《I Fall Apart(MattsWorld Tom x reader)》The day of birth and the day of evil


Some weeks past after the beach incident.Tom had brought (Y/n) to the army base so they could get her a robot arm,much like his.He had been in the medic room day and night waiting for her to wake up.But this time he wan't,he was building something to take his mind of of what happened weeks before.

(Y/n) had awoke a little while ago.She sat in the bed,just looking at the red arm she had.She remembered the pain,her scream,her words.She stood up,unhucking herself from all the machines and walked over to the mirror.She looked the same,only her left arm didnt.She walked to the door and opened it,seeing all the soldiers talking and walking.She started to walk to her room,feeling the eyes of the soldiers.She started walking quicker reaching her room and closing the door shut.As she turned on the lights she saw some flowers in a vase.She walked over and looked at the card on the table.'Happy Birthday (Y/n).Hope you wake up soon,love Tom.' it read.She smiled slightly,a small blush covering her cheeks.She sat on the bed and sighed,looking down.There was a small click,(Y/n) snapped her head to the door seeing it open.


I was Tom.She smiled and stood up,bitting her lip "T-tom." she mumbled quietly.Tom walked over to her quickly giving her a big hug "Your awake." He mumbled softly."Y-yea." she mumbled back,hugging him."Oh yea..uh (Y/n) happy birthday." he mumbled,blushing slightly.(Y/n) smiled,planting a soft kiss on Tom's cheek as she pulled away from the hug "Thank you." she giggled.

Time skip

The army had a party in the base,celebrating the leader's birthday.The base was filled with music,snacks,drinks and of caurse people.Tom and (Y/n) danced together to the songs,laughing and telling jokes.Tom had said he had to check on something so he went out of the main room to the basement.


(Y/n) had gone out and looked for him since he hasen't come back in a while.She looked around the corner,seeing the basement door open.She walked to it,peeking and seeing the lights on.She walked down and looked around seeing some .(just think thats Tom in the robot suit and that its blue lel-also credit to kaliozzz on tumblr). She gasped lightly,stepping back.The figure noticed her and fired a harpoon at (Y/n).slicing her long hair short.She gasped and stepped back more seeing the figure walk to her.She was unarmed,with no armour.She ran up the stairs,the figure following her.The figure tripped her,making her fall down,hitting her head on the ground.She groaned and looked at the figure.He pulled the helmet off,showing a smirking Tom."T-tom?" She asked weakly "Look her (Y/N),you'll leave now and never come back to this army.This army is now MINE.And if you think of getting it back,I'll take your life.Alright sweety?"She gulped,her heart crushed."J-just t-tell me one t-thing..W-Was all thi-this being n-nice ju-just a w-way to g-get my a-army..?" she asked quietly,her body shaking."Yep.~" Tom purred quietly,grinning "Now leave." He growled and stood up.She stumbled onto her feet and ran to the exit,tears of anger and fear running down her cheeks.

She ran all the way back home,out of breath and her legs shaking.All this time she had been thinking about Tom,how could be do that,why did he act so long just to get her army.

That bastard.

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