《Blood Magic and Other Drinking Games》Chapter 1


A/N: I have been working on this story for a while in the background. I will post the chapters as I have them done. I hope to have all the chapters posted within a couple weeks. I intend to update the tags as I go, so we're not giving away any spoilers. I hope you enjoy.

A/N #2: In the beginning of this story Hypatia is drinking heavily. I have tried to convey that she is blacking out and then coming back to consciousness by using the phrase "darkness". I wanted to just explain that unless it is confusing.


Lady Hypatia Potter was well and truly drunk.

Sirius was upstairs in his room recuperating from the battle at the Ministry of Magic. The clock had just chimed three am, but she still couldn't sleep. This was the worst night of her life, short of the night she lost her parents. She had been possessed by Voldemort. Her friends had been injured in battle. She had almost lost Sirius.

It was just too much.

Everytime she attempted to close her eyes the lights of brightly colored spells played behind her eyelids, reminding her of her friends still laying in St. Mungo's.

She clenched the bottle of Ogden's Finest Firewhiskey in her hand as she climbed the stairs to the library. The bottle of firewhiskey was as old as Sirius himself. Hypatia had gulped it down without thinking, and now she was beyond drunk. She heard the voice of Hermione in her head.

"Ladies do not get drunk."

Hermione was the one who taught her Pureblood etiquette. Because in the end it didn't really matter that she wasn't a Pureblood. She was Lady Potter, and she had to learn how polite society worked. Hermione was as always, happy to help Hypatia perfect every facet.

Hypatia had taken to it immediately, preferring the niceties that were offered to her in such a society. That is, when the Dark Lord wasn't trying to kill her and her loved ones. Hypatia chuckled at the thought as she tripped up the last step, and used her hand to steady herself against the wall.

"Bloody Death Eaters."

Ladies also didn't curse, but Hypatia reasoned that in her own home she could do as she wished. And this would be her home one day, since Sirius had named her his Heiress. He certainly didn't mind.

She tumbled into the library, and went to the section that had once belonged to Regulus. She had always had a fascination for the lost boy and his collection. His taste was varied, but Dark. He read extensively on magical creatures, and spell creation. There were scrolls upon scrolls of his own research and spells that were stored in the case that she safeguarded from The Order. She had spent many late nights reading them over.

The room started to tilt as she waved her wand to unlock the cabinet. The room spun more violently and she lurched forward. Her hand landed on the bottom shelf, breaking her fall. There was a small book there that she had never noticed before. She picked it up and tried to focus, but the text on the page floated.


She had definitely had too much.


She stood in front of the tapestry. A ritual dagger laid at her feet. Her left hand was cut down the middle. Her blood dripped onto the wood floor. The small book was in her right hand, smeared with her blood. She pushed her hand against the tapestry and gasped as she felt magic rush through her.



Regulus felt a pull on the tethers of his soul. He was being pulled from the relentless nothingness of this space in between life and death. There was only one way to bring someone back from this place.

Who would invoke a soul bond with him?

He felt his body settle onto something solid. He opened his eyes slowly, amazed to be able to see. He eased himself up on the heels of his hands. He looked around cautiously as he adjusted to his new state of being. He recognized this place.

He was in the library at Grimmauld Place. He was wearing the same robes he had been wearing when he was pulled under the lake by masses of Inferi. His wand was securely in his breast pocket. He rolled up his sleeve, and was amazed to find the Dark Mark gone. Soul bonds could sever other bonds, especially ones that affected the soul.

He turned his gaze around the room, looking for whoever had called him back. There was a girl in front of the tapestry, laying face down. He rolled her over and was shocked to see her forehead covered in blood. He raised his wand and healed it, vanishing the blood while he was at it. A faint white scar in the shape of a lightning bolt was left on her face.

He looked her over for other injuries and found many minor scrapes and bruises. Her left hand was cut down the middle, and he healed that as well. She must have used the ritual dagger on the ground to invoke the bond.

On the back of her right hand, there were permanent scars that read "I must not tell lies". He immediately recognized the work of a Blood Quill. Rage roared through him. He'd kill whoever had tortured her.

One of his notebooks laid just out of reach of her right hand. He recognized it easily. It contained detailed notes about how to invoke a soul bond using blood magic. He had never meant for anyone to find that. It was just research, just knowledge for the sake of it.

There was a bottle of Ogden's that he firmly remembered being a part of his parents collection underneath her, almost completely gone. He looked for something to identify her. He looked up at the tapestry, and sure enough, her name was already there next to his.

Lady Hypatia Lily Potter.

"Merlin, how much time has passed?" He whispered.

There was no Hypatia Potter when he went into that cave, and given that her middle name was Lily, this was probably the daughter of Lily and James. He looked closely at her face, committing her to memory. She had delicate, fine features, long black eyelashes, and petal pink lips.


