《Falling for the Muslimah》Chapter 4


My alarm woke me up and I jumped into the shower. I put my clothes on and made my way downstairs. I had to meet up with Umaira for our project today, we both decided to a coffee shop. But I've decided to take her to one of my favorite place.

"Hey, mom I'm going out to meet a friend", before I entered the kitchen I heard my mom talking to someone but I couldn't tell who it was. That voice sounded very familiar. When I saw who it was, my jaw literally dropped.

"What's he doing here?" I was both shocked and angry because that person was none other than my dad. What on earth is he doing here?

"Son, please let me explain", he answered.

"How dare you call me that, after what you did to us, you left us for good 8 years and this is the time you decide to show up?". I took a few steps forward until I was standing right in front of him.

"You left mom alone, she's here suffering from lung cancer while you're out there sleeping with sluts, go back to where you came from and never come back". I could see pain and regret in my dad's eyes, I kinda felt bad but I didn't want him to see through me. It also hurts a lot, my mom had cancer and was always coughing up blood. I just can't take it anymore.

I quickly took my bag from sofa and left the house slamming the door behind me.

I decided to drive around the city to clean my head before going to meet up with Umaira.

About a couple of minutes, I spotted my friends and Jessica(my girlfriend) close to a mall. So l parked my car and made my way to them. I really want to forget everything that happened today. I gave all my buddies a handshake except for Jessica. I leaned in a kissed her and she kissed me back.

"Hey babe, you wanna hang out with us?" She asked as she picked up my hand.

"I'd love to but I've gotta meet up with Umaira".

"It seems to me that you're spending more time with that Mozlem than with me". She says in disgust.

I really didn't understand why she was jealous, she's been saying the same thing since last week and it really pisses me off and I swear if she doesn't stop it with the attitude we're gonna go our separate ways. Umaira is just a partner and nothing more. Right???

"Jess it's not Mozlem, it's Muslim and no, I'm just with her because of the project, but we'll spend more time together, okay". She nodded and I kissed her forehead.

"Anyways, I'll catch you guys later", and with that I ran back to my car.

Next stop: Umaira's house.

I rang the doorbell twice and it opened by Umaira. She was wearing an off white maxi dress with a flowery headscarf. I kinda wanted her to take off her hijab to see how beautiful her hair was.


But to be honest she looked beautiful. She looked like an angel in the outfit.

What!!!!! Come on snap out of it, she's just a partner for a project and plus you've got a girlfriend. Don't even think about falling for her.

"Hey, so are you ready to go?", she said smiling at me.

"Ummm... yeah", geez what is wrong with me. Why am I asking like an idiot?

We got into my car and I asked her, "Anywhere in particular you wanna go?"

"Not really", she replied looking at her phone for the time.

"Ok then, I have an idea", I said before driving off.

After around 20 minutes we reached a mall.

"Are you taking me to shop?", I could sense curiosity in her tone.

"If that's what you want to do, then we shall do it".

I quickly got out and went around to open her door.

"Awww, you knew Mr. Woods could be such a gentleman, thanks", she said laughing.

"Ummm...yeah, no problem", I felt my cheeks turn a shade of pink. Since when did I, Austin Woods blush. This girl is really doing something to me.

She started laughing again. I think she had seen my face. Ughh this is so embarrassing.

I turned around and pressed the button on my key to lock the car and yelled, "Whatever cupcake".

The expression on her face changed, and I immediately walked far away from her, thanks to my long legs, but she was still able to catch up.

"What was that?", she said standing next to me.

"I don't know what you're talking about?", I said pretending like nothing happened.

"I thought I told you to stop it with the nicknames", she asked looking a bit annoyed.

"What, can't I call you one of your nicknames", I said looking at her.

"I don't remember anyone calling me that, plus I don't like it".

"I think it suits you, and I'll add it to the nicknames I give you".

"Whatever", she said smiling. Damn she's gonna kill me with her smile one day.

"Okay here we are, Marwaco Arcade! Ever been here?", I was so excited, I wanted to bring her here because I really love this place.

"Nope", she shook her head and I stared at her utterly shocked.

"So you mean to tell that you've been in this country for years, and you didn't know it exists. But no worries it'll be more fun now that you're by my side". I found her blushing and I smirked.

"Okay...", she replied as we were heading inside.

We walked to the counter where there was a this blonde standing right there.

At first, I saw her looking at Umaira with disgust, but when her eyes glanced at me, she started checking me out and for some reason plastered a big smile on her face.

I smiled back trying to be polite.


I roll my eyes at the blonde. Like seriously? You give me a stink eye and act nice around Mr. Jerkface? Some people are just unbelievable.

"Hi, I'm Tiffany, how may I help you today?", she said in a flirty tone.

"What's up, can I have pepperoni pizza for two please?", he said.

"Sure, would you like anything else?", she said swaying her hips in front of him. Ewww...some girl really have bad taste.

"Sorry, if you got the impression, but I have a girlfriend", He said all of a sudden and I looked up instead of the ground.

What!!! The Austin Woods has a girlfriend... Since when?

"Oh ok, but is she prettier than me?", she said flipping her hair at the last part.

"Yep, she's gorgeous", he said as he placed his arm around me before saying, "She's my girlfriend", he continued as he pointed at me.

Excuse me!!!! What is wrong with this guy?

I quickly shoved his arm off me and he looked at me confused.

"What's wrong princess"

"In Islam, it's not permitted for the opposite sex to touch the other, so...no handshakes, hugs and all that stuff, I hope you understand"

"Anything for my princess, but please can you just play along",he whispered in my ear so that the blonde couldn't her. Ughhh, this guy is gonna drive me nuts. He's such a player.

I took a sigh, but before I could say anything she spoke instead, "Don't you feel ugly with that towel in your head, what does he even see in you". She said with a tone of attitude.

That's it I've had enough.

"Seriously, have you even looked in the mirror, what would he do with a cake face who has no manners. I'm sure he'd go for a goat instead of you". I sneered at the girl.

"So, you can give us what we ordered for and stop being racist so we can all go our normal ways, otherwise I call the manager and make sure you get fired", I said with a fake smile.

Her jaw dropped at my comment and she quickly started typing in the computer.

"I'm sorry, that'll be $40.75" She said timidly now.

I was about to pay and Austin quickly said," No it's my treat".

I know even though I tried to argue he wouldn't listen so I just let him pay.

"Wow, who knew her highness could be so brave."

"Ok, so where do we start?", He asked pulling out his laptop and I did the same.

"I think we should start now."

"Cool", He remarked.

"Cool?", I echoed.

Austin smirked at me," Yeah as in being at a fairly low temperature."

I was speechless. Did Austin Woods actually say something smart?

"Wow, you certainly paid attention in thermodynamics, Mr. Woods", I commented.

Austin winked at me, "It was my favourite, but not as interesting as the collapse of dense regions within molecular clouds in interstellar regions" He replied. I stared at Austin in disbelief. Had he really create all those words with his mind.

I raised my eyebrows, "It seems like you no longer need a tutor if you know that much".

"Nope, I think I still need one, and that someone is you", he said wiggling his eyebrow.

I felt my cheek turn pink. Why am I even blushing?

"Don't look surprised, sweetheart", Austin caught me off guard.

"Ok, but like seriously enough with the nicknames. It's really annoying", I said irritated.

"Not gonna happen, princess", he says with a smirk. What is up with this guy and smirking.

I closed my mouth, which had been hanging with shock and rearranged my features to indifference. "Just get back to work".

Austin turned back to his laptop and went back to his research, and so did I.

We spent about an hourd gathering some useful information to move to phase two of the project - the presentation.

"We can use PowerPoint", I suggested clicking the red logo on my laptop screen.

"Nah, Keynote's a lot better". Austin said cracking his knuckles.






"Keynote, wait what?!" I groaned realizing what Austin had just done. Reverse psychology always worked no matter what.

Austin grinned, "I knew you'd agree with me".

"I didn't agree to anything", I disputed.

"I'm pretty sure you did", he said cockily as we were packing our stuff since it was getting late.

"Wow", I drawled sardonically. Did this guy really think he could get his way?

"Yeah, my persuasion skills are pretty incredible", Austin said, brushing a hand off his shoulder. I rolled my eyes.

"Could you get more annoying".

Austin pretended to think about it for a second before replying, "Yeah probably" he paused. "So we're doing a keynote, right?"

"No, PowerPoint", I stated firmly.

Austin nodded, "Okay then, PowerPoint it is". I was momentarily stunned as we were walking towards Austin's car. Did he just agree with me?

To my further surprise, Austin waited for me to enter the car before getting in himself. It was the act of a gentleman, and Austin was as gentle as a desert flora.

"Why are you suddenly agreeing with me?", I asked him as I sat in the car. He paused a bit before he replied, "That's what I'd like to know".

Huh? I stared at him in befuddlement as he plopped into the driver's seat setting his bag at the back seat, before he started driving. That guy was so confusing as tides, and that was some pretty confusing stuff.

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