《Marigold; Adventures of Scarlet Lady and Chat》Chapter 21
We stepped into the city I once called home. I felt myself squeeze Honey Bug's hand after I heard her gasp.
To put it very very nicely, Paris was a wreck. People were turned to statues, the streets had large cracks in them that were either leaking boiling lava or sewage. The sky was clouded over, making it look like it was about to pour rain at any given moment. Cars were overturned with broken windows, buildings were demolished, their pieces scattered everywhere. Purple akumas hovered in the air.
"This can't be Paris," Honey Bug whispered, looking around, "Chat Noir couldn't have really...he wouldn't...he...he..."
"He's been akumatized, Honey Bug," I said simply.
Honey Bug looked out at the broken city, and nodded, "You're right...okay. Also, since when is my name Honey Bug? That makes me sound like a fat fuzzy bee in one of those kid shows who sings about the importance of teamwork."
"That was specific."
"Ya," Honey Bug suddenly shook her head, and got back to business, "We need to scout the area, check for any sign of life. We need to keep Cassé Chat from causing any more damage to actual people...if we can help it. But we also need to find where he is...and locate Volpina. You got your communicator?"
I frowned and took my disk off my back. Once I held it with both hands, it lit up, "Hey! It's like a square iPhone...cool," I remarked.
After fooling around with a few buttons, a small ball-shaped expensive high tech thing popped out. I put it in my ear, "Hello...Honey Bug?"
"I hear you Mic-I mean, K9... You take the right side of the city, I'll do the left."
"Alright...Good luck Honey Bug," I said, then jumped to the next roof. I was a tad surprised when she didn't object to the name...maybe she was just too upset to argue, or too tired...or too heartbroken. But by the time I looked back to check on her, she was gone.
Being sure to stay somewhat hidden, I jumped from building to building, looking for anything useful.
I was at it for about ten minutes before something caught my eye. A statue. I recognized it instantly. It was one of the heroes. Scarlet Lady was portrayed jumping above, looking radiant as ever. Below, Chat Noir and Marigold crouched back to back, looking ready to leap.
However, this statue had been changed. Scarlet Lady had been completely torn off, and her name that had been engraved along the bottom was covered by a crack.
But that's not what caught my eye...the statue was surrounded by flowers. Roses, to be exact. It almost looked like a memorial.
Taking out my disk, I snapped a picture, and sent it to Honey Bug, "Are you getting this?" I asked.
"Umm...whoa...Why would Chat-Cassé Chat do that? Or someone else..."
"Hold up! I see someone-"
"Best to hide. We don't know if Cassé Chat is somehow controlling people."
I hid behind a chimney and watched as the girl walked forward, with an armful of roses. I recognized her as Mairentte's friend, Alya. I sent Honey Bug a picture.
"Does she look controlled?"
"...No...Well, I mean, what does someone 'controlled' look like?" I asked.
"Weird colored eyes, walk either slouched or very straight, act more like robots."
"Umm...nope. Alya seems pretty normal."
"Alright, now I want you to grab her so you can get info."
"Do it."
"Grab? It's Alya. She'll bite my head off! Or at least slap me."
"She won't hurt you. Don't be such a baby. She'll see you're a hero and thank you."
I jumped down from the roof, and swooped up the girl, covering her mouth as I ran into a subway. It was deserted.
I let go of her mouth and dragged her away from the entrance.
She slapped me, "LET ME GO!"
I jumped back, "Geeze! I let go, I let go." She won't hurt me, HUH Mari?
"Wait...you...Oh my gosh! You're a superhero!" Alya beamed.
I struck what I thought was heroic pose, "Yes. My name is... the Woof!"
"Woof...really? You're joking, right."
"Umm...ya," I said defeated, "My real name's K9." I tried.
"Are you working with Scarlet Lady to save us?" Alya asked.
