《Quarterback's Study Buddy》Chapter Nine


Noelle got to talking with Taylor and found out that he was a pretty cool guy. A little touchy at times but, it didn't make her feel totally uncomfortable. Apparently he had a super extensive book collection he wanted to show her upstairs. And Carson seemed a bit busy with the red-head he pulled on the dance floor so, Noelle didn't want to bother him. She couldn't help but frown a bit when she witnessed Carson trying to swallow the red-head's face.

She carefully followed Taylor into his bedroom and he closed the door and locked it. He had a spacious room with football trophies and navy blue walls. Noelle looked around at all four walls and didn't see any book shelf. She looked up at Taylor to see that he locked the door behind him.

Noelle frowned when he started to approach her closely, she could smell the alcohol seeping out of his pores at this point. His blonde locks and grey eyes would have made her weak but, she knew something very wrong was about to happen if she didn't get out of there.

"Where are your books?" Noelle questioned softly.

"I lied," He smiled sheepishly and traced the side of her exposed hip, "I just wanted to go somewhere a little more private. Ya' know to talk." He whispered seductively into her ear. She placed her hands on his chest to push him away.

"Uh, actually," Noelle started to head towards the door "my friend is probably looking for me." He grasped both of her hands in a vice grip.

"Wait, baby, I just wanna make you feel good. Ever been with a white guy before, gorgeous?" He licked the shell of her ear. Out of pure fear and reflex, Noelle shot her knee up and kneed Taylor in the crotch. Taylor's eyes sewn together and he dropped to the ground as she ran towards the door, "...fucking bitch..." He grunted out lowly.

Noelle was breathing shallowly as hot tears were on the verge of spilling out down her cheeks as she briskly ran downstairs and looked around. All she knew what that she had to find Carson and get the hell out of there. Suddenly, she saw him shirtless and making out with the red-head from earlier. Noelle weaved in and out of the crowd and pushed through couples to get to Carson. With frenzy in her eyes and voice, she said:


"Carson." Noelle said. it seemed like he didn't hear her. "Carson!" Noelle spoke louder as she wrung her hands nervously as she looked around the room in case Taylor came back. Obviously annoyed, Carson answered sharply:

"What, Noe?" He answered breaking the kiss between him and the red-head.

"C-Can we go, please?"

"What?" He asked, "I'm a little busy." He said as he gestured to the red-head with fiery lipstick smeared on her cheek. Noelle felt like she was on the verge of a panic attack. Breathing was getting hard to do and her chest was tightening like she was gonna have a fucking heart-attack.

"Carson, I'm serious! Can we go, please!" She pleaded with everything in her. Carson saw the panic and frenzy in Noelle's eyes and knew she was in trouble. He got off the couch and found his shirt on the ground

"What happened?" Carson questioned seriously. Noelle tried to chase away the tears in her eyes and her breathing was starting to turn into hyperventilation. Then he saw Taylor Campbell limping down the stairs and connected the pieces.

"Carson, I don't want to talk about it. Can we just go please?" She pleaded again. Carson saw red and pushed his way through the crowd and grabbed Taylor by the front of his shirt.

"What the fuck did you do to Noelle?" The music suddenly stopped and everyone in the party looked at Carson holding Taylor in the air like a rag-doll.

"Wouldn't you like to know, Holt. But, I don't fuck and tell." He made his fingers into a 'V' and stuck his pink tongue between them in a rapid motion.

"What the fuck happened!" Carson slammed Taylor into a neighboring wall and some people gasped as other whipped their phones out to record. Noelle walked behind him and tried to get him to let go of Taylor so he wouldn't get in trouble.

"Carson, let him go." Noelle said.

"Yeah, Holt, listen to your black slut and 'let me go'" Before Taylor could finish his sentence. Carson reeled back his fist and smashed his knuckles into his nose. Blood gushed from his nose like a fountain as he wailed. Carson dropped him to the floor and spit on him. Carson opened the front door and Noelle followed closely behind him. But, before they reached his truck, Carson tossed her his keys.

"I've had a bit to drink." He said as she looked at his bloody and bruised hand. She nodded, still in shock to what just happened. They both hopped into his car and started it. Carson flicked through the stations and landed on some Aerosmith song.


"Where am I driving?" Noelle asked as she backed out of the drive way.

"My house. No one's home." Carson mumbled to himself


His house was even colder the second time she entered it. Hopefully the next time she goes to Carson's house his parents will be there. The moonlight poured through elongated windows and it was so silent. Carson walked in noisily and tossed his keys into the floor with a loud metal clank.

Noelle stood by the door and took notice of his large back muscles stretching as he walked into his kitchen. She soon followed after him. Carson opened the cupboard and grabbed two crystal glasses and closed the cupboard. He pours them both a glass of water and hands her a cup. She takes a sip but she couldn't help but notice the bleeding bruise on his knuckles. Carson sets the glass down as thoughts raced across his mind. He suddenly felt a warm hand on his bruised one. He looked down and saw her warm honey eyes looking up at him.

"W-We should clean this up, it looks pretty painful." She said in a whisper. Carson nodded and led her to the bathroom.

The bathroom was sterile white and pristine in every sense. A high-tech shower and tub with a toilet and bidet. He sat on the lid of the toilet and she stood in front of him digging through his first aid kit. She found alcohol pads and gauze wraps and band-aids of different sizes.

She began to clean the small wound gently, Carson hissed a little. Carson took notice just how short and petite Noelle was. Even when sitting he was almost taller than her standing. If he leaned forward just a little, he could rest his head on her pillow-y and warm chest. And he'd definitely be in heaven. He took notice how long her eye-lashes were when she cast her gaze down to focus on his hand. Her wild and curly hair shrouded her face beautifully.

She cautiously wrapped his large hand in a white gauze wrap. She cradled it like his hand was a baby. She finished wrapping his hand and smiled.

"...And a kiss to help the healing process." She gently kissed the bandage of his hand. There was a flutter in his heart that was hard to ignore. And there was a faint throb in his pants that was also hard to ignore.

Noelle started to move away from Carson to put away the first aid kit when he catches her by the waist. She looks down in surprise. He slowly stands up from the seat, towering above her. She wasn't sure if he was going to say something or do something. But, he was getting really close to her. He rested his bandaged hand on the small of her back.

Noelle noticed a darkness in his normally vibrant eyes. She saw the same look in Taylor's eyes but, this didn't scare her in the slightest. She was curious and intrigued by them.

His other hand rested against the side of her brown face and the column of her neck. He tested the waters by leaning forward slowly and pecking her lips softly. And then again, until his lips latched to hers in a growing passion. He could tell she's never kissed anyone before because she didn't know what to do with her hands. Also, she didn't catch to hint to open her mouth when he licked her lips.

He pinned her against a tiled wall of the bathroom. The coldness of the wall behind her and the heat radiating from the boy in front of her was sensory overload. He bit her bottom lips gently to get her to open her mouth. "Open." He whispered against her lips. She blindly followed his command and opened her mouth enough for his tongue to slip into her mouth smoothly. Noelle has never felt anything like this before. She felt like her body was on fire. And nothing could put her out.

Kisses traveled from her lips along her jaw to the column of her neck. She could feel him giving her a hickey on the side of her neck. Her breathing was erratic because she was being overstimulated by the boy in front of her. She needed to think clearly. She placed her hands on his shoulders and gently pushes him back.

"U-um I think I-I should go." Noelle said with flushed cheeks and a hand covering the hickey he just gave her. Before he could say anything, Noelle ran out of the bathroom and eventually the front door.

Carson ran a hand through his hair, "Shit..." He whispered.

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