《Tord x reader ~love wins in the end ~》chapter ten


( today since i noticed that i havent been publishing this much this chapter ten is going to be long so hope u enjoy it ☺️ )

Red leader pov

He was in his room going up and down to think of something suddenly a bright idea came to his head he smirked he grinnned so much he sat on his wheel chair and called a friend of his hes been seening alot lately , he hopes that if he gets you a friend thats a girl he wouldnt have to see jason having to come help u do things, he called her and this is how the phone call went

(Tord: t , celestie : c )

~the phone call~

t- hello celestie long time i havebt heard from u

c: *growling could be heard* what do u want red

T: i was hoping u could well drop by the army *smiles *

c: for what , how do i know this this not to just to lure me into joining your army is it ?

T: no . I just want you to help me with someone

c: ohhhh got a girlfriend already :3

T: what ! *Tords face got red* i dont have one and i dont need one

c: alright , alright serious talk now , who do u want me to help u with

T: ok i want u to help me with a girl , her name is (y/n) , (l/n) i want u to keep her from a boy named jason (a.n: someone please help me to find a last name for jason 🙏 ) hes up to something and i dont like it

c: hm sure id help u but im not joining your stupid army got that

T: ok goodbye its a pleaure to make buisness with u

c: you too

~ call ended ~


he smirked alot and walked out of his office and glad of this plan he made and he thought doesnt this made him sound jealous of jason , no no he didnt tell him self that he just let that go and continued to walk down a hallway .

Your pov

you were cleaning your room when u heard the door to the room opened , you saw the red leader their , "god morgen miss emma " (a. N:god morgen means good morning in norway ) "god morgen " , you looked at him very scared on the inside but the outside nope u looked calm , "you will be having a friend companying u today so get ready she will be arriving soon " red leader looked at u , you just nodded ok and went back to cleaning , red leader walked out the room and went back to whatever he ususally does , you looked down and saw that your maid dress was slightly getting ripped you needed new clothes but you choose not to say a thing to red leader , you were afaird to even tell him the men kept touching you everytime u would bend down and stuff like that but jason saw that the helped u out , you thought he was the kindest sweetest person on earth , but one day he might go against his own will and not save u , you sat on your bed and was thinking about who was coming to see you , you were a bit scared but u didnt think to likely that they would hurt you or do something mean so u finished your cleaning and heard a knock on your door , you opened it to see jason , this made u smile "good morning (y/n) " he smiled "h-hi jason" you replied " hey (y/n) um i wanted to tell u that im sorry i have to go on a mission right now and i cant help u today when u need it are u sure your gonna be fine " jason asked , you looked at him worried at gave him a small smile "y-yeah i-i'll be fine " you replied "oh good remeber what i told u be yourself dont let anyone or red leader change that ok " he smiled at u still , you nodded blushing "well i guess its time to go see ya later (y/n ) " he waved bye going only god knows where, you waved bye back smiling you think u were falling for him but u couldnt really figure out why you were falling for him but u smiled while butterflies were in your stomach fluttering , little did u know your feelings were gonna change .


Red leaders pov (again )

"uh where is she " red leader questioned patiently waited , "uh boss who are u talking about ?" Paul his first in command said "im talking about celestie she said she would be here " red kinda got impaient , celestie ran to them "sorry , i had to pack a bunch of stuff " celestie said

(this is how celestie looks not my art )

red leader sighed , "its ok celestie but please stop being late to other things " red said annoyed "of course u know i dont listen to u " celestie smiles , red leader rolled his eyes "anywho celestie this is paul my first in command and patryk my second in command " , " nice to meet you to im celestie " celestie smiles , paul smiles back "im paul this is my buddy patrcyk" paul replied shaking her hand , "anyways come on celestie we have business to attend to ok " red took celesties hand and walked her inside the base , celestie got nervous holding reds hand so she let go still walking beside him , they finally reached too the door and red opened it .

Ceslesties pov

we went into a room to see a girl with rather gloomy (color skin ) skin, her eyes seemed to look like they have a little amount of hope in them and the maid clothes she whore looked torned alittle , i got to fix her she seems like she needs help and i'll be the one to help "hello miss (y/n) this is celestie she will be company for u so dont worry shes a good friend of mine " i rolled my eyes of him thinking of me as a' good ' friend of his , "um h-hi miss c-cesleste um i-im (y/n) its nice to meet u " she smiled , red what did u do to this girl she looks scared , " its nice to meet (y/n) i hope we can be good friends " ceslestie smiles "m-me too " (y/n) smiles back "well i'll leave you to too get to know each other better bye " Tord left the room and closed it .

(please vote and thanks for reading this chapter ten UwU ))

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