"Umm...I'm working with Marigold. Scarlet Lady was turned to stone-"
"Did you say, Marigold? But...she's dead...and Scarlet Lady? Turned to stone? But that's impossible! Only people with 'hearts made of stone' turn to stone...well that's what Cassé Chat said," Alya huffed.
"Al-Miss, I need you to tell me what exactly has been happening. Me and Honey Bug-"
"Honey Bug?"
"Marigold's new name...long story... Anyhow, me and Honey Bug have been...umm...out of town and don't know what's been going on," I explained.
Alya nodded, and whipped out her phone, "It all started yesterday with the ground shaking...then, cracks ran through the streets, and lava started pouring out of the ground. We knew it must be an Akuma because there shouldn't be lava under the city.
Then, everything started shaking again, and this time, screams came with it. My sister Nora and I ran out onto the street and watched as people began turning to stone.
Suddenly, Chat Noir appeared on every screen in the city...but it wasn't Chat Noir. He called himself Cassé Chat...he told us that those of us who weren't turned to stone were deemed 'pure-hearted' whatever that meant, and the rest were turned to stone because 'their hearts were all rock, no room for love'. Then, he told us that we had an option. Turn to stone, or join him... now, Paris is like a war camp. Everyone has schedules they must follow, and walk around in straight lines. (Oh the terrifying power of the straight lines!!!!)
Everyone in Paris has the same job. Find Scarlet Lady, and summon Cassé Chat, or find Marigold's body...he has some sort of plan...to bring her back...Marigold that is...Anyhow, he's had us searching all of yesterday and today, no sleep...the only time he lets us rest is when we're bringing roses...you've seen them, around Marigold's statue. Then, we can sit around her statue and be sad...sometimes people even sing...and Chat Noir sits atop the Eiffel tower, watching everything...he...if he wasn't evil, I might even say he looks sad."
I nodded, "Okay. Thanks for the help. If I were you, I'd try to get hidden..something tells me Chat Noir isn't going down without a fight."
"Thanks for the advice, but I need to get my friends and family safe first."
I smiled, "That's very honorable...still, try to stay out of danger," Then, I jumped onto the roof, and ran to meet up with Honey Bug.
Breathing through my yoyo I swam beside Micah. We were in the river that ran alongside the Eiffel Tower, staying at the bottom, and hoping no one would see us.
We came to the side of it, right under a large bridge. K9 said a word in a muffle that was supposed to be, 'transparent'. Suddenly, I couldn't feel the water anymore, and the wall I'd been leaning on, disappeared, leaving me to fall through. The one thing I felt was K9's hand.
We went through the wall and found ourselves in the sewers. Then, we ran. K9's power wouldn't last long, and he would detransform in five minutes.
Using the GPS on my yoyo, I had us run, till I was sure we were right under the Eiffel Tower. Then, Micah jumped, and we soared through the ground to the second level of the Eiffel tower.
No one was here.
K9 looked nervously at the collar around his neck. It was already beeping.
I searched around a final time, then I called out, "Chat Noir!"
Silence...it seemed like the very earth was holding its breath.
Then, there was a thump. And a step...then another step...and another. I knew he was right behind me.
I turned around. Cassé Chat looked at me with big eyes, almost not believing.
"It's me, Kitty."
Suddenly, Cassé Chat's face clouded over, "No...no it's not you! You...you look different," He said, almost afraid to believe.
He was right...my suit was changed. It was divided diagonally twice across my chest going black, red, black with golden splotches that looked like ladybug spots. My floofy boots were gone, along with my gold ribbons. Instead, red highlights appeared in my bangs and pigtails. My mask was black with red lines and golden splotches. And my hair...it was its natural color, black no longer. IT WAS BLUE.
"Just because I look different, doesn't mean I've changed on the inside...Kitty, I have the ladybug miraculous...I know things now..."
I took a step forward, "If you give me your Akuma, all of this will be over, come on Kitty."