She wore robes of dark green, ones that Regulus immediately recognized as traditional battle robes. They were cut closer to the body, and only came to the knee to allow for better movement. She wore dark tights underneath with green dragonhide boots. She had her wand in an arm holster, as if she expected to be attacked at any moment.

What had this beauty been through, and why had she called him back?

The door to the library slammed open, and Regulus found himself at the business end of Sirius' wand. Though this Sirius was substantially older, and more weather worn than when he had last seen him. Sirius' composure slipped, and his wand shaked at the sight in front of him.

"Is this a dream? This can't be. You're dead!"

"And yet here I am Siri."

Sirius flinched at the sound of his childhood nickname. Only Hypatia ever called him that anymore. He turned his gaze around the room, looking for his goddaughter. He rushed to her as soon as he saw her, pulling her into his arms.

"What did you do to her?!" Sirius demanded as he carried her to a sofa.

"Fawn, wake up! Fawn?"

"I didn't do anything to her. She's drunk, Sirius. There was an empty bottle of Ogden's beneath her."

Sirius glared at his brother, "Hypatia doesn't drink."

"She did today! Here, let me show you."

Regulus raised his wand to run a diagnostic charm over her, but Sirius raised his own wand in response. Regulus put his hands up in a sign of surrender.

"I was just going to run a diagnostic charm. I'm not going to hurt her!"

Sirius narrowed his eyes but waved Regulus over. He ran the spell and read out the results from the parchment that produced itself from his wand.

"She's incredibly drunk, Siri. We should probably use a Sober Up charm on her, so she doesn't get alcohol poisoning."

"She's never even drunk alcohol before that I know of," Sirius whispered as Regulus did the spell. Hypatia murmured a bit in her sleep, but otherwise seemed unbothered by the jostling.

"Did something happen? She's incredibly small. It's likely she just didn't know how it would affect her. It happened more than once in the Slytherin Common Room, I can assure you."

"There was a battle at the Ministry. It was pretty bad. Her friends were hurt. Regulus, how are you here?! We all thought you were dead. What the fuck is going on?!"

"I wasn't dead exactly , but I wasn't alive. She called me back by invoking a soul bond."

Sirius went pale, "She didn't."

"Check the tapestry."

There it was next to Regulus' name.

"Hypatia," Regulus read out loud. "A more traditional name than I would have expected of Lily and James. I assume this is their daughter?"

Sirius nodded, "It's the name Euphemia wanted. She told James before she passed, and they decided to honor her request. Merlin, this is so fucked up. This is going to be an absolute mess. She's not even sixteen yet. Her birthday is next month."

Regulus blinked, "Well that's...that's good to know. Thank Merlin I'm only seventeen."

"James is rolling in his grave," Sirius whispered.

"What happened to them?" Regulus asked.

"Settle in, brother. You've got a lot to catch up on."


Regulus took the cup of tea that Kreacher had brought him, but not before weeping and giving him the hug of his lifetime.

Hypatia was sleeping on the sofa with her head in Sirius' lap. Regulus was happy to see he already considered her a part of the family. Sirius had filled him in on as much as he could about the time he had missed. Regulus was sad, but not surprised to hear how many had died.

"The title transfers back to you now that you're back, and Hypatia as well. She would have inherited everything from me anyways."

Regulus smirked, "I'm sure that thrilled Narcissa."

"I really wouldn't know," Sirius scowled. He paused as he stroked aside a piece of Hypatia's hair. "I just realized her scar is almost completely gone. Did you do that Reg?"

"I didn't do anything. Her face was covered in blood when I woke up. It's most likely the effect of the soul bond, but we can ask her when she wakes up if she did anything else."

"This morning's Daily Prophet master," Kreacher offered.

Regulus took it as Sirius glared at the little elf. He had never been so kind to Sirius.

"Merlin," gasped Regulus. He tossed the paper over to his brother, who caught it swiftly and looked at the photo on the front. There was a quickly disappearing Voldemort. The Minister of Magic stood in shock in the background, with Dumbledore and Hypatia in the foreground.

"The whole world will know the truth now," Sirius noted.

"They don't know the half of it," Regulus volleyed. "He's torn himself apart. He did not look like that when I disappeared into that lake."

Sirius tried not to flinch. The story of the horcrux and the Inferi had bothered him more than he let on. "What did he look like before?"

"He was a handsome man," Regulus shrugged. "Black hair, blue eyes, high cheekbones. I always thought he took pride in his good looks. I suppose immortality meant more to him."

Sirius sighed, "What are we going to do Reg? Can we actually trust anyone?"

"You can trust me. I nearly died trying to do the right thing. I am going to end him, and I am going to protect my wife. I don't care if I have to kill Dumbledore, and anyone else that gets in my way. I suggest you summon Remus and have a serious discussion about where your loyalties lie."

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