《Quarterback's Study Buddy》Chapter Two


Noelle opened the door to the study room and wished she hadn't. . .

Noelle has seen a lot of things working in the library: angry customers, obnoxious children, cranky older people, the occasional fist fights. But, nothing like this.

It was Carson Holt and Melissa Poindexter. Melissa's shirt was on the ground while Carson's was hanging on a neighboring chair. His jeans were around his ankle and her skirt was hitched around her waist. One of his big hands were gripping her waist while the other was firmly wrapped around her slender neck. Melissa was leaning against one of the tables as he kept thrusting into her from behind. Melissa's hair was frayed and wild and Carson seemed to be submerged in total bliss.

"Oh Fuck, Carson...Keep going, hmmmm...Don't stop." Melissa moaned out loud and started to aggressively grind her ass against his pelvis.

"Oh my God..." Noelle said out loud causing both Melissa and Carson to snap their eyes open. Noelle used her small hand to shield her eyes and slammed the door shut. Her heart felt like it was going to hop out of her chest and do the fucking Cupid Shuffle. She couldn't get that image out of her head. It was fucking stained into her brain. Just him thrusting into Melissa with such vigor was enough to make her gag. Shaking her head, she headed to the elevators to get away from those two as fast as humanly possible. She hit the up button a thousand fucking times.

Noelle heard the study room door open and she looked to see Carson running to catch up with her, "Shit." She pressed the button a few more times.

"Wait! Noelle!" Carson yelled as he buckled his pants and ran at the same time--which is exceptionally hard to do. He finally caught up with her. But, he wasn't sure what to say. "It isn't what it looks like."

She frowned at him and looked at him like he was an imbecile. She closed her eyes and sighed, "Look, what you do in your spare time is none of my business. But, don't do it here. It's a fucking library, not a brothel, understand? I'm not going to report you even though I should. And I'm not going to report Melissa, even though I definitely should." Noelle said sternly and looked into his dazed grey eyes.

"I'm sorry...I-" Carson started.

"Carson, I want to help you. I felt bad that I couldn't help you yesterday even though it was your fault. But, I think it would be best if you seek out alternative tutoring services if this is how you behave. Not only will you tarnish our reputation but, Melissa could lose her job if our manager found out." She continued. "I'm not sure if it would be appropriate for me to work with you. Because I would feel personally uncomfortable."


Carson took in the appearance of Noelle and thought she was kinda cute but, bossy girls weren't his type. Then he finally processed what she just said.

"Wait, are you cancelling on me? Indefinitely?" Carson questioned.

"Yes, Mr. Holt." She replied.

Frustrated, he runs a hand through his hair and says: "What am I going to do? You're the best tutor in town. Do you know how hard it is to schedule with you?" He continued.

"Not to be frank, Mr. Holt. But that is not my problem. You continuously skip our sessions and fuck my coworkers. Technically, if you skipped our next meeting, you would have booted off my schedule and would have been replaced by a potential client." She replied. "I'm sorry I couldn't help you, Mr. Holt. But, you gotta take responsibility for yourself or even the best tutor in the world can't help you." She finished just as the metal elevator doors finally opened.

She walked in the metal box and the doors shut on him.

Carson ran another hand through his hair as he kicked the metal doors. "Fuck." He walked back to the study room that Melissa was in to find her fully dressed. She moved a piece of silky hair behind her ear and looked at him embarrassed. "I'm really sorry, Carson. I'm not sure what happened I--" She stopped talking, feeling like she embarrassed herself enough for one day. She picked up her bag and briskly walked out of the room and took the stairs.


"Wait, wait!" Tyler said as he cackled at Carson's story. "Y'all got caught fuckin'!" They were currently in Tyler's basement sitting on his dusty couch listening to Frank Ocean. Carson didn't mind Frank Ocean but, Tyler was a die-hard fan. The song they were listening to now was Forrest Gump. When Carson first heard this song, he thought it was weird that someone could have a man-crush on Forrest Gump but, other than that it was a pretty good song.

"Yeah, man." Carson chuckled lightly, "Like, pants down and blowin' this chick's back out. And then boom, here comes this fun-sucking bitch."

"Oh my God! I gotta see her. What this chick look like?" Tyler asked.

"I don't have a picture or anything." He states.

"Okay, what's her name? Maybe I can find her on Insta." Tyler pulls out his cracked I-Phone from his pocket and Carson tell him her name.

"Oh shit!" Tyler says looking down at his phone. "She goes to our school." He said as he nudged Carson's shoulder.

"I know, bro." He replied.


"She a cutie." Tyler stated. "A little too thick for my liking but, I ain't picky."

"She is kinda fat, isn't she?" Carson said looking down at Tyler's phone.

"Aye!" Tyler punched Carson's shoulder, "I don't fuck with body-shaming, ya dig? Every woman is queen and every queen is beautiful."

Carson put his hands up defensively, "One look at her and you're in love? No need to come at me like that."

Tyler shakes his head, "I grew up in a house full of women so, I was raised to respect women by default."

Tyler swiped through her photos, some were taken at the library or it was a virtual flyer for an event at the library. There were photos of her at the beach with friends, she was in a shirt and shorts while her friends were in two-pieces. There were some photos with her at the movies with friends. It seemed like she didn't lead an extraordinary life.

"She just seems kinda fucking boring."Carson commented. Tyler shrugged.

"You ain't there to be her friend, you there to pass your next exam, Dawg." Tyler said as he leaned back into the dusty brown couch.

"I'm out of luck, bro. She quit on me."

Tyler rolled his eyes, "It seems like you don't wanna be back on the team, considering how you fucked up your chances on getting back on the team. Didn't your mom say she was the best in town." Tyler continued as he ran his pale hands down his face, "Jesus, I'm stressed for you."

"Don't worry, I'mma get her back before my mom even notices. She'd have to be a sociopath to all resist this." Carson said reassuringly as he smiled a charming smile.

"I don't know. If she's the stickler you claim she is, she won't have an issue resisting all that." Tyler chuckled as he placed his foot on the rundown coffee table in front of them.

"I'll be back on the team, trust and believe." Carson replied.


"But Noelle, is there a reason why you don't want to continue to tutor Mr. Holt?" Mrs. Evans questioned Noelle in her office. Mrs. Evans was in charge of the tutoring services that the library provided.

How was Noelle going to explain to Mrs. Evans that she caught Carson Holt fucking Melissa Poindexter's brains out of the third floor; now Noelle can't look Carson in the eyes without the memory flooding into her brain. So she decided to lie.

"Uh, Mrs. Evans, I became extremely busy as of recently and I can no longer keep tutoring this client." Noelle lied through her pretty little teeth. Noelle fiddled with her hands nervously and Mrs. Evans noticed this and squinted her eyes suspiciously.

"Are you sure? It seems unlike you to mention this now, you're usually very good at organizing your schedule." Mrs. Evans started to type on her ancient monitor and pulled up Noelle's schedule.

"It's seems like he paid for three months in advance." Mrs. Evans explained to Noelle. "And the times that he is generally available doesn't match anyone else's with the exception of you." Mrs. Evans pushed up her glasses that were securely connected to a beaded chain around her neck.

"What about Melissa, doesn't she do walk-ins? I'm sure she can cover this client for me." Noelle was starting to get frustrated. She just didn't want to deal with the inconsiderate and inappropriate jerk that is Carson Holt. She wanted nothing to with him, period.

Mrs.Evans pursed her lips and slid her glasses off the bridge of her nose and placed them on the mahogany desk. "Well, Mr. Holt called this afternoon and specifically asked for you. And Melissa quit this morning. So, until further notice, we have one less walk-in tutor." Mrs.Evans continued. "That was also something I was gonna talk to you about, but since you're already busy, I won't pile that on you. But, I really need you to continue to tutor Mr. Holt."

"But, Mrs. Evans--"Noelle started.

"Look, I know that his track record here isn't that great and you know our policy--if he misses one more session, he's automatically booted with no refund. But, I'm gonna need you to stick with this for a couple months at best. He's willing to pay you double if you accept."

"But--" Noelle was interrupted again.

"At most, just think about it, Noe." Mrs. Evans said as she shifted her attention back on the paper work she was working on before hand. Noelle took that as a sign that the conversation was over. She started