《Quarterback's Study Buddy》Chapter Eleven


"Take that, Alien-scum!" Yelled Noelle in a nearly empty arcade with Carson steadying her hand on the plastic gun. Bright red lights flashed on their faces every time she shot the green aliens on her screen. Noelle could feel his warm breath on her shoulder and neck. She could also feel his chest vibrate against her back as he chuckled.

Noelle, initially, thought this 'date' was a really bad idea. But, she would be lying to herself if she said that she wasn't having fun. She knew that he was bad news--anyone with eyes could tell he's up to no good and she knew this wasn't going to end well. She knew she wanted to be different than all the other girls in his life.

A menacing green alien jumped in front of her screen and killed her instantly. And the words '2 tokens to continue' popped up on the screen. Noelle put the plastic gun back into the holder, growing bored of shooting aliens. "So, does Carson Holt always take his dates out to a romantic day of roller-skating and arcade games?" Noelle teased.

"Just the ones I like." Carson replied as they slowly walked around the arcade. Neon lights on machines glowed and people winning prizes surrounded them. Noelle blushed as she felt his warm hand brush against hers, silently asking her permission. Slowly but surely, he waffled their hands together his ivory mixing with her ebony. It was almost poetic.

Carson knew that Noelle was nothing like the girls he has ever been with. Like ever. He was scared to say the least. He wasn't scared of Noelle or his parents and what they would think. He was scared of himself and his self-destructive ways. He had a knack for fucking up his own life without skipping a beat. He looked down at her and saw how good for him she was--she was smart, beyond gorgeous in every way and funny. However, he could also see how he could ruin her. He could fuck her up emotionally and wouldn't even know it. He just hoped that she was ready for that. He has always thought of himself as a 'good guy with bad guy tendencies' but his core was golden--or at least he thought.

"Wanna get ice cream, Noe?" Carson asked as they made their way to the exit.


"Hell yeah!" Noelle replied as they walked hand-in-hand out of the arcade almost like a real couple.


"You really did a fucking number on Taylor's face. He was sitting in Trig with one eye swollen shut and a crooked nose." Tyler said as he took from his food from the Sonic waitress and apparently her name was Kourtni. Tyler thought she was cute with her afro overflowing from her sonic visor. Tyler checked her out and winked at her from the driver seat. Carson sat in the passenger seat texting Noelle. It was currently 1:00AM and Tyler wanted tater-tots and a cherry slushie. Carson decided to tag along.

Carson looked up from the glow of his phone, "Campbell deserved it, he was being a fucking prick." He spat out.

Tyler dug around his bag, "So, he's a prick to everyone."

Carson remembered that he didn't tell Tyler that he was 'chilling' with Noelle now. "Yeah, well, he was fucking with Noelle and he deserved it."

Tyler looked up at Carson and raised his eye-brows and smirked, "Oh shit, your tutor? What the hell was she doing there?" Tyler frowned.

"Long story short, I invited her." Carson said as he felt a buzz in his hands and saw that Noelle texted him back. He smiled down at the glow of his phone.

"Uh huh, you 'just invited her.' When are you gonna admit that she's your boo-thang and call it a night?" Tyler teased him as he found his straw.

"I plead the fifth." Carson whispered.

"What!" Tyler said with a smile spread across his face as he sat back with his slushie. "So, y'all a thing now and I'm the last to know? I see how it is." He kissed his teeth.

"Shut the fuck up, bro." Carson grinned as he pushed Tyler's shoulder.

"Forreal, tho. I'm happy for you, she seems like a sweet girl."

"Yeah, she is. I think she'll be good for me. She really makes me happy." Carson replies.

"That's what's up." Said Tyler as he popped tater-tots into his mouth, "So, how y'all get together? I hope y'all didn't get together like some corny Wattpad shit." Tyler chuckled.

"You read Wattpad?" Carson questioned.


"What?" Tyler replied

"Isn't that shit for teenage girls?" Carson chuckled.

"Actually, a considerable amount of the audience of Wattpad are adults and plenty of the audience is male. Spare me the judgement, Homie." Tyler said and Carson put his hands up in defense.

"I didn't mean to hit a nerve."

"No hard feelings. So, spill the tea." Tyler demanded.


Noelle was currently studying for her upcoming AP Government test as Carson continued to blow up her phone. It was mostly memes he thought were funny and cute text messages. Her twinkly-lights and white walls made her room look homely. Her hair was up and she was already in her pajamas.

A soft tap resounded in her silent room. "Come in." Noelle answered. Margo poked her head in

"Hey, how was school?" Margo inquired. Noelle didn't want to lie to her sister about skipping but she knew if her dad found out, she would be in so much fucking trouble. Margo tucked a piece of obsidian hair behind her pale ear. Her brown eyes narrowed in on Noelle, she raised an eye brow as if daring her to lie.

"...good..." Noelle answered timidly.

"Hm, funny, because I think around 11:00 today, the office called. They said you didn't come in today. Thank god, I was the one that answered right?" Noelle's eyes widened and totally forgot that the school called to report unexcused absences.

"What do I owe you?" Noelle asked. She knew Margo wasn't going to tell but, Noelle was beyond lucky that she answered.

"Baby-sit the boys next weekend when mom and dad go out for date night?"

"Deal." Noelle fist bumped Margo. And Margo was going to head out of Noelle's room when she turned to say something.

"Ya'know, I'm glad you're finally letting loose. You deserve a little fun while you're young and dumb." Margo disappeared behind Noelle's door as Carson texted her again.

The notification was on Snapchat this time. She opened it and it was a picture of him with his tongue out and a random boy next to him in a beanie and hooded eyes throwing a peace sign. The caption said:

She giggled and sent him a picture of her holding up her AP Gov textbook. She then put her phone face down on her nightstand and continued to read.


It's been three weeks and things were going really well. Three weeks of movie dates and random arcade excursions. Three weeks of studying Biology on Thursdays in the library. Three weeks of trips to Jodie's diner and getting a sundae--hold the nuts--to share. Three weeks of Carson teasing Noelle as she stamped books and worked the front desk of the library. Three weeks of Noelle supporting Carson at football practice as he finally got off the bench for getting a 76% on his last test. He needed a 70% to get back on the field.

It was another Thursday and Noelle was running a little late to their scheduled meeting. Carson was settled in a private study room. Noelle walked in with snacks and her Biology book. She smiled at him and Carson returned the same smile. She set down the snacks and kissed him on his cheek softly.

"Let's get to work, Holt." Said Noelle.

"Oh! wait check out my last two quizzes," Carson pulled out two biology quizzes one said, 79% and the other said 82%." Carson said like an excited child. "My next test is next Friday and honestly, I'm feeling pretty good about it."

Noelle smiled brightly. She was proud that Carson was making great progress. "That's so great, Car!"

"We should celebrate." He whispered close to her ear.

"Sure, what did you want to do?"

"Let's go to my family's lake-house this weekend. It's beautiful this time of year." Carson stroked the back of her hand.

"Uh, I can't this weekend, I have to baby-sit my brothers Saturday."

"I don't mind keeping you company while you watch your brothers." Carson replied.

"Uh...you don't have to..."

"Noe, I don't mind, really."

"Okay, I just don't want you to be bored or anything. My only job is to make sure they don't kill each other." Noelle flashed him a genuine smile. She opened her textbook and looked over the unit that the test was on. "It is officially, 5:00, and my name is officially Ms. Cartwright. Not Noelle or Noe. Gotta it?" Carson smiled.

"I like a dominant woman." He winked at her. She rolled her eyes.

"Just open your book, Holt."

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