I reached out my hand. He hesitated, but Cassé Chat took it, and pulled me in tightly for a hug.
A tear dripped down his cheek, "I thought I lost you...oh Marigold..."
I squeezed him tightly, "It's okay, I'm right here...now where's your Akuma?"
Cassé Chat stepped back and smiled, "Now that your back, there's only one thing left to do," Then Cassé Chat grabbed both my wrists with one hand, and reached for my miraculous, "Give me your miraculous."
I yelped and tried to jump back. Suddenly, K9 came and rammed into Cassé Chat, "Replacing the cat with a dog...How ironic," Cassé Chat spat.
I grabbed out my golden black-spotted yoyo, "Kitty, don't make me fight you."
"I'm not making you do anything!"
So, we battled. Me and K9 against Cassé Chat. With every blow, it felt like Paris rumbled beneath our feet.
I used my yoyo as both a shield and a weapon, finding it even easier to use than my top, attacking Cassé Chat over and over with it, while K9 tried to get in blows with his disk.
Cassé Chat dodged each one deftly, and used his stick to attack.
As we fought, we came closer and closer to the edge of the Eiffel Tower. Then, I made a fatal mistake. My yoyo launched, but Cassé Chat hit it with his staff, and instead of reeling it in, I let it wrap around a beam. Then, I ran forward, attempting to jump to kick Cassé Chat then, reel myself in.
However, I missed my kick, and Cassé Chat grabbed my foot, bringing me to the ground.
He held it above me, ready to come down...I closed my eyes, waiting...but nothing happened.
I opened my eyes. Chat Noir was holding himself back with one hand, "I...I...I can't! I can't do it!" He seemed to be arguing with a voice in his head.
"Kitty, I'm here to help...let me..." I whispered.
Cassé Chat looked into my eyes, tears pooling at the edges, "My lady..." His eyes began glowing.
"My Prince," I closed my eyes, ready for his cataclysm to hit me. It never came. Instead, my stupidly heroic cousin crashed into Cassé Chat. That cataclysm hit him in the chest. The two rolled and rolled in a struggle, both trying to one the other up and finally, they rolled off the Eiffel Tower.
"NO!" I screamed and yoyoed down. K9 lay on his back, a whiteness spreading through him from his chest.
"Micah! Oh, Micah!" I sobbed, running to him.
"Hey... the name's K9, remember?" He said weakly.
Suddenly, a loud crash from above, and it started raining. A thump, and I knew Cassé Chat had joined us.
I stood and turned towards him. I was mad...no. I WAS FURIOUS! Swinging my yoyo faster than a thousand racing houses, and charged at Cassé Chat. He deflected my blows, and clawed towards my face, scratching it.
I felt my own warm blood.
Still, I fought. Again and again, he knocked me down. If I thought he was without restraint before, now I was really getting it. His eyes glowed, no longer themselves. This was no longer Chat Noir or even Cassé Chat. This was purely HawkMoth. I was fighting my arch-nemesis.
Suddenly, Cassé Chat knocked me so hard, the comb went flying from my hair. I heard it skidding across the cobblestone.
I was now Ladybug. The girl they all said I was meant to be. But I couldn't fight. I was defeated. Even if I tried, he'd just knock me down again. I knew I couldn't do this...I was too weak. From day one, Chat Noir had been right.
I looked at my red and black hands, then I raised my head as Cassé Chat summoned another cataclysm...it was the same red color as my blood. His eyes glowed that color as well.
Then, I laid down, ready to be destroyed. I was defeated.
A minute past...then two...what was he waiting for? Suddenly, I saw a soft red light in front of me. I looked up and frowned...Cassé Chat wasn't moving...neither was Micah...or the rain. It was all frozen in time.
A lady sat in front of me. She wore red and black spotted robes, with a fabric ninja turtle styled mask. She looked down kindly at me, "Hello..."
I managed to get up into a sitting position, "H-H-Hello."
"You're hurting," The woman said.
I nodded, even though I knew she wasn't talking about my scratches and bruises.
Then, the woman opened her arms, and I somehow found the strength to crawl to her, resting in her arms. Then I sobbed.
"You love him...with all your heart."
"I do! I can't stand to see him like this! I'm ready to be done fighting. I can't anymore. I've tried with all my heart and soul...I'm not enough. My love isn't enough," I poured out.
The woman rocked, and held me tightly, "Marinette...sweet Marinette...I remember feeling the exact same thing..."
I looked up at her.
"Love him."
"Love Chat Noir. Love him with all your heart and every fiber of your being. Be willing to die for him, ready to act for him, be there to hurt with him. The boy who desperately needs love...that's what they call him. Love him, Marinette...because he already loves you."
I looked into the lady's eyes, and I knew she was right.
"I need to go now, Marinette...I know you'll make us proud."
As the Lady faded from my arms, I realized something. The Lady had the same blue hair and eyes as me...the same smile, the same nose.
And with all my heart, I knew that lady somehow was me.
Suddenly, I found myself laying in the rain. I looked up, and found Cassé Chat standing ten feet in front of me.
His cataclysm shone brightly.
With all my strength, I stood... 'Love him' she'd said. I did love him. I remember when he thought I had died...the name he screamed out. And then again when he was fully possessed by HawkMoth. 'My lady'...he'd never called me that before.
Suddenly, a familiar melody pierced my heart...'Little kitty on a roof, all alone without his lady'. Chat Noir had been telling me his heart all along, and I hadn't noticed.
Slowly, I began stumbling towards Cassé Chat, "A Little Lady on a roof, all alone without her Kitty," I began singing.
"A princess without a prince, all alone in the big wide city," A step.
"He doesn't know she loves him, with all her little heart" A step.
"Because the Lady couldn't tell him, though it ripped her all apart," A step.
"A Little Lady on a roof, all alone without her Kitty," A step.
"A dancer at a ball in the middle of the city," A step.
"could never float on air quite like she does when he's around," a step.
"Because he makes her laugh even when she's feeling down," a step.
"And now she's standing here, not sure of what to do," I stepped right in front of Cassé Chat, so close I could feel his breath.
"But all she wants to say," I leaned a little closer, and whispered, "is 'Chat Noir, I love you'."
Then I wrapped my hands around his neck and kissed him.
The red glow faded from his eyes, and the bell dropped from his neck.
I heard it crack, and the flap of wings, but I didn't care. All that was real in the world was me and Chat Noir.
Finally, I took a step back. Chat Noir was there, no longer Cassé Chat. He looked at me confused and surprised. But then, he stepped forward and kissed me.
I closed my eyes and hugged him, eventually breaking from the kiss and into a sob, "I love you, Kitty. So much, I would die for you, I would hurt for you, I would do anything for you."
"That's all I've ever wanted to hear," He whispered into my hair.
Then, I pulled back and he wiped away a tear from my eyes. I realized I had a small object in my hand. It was a crumpled piece of red and black-spotted paper. And it held the lyrics to my song on them...the Lady...she must have given them to me.
I threw the piece of paper into the air, and whispered, "Miraculous Ladybug."
Suddenly, magical ladybugs flew around us, healing my cuts, fixing the streets, making the people flesh and bone again.
K9 stood, and gave me a wave, gesturing to his collar, then he ran off. I suddenly realized I wasn't wearing the ladybug miraculous anymore. I was transformed as Marigold.
Chat Noir suddenly took my hand, "Everything has changed, hasn't it?"
I nodded, but then I smiled, "Ya...and I like it."
"Ugh...where am I?" Lila asked, sitting up. Then she screamed, "GROSS GROSS GROSS!" And tried to jump out of the dumpster she was in. But just as she started, the lid suddenly snapped shut.
Scarlet Lady hung upside down SpiderMan style on her yoyo, giggling.
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