《I Fall Apart(MattsWorld Tom x reader)》Nightmare


I sat up in my bed looking around,it was quiet too quiet.I stood up,walking to the door and opening it walking out.As I saw Tom and Tord they where both asleep.I still have this odd feeling in my stomach,like something was gonna go wrong.

I walked to the door taking one last glance at the two boys,still peaceful.I opened the front door and walked out,bare foot.Walking to Matt's place I started to shake for some reason.I knocked on the door,it slowly creaked open.That was strange.

I slowly walked in,looking around.The lights where off but the TV was on,with nothing on it.Just static.I walked to Matt's room,knocking on the door gently but no one answered "M-Matt?" Iasked quietly slowly opening the door.Slowly but surely I turned on the lights.

I wanted to scream but I wasnt able to.

Matt layed in the corner,arms cut oflying next to him,blood coming from his deformed body.His heart laying on the ground in front of my feet.His poor face,cut all on his face.I hole where his eyes should be.

I quickly put my hand over my mouth,try not to puke.

I rushed out,going to the front door and running to Edd's apartment.I quickly banged on the door,it slowly opening like Matt's did.I walked in quickly looking around "Edd?Edd you here?" I asked and walked to the living room,his TV turned on just like Matt's.I walked to his room and opened the door,my eyes widening.

The lights where on,Edd's body torn apart,his arms,his legs,his head,his torso.Under him looked like some sign but I wasnt able to see.My cheeks where already wet from the tears,my silent screams never to be heard.


I ran back to my apartment,knowing Tom and Tord where still asleep.I opened the door and walked in quickly,into the living room.I stoped in my tracks,both Tom and Tord floating in the air,their hearts under them.With their blood all over the walls was writen 'You'll float too'.

The TV was on,with just static.Just like Matt and Edds.

"You'll float too." A faint whisper came into my ear as I felt pain go thru my body,my limbs falling weak as I colapsed on the ground.

'We all float here'

No one's pov

(Y/n) gasped,sitting up quickly in her bed,she looked around her cheeks wet from the tears.She stood up,rushing to the door but her legs where shaking too much.She held onto the wall,opening the door and rushing to the living room.There she saw Tom and Tord sitting as far away from eachother watching TV.Tears poared down her cheeks,as she collapsed on her knees getting the attention of the two males.Their eyes when wide when they save her and they quickly got up,rushing to her "(Y/n)?What happened?" Tord asked "Are you okey?Why are you crying?" Tom asked.

(Y/n) quickly pulled the two into a tight hug.Tom and Tord smiled to themselfs,hugging her "Shhh." Tom mumbled quietly "It was only a nightmare." Tord mumbled.

"Everthings fine now."

They both mumbled

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