked her wand to lock and silence it.She turned and looked at Regulus, a spark in her eyes that he hadn't seen before. It was terribly charming.

"I'm sorry if I upset you-"

Regulus' half-hearted apology was cut off by Hypatia pressing her lips against his. She had crossed the space between them in a quarter of a second.

Everything disappeared.

For a few glorious moments there was no war, no Dark Lord. There was only his perfect wife moving her lips against his. He grabbed her legs and wrapped them around him as he kissed her back hungrily. He turned and walked until he hit the wood paneling. He angled one long leg in between her thighs to keep her aloft.

His hands laced through her hair and tugged gently on her braids to change the angle of her face. Hypatia made a keening sound involuntarily as her hips shifted. She only had a half second to feel embarrassed, because then Regulus was biting her bottom lip, and oh that was divine.

Regulus pulled back after a moment, breathing hard. His head tipped to rest on her shoulder. She barely resisted the urge to shift her hips and feel sparks roar through her body again. She'd never felt like this about anyone.

"You continue to surprise me," he whispered. "I thought you were going to get upset."

Hypatia pulled his head back up to look at her, forcing him to look in her eyes. She'd never seen such pure raw possession in her life.

"I loved it. No one stands up for me like that. Well Hermione does, but I don't want to snog her."

Regulus smirked as his eyes returned to her lips, "Noted."

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