《Redemption Of The Dark Fantasy (Apply-fic)》Chapter 1


Potion padded through the forest, her ears flicked back and forth, somewhere in this forest was the path to some evil lair or something.

The forest lynx stared down at the trees roots, searching for a way in, she knew there was spume sort of way in, she just had to find it, she sniffed around, seeing if any roots could be climbed into.

"There." She muttered to herself, staring at a gap in the roots a human could probably climb into.

Potion stared at the forest for a second before heading in, she climbed into the tunnel, it got bigger as she went down, however deep she was going.

The tunnel was fairly large, roughly the size of an old oak tree, it had barely and light but enough for her to get around, waiting in the end of the tunnel was woman, she had pale skin and white hair, Potions first guess was that she was a mermaid, she wore a long green dress and had bright green eyes.

"Potion, correct?" The mermaid said.

"Yes, that would be me." Potion nodded.

"That's nice, come with me, I will explain why you were sent here on the way. Also please get us some more light." The mermaid said, eyeing the small fires.

Well there was no point in refusing that, Potion's green glow lit up the tunnel, making it look more like a sunny forest, despite the cold gray-brown walls.

The mermaid walked through the tunnel, her green was more like acid rather then Potions leafy green.

"So why am I here?" Potion asked.

"Well, you know how light creatures are in charge of everything because they are all so great and perfect?" The mermaid huffed.

"I thought it was because there was a war and they won." Potion responded.


"Well yes, but here is the main point, lots of light creatures have joined the evil side. So some of the dark creatures made this organization to make sure the numbers grow." She explained.

"Why am I here?" Potion asked, she had never even heard of this organization, she also was positive she didn't want to be in it, maybe if light creatures could be evil, dark ones could be good, that would be nice, if there was an organization for that she would be much more excited.

"We randomly chose some to join and got the approval of each of the separate monarchs, hence the message having the Forest Lynx's Kings mark." She answered, the two stepped out of the dark tunnel, instead it was a large cave with glowing moss on the ceiling, it was also illuminated by Forest Lynxes, each with a different kind of green walking around, it was lined with tunnels and all kinds of creatures flew or walked around.

The mermaid walked down some stairs, closely followed by Potion, they walked into one of the tunnels, taking them deeper into the ground.

The two stopped when they reached a large cave, bigger then the one before, half of it was filled with water, it looked like it had something in it...

A large splash came out of the water, knocking Potion off of her feet, the forest lynx swam up to a small rock, pulling herself up.

The mermaid swam up to the surface, and it came out of the water.

She was a Sea Serpent with dark and pale blue scales that were each twice Potions size, her underside was a dull tan and she had huge dark seaweed green eyes. The serpent could probably fill up the largest forest in the world, the serpent bared her huge teeth roared, louder then anything she had heard before.


"This is Torrent," The mermaid introduced, "Shes mostly in charge, do whatever she says and she wont eat you, it took a while but we managed to get her to not eat us, it was hard, we promised her a fair percentage of the human population, no worries though."

Torrent sunk down a bit, so only her dragon-like head was above water, "Seafood, tell me what is going on." She ordered.

"Well, we have enough members in everything and we are doing well, but we do have one problem." The mermaid replied, apparently she was called Seafood.

"Your name is Seafood?" Potion whispered.

"Its Fyki, makes it easier." The mermaid whispered.

"Send apple to solve problem." Torrents dark eyes focused on Potion.

"She wants you to solve the problem, you can go on my brothers team." Fyki explained, swimming to shore, Potion sighed and swam after her, getting more wet then she already was.

"Whats the problem?" Potion asked.

"Well just like there are light creatures turning evil, it goes the other way around. You will be searching for this Darkcat, Nightmare. Get her back here so we can convince her not to turn." Fyki said.

"What about your brother?" Potion questioned.

"He is also on the mission, he's a Brightpuss, come along I can introduce you." Fyki went pas the tunnel again and once again Potion followed.

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