《Quarterback's Study Buddy》Chapter Four


"Bonjour, Bitch." She whispered.

Noelle turned around and hugged the thin and petite girl. Margo's dark shoulder-length hair was evenly cut and she smelled faintly of white roses. Her thin golden chain glittered from the sunlight that poured into the kitchen.

Jason looks up from eating shredded cheese with Baxter and yells, "Go-Go!" He jumps up and tackles her with pillows still attached to his body. She hugged Jason and patted his helmet, confused as to why he had that on.

"Do I wanna know what you and David were up to?" Margo asked. Lydia hoisted herself from her seat and waddled over to her daughter and gave the biggest hug in the history of hugs.

"Oh Margo!" She kissed her cheeks, "I missed you so much, Honey. We were just getting ready to make lasagna." Lydia said as David bombarded them with trying to tell Margo about his new comic book. Noelle's father even came by the give Margo a hug and asked her about her trip.

"Come on, darling. Let's go to the living room so you can tell us all about your trip." Lydia said as she led everyone to the living room. Even Baxter followed along.

They were all seated and they listened to Margo's fun adventures and all the scenery she described for hours. Noelle's father and Lydia were seated on the intimate love-seat with Baxter laying on Lydia's baby bump. Noelle was seated on the couch as Jason sat beside her and rested his head on her arm as he played with a fire-truck he found in his pocket. And David sat on the arm of the couch on the other side of Noelle reading his comic book. While Margo sat next to Jason and spill her guts about Paris and the french country-side. It sounded like she had a blast.

"You didn't eat any snails over there, did you?" Noelle's dad chuckled as he rubbed on Baxter's head. Lydia laughed and Margo smiled.

"Yes, I tried it. I didn't really like it though. The texture was weird." Margo cringed.

Lydia checked the time on her watch, it was almost 10:00PM. She sat up a bit. "Boys, it's 10:00. Bed time." Lydia moved Baxter from her lap and placed him on the floor. To which Baxter, scratched and yawned. Noelle's father looked down at the little dog and said:

"Can we take the costume off him? He looks so miserable. You're miserable aren't Baxter? Yes you are." Noelle's father unzipped the costume and pulled his legs out of the holes. Baxter shook his entire body and laid down on the floor lazily.


The boys groaned, "Can we stay up until 10:30?" David negotiated.

"Nope, you stayed up till 10:30 yesterday." Lydia said.

"That's not fair. Noe gets to stay up past 10:00." Jason replied.

"Noelle isn't six or eight. Get upstairs, now." Lydia said sternly. The boys trudged upstairs together. But, they weren't going quietly. "And y'all better not slam my doors!" Lydia called out. Noelle's father placed a hand on Lydia's shoulder and led her to the staircase. "I swear those boys are making me gray early. You see this?" She displays a singular white strand in a sea of jet black straight hair. She took one step at a time.

"Good night and Margo," Lydia stopped to look at her daughter, "We really missed you, Baby. Good night Noe, love you." She blew them kisses. Noelle's father said good night as well and followed his wife upstairs.

Noelle relaxed deeper into the couch, "So, did you french kiss any French boys?" Noelle pried playfully. Margo blushed as a memory floated around her head.

"One does not kiss and tell, sis." She replied.

"Oh so you did. Okay, was he cute?" Noelle wiggled her eyebrows.

"My lips are sealed." She laughs a bit, "What about you, Noe? Any boys you feelin' these days?" Margo asked. Noelle couldn't help but picture the stocky, long-haired boy that she can't seem to get away from.

"Ha! No, ma'am. I'm just concentrating on getting my diploma and getting the hell out of there." Noelle laughed lightly. Margo looked at her sister in pity for a second. Margo could tell that Noelle didn't have too many friends and she was clearly insecure in her body. She just wanted her sister to be happy and healthy.

"Well, just remember to have fun, okay? Life isn't just about work and school." Margo ruffled her hair.

"Yeah, yeah I will." Noelle stood and headed upstairs. "You coming up?" Noelle asked.

"I'll be up soon, I'm not quite tired yet. Ya' know, jet-lag." Margo replied.

"Okay, good-night, then." Noelle climbed the rest of the way.


"Jesus dude, do we have to listen to this Beyonce Homecoming album again?" Carson groaned as Tyler played Crazy In Love by Beyonce.

They were currently in Carson's room working on homework. When Tyler suggested "study music" which turned out to be Beyonce's Homecoming album on repeat. This shit was on blast but, Carson's parents weren't there--they rarely were.

"Bruh, what are you talking about? Beyonce is a boss bitch, you can't listen to this and tell me you don't feel like dancing." Tyler said as he broke out into a shuffle of sorts.


"I think I'm fine." Carson said as he looked down at his phone. He was gliding through instagram and came across a photo of Noelle and an Asian chick. To Carson, the Asian chick was his particular type, he liked girls that dressed more feminine and he preferred his girls thin like her. But, his eyes were drawn to the petite, mahogany skin and her hair was a cloud. Her smile was bright and warm, he never seen her smile like that before. The two girls were eating what looked like lasagna at a kitchen table. The caption said:

"It's been the longest year of my life with my best friend and my sister. Welcome home Margo!"

Carson double tapped her photo and followed Noelle on Instagram. "Ty, did you know that Noelle had an Asian sister?" Carson commented.

"No, who cares?" Tyler said as he continued to jam out.

"I'm just sayin' I didn't know that."

"Actually," Tyler said as a thought crossed his mind, "I think she graduated a year or so ago."


Thursday rolled around pretty quick, Noelle was currently walking out of the front doors of the school. She had two large textbooks secured between her arms and her chest. She was suddenly stopped by Carson Holt. Students poured out around them. He smiled down at her and she matched him with a blank stare.

She didn't forget about their lunch arrangement. She refused to call it a date because in order for it to be called a date, both parties have to establish a romantic bond or at least hint at it. It was safe to say that on her end, she felt nothing for this tree-sized man-child. He silently offered to carry her textbooks to his car to which, she agreed silently. He followed behind her as she found his car and waited for him to pop the locks.

She hopped in as he set her books in the back seat. She noticed that he had change in his cup holders and football gear thrown all around the backseat of the car. He had a bunch of CDs on his dashboard. He started the car and handed her his phone.

"I got Spotify premium, choose anything--except Beyonce." He chuckled to himself. Noelle frowned as she looked through his Spotify.

"What's wrong with Beyonce?" She asked curiously.

"I'm not a huge fan and my friend loves her and plays her all the time." He said while keeping his eyes on the road. She chose a random playlist that he put together. She chose a song she was familiar with. It was some heavy metal rock song with heavy drums and even heavier guitars. Carson's smile widened and he started to drum on his steering-wheel.

"A girl after my own heart." He said as he belted out the words. Noelle couldn't help by smile at his silliness. He smiled so much Noelle wondered if he felt any other emotion besides happiness. They eventually parked at Jodie's Diner. She hops out and slings her backpack onto her back. Carson looked at her confused. "What are you doing?" Carson asked.

"We're here to study, right? I'm bringing my stuff." She replied.

"I'm here to treat you, girl. We're not here to work. Put ya shit down and come on." He laughed heartily and helped her out of her backpack and set it in her seat. Noelle wasn't quite sure what to make of this situation. If she wasn't here to do her job, what was she here for? She followed him nonetheless and they entered the diner with a Ding!

The diner had a 1950's theme to it. They had a jukebox that still worked and ruby red seats with chrome lining everything. A friendly red-headed waitress seated them and asked for their order.

"And what can I get to drink for the lovely couple?" The waitress by the name Charlotte asked.

"Oh we're not--" Noelle started.

"Can I get a coke?" Carson interrupted as he looked through the menu. Charlotte scribbled down his drink order.

"And for you, Darlin'?"

"Uh, sweet tea please." Noelle stuttered out.

"I'll be out with y'all's drinks in minute." The waitress left their table.

"Why didn't you correct her?" Noelle asked while looking up from her menu.

"It wasn't that big of a deal. So what if she thinks we're together." Carson said nonchalantly.

"I just didn't want her to get the wrong idea."

"Sheesh, are you always this uptight?" Carson smirked behind his menu. And watched her reaction, she turned red but, you couldn't see it.

"I'm not uptight." She mumbled more to her self than him. "I just like to be honest and clear about things."

"You're kind of extreme about it." He chuckles. She rolled her eyes. "I mean besides your chronic uptightness. Tell me more about yourself, Noelle."

She frowned a bit, "Why do you want to know more about me?"

Carson shrugged, "I find you interesting." He let his warm grey eyes take in her melting brown eyes. There was an urge to learn more about her. This was the first time he had ever been excited to learn about anything.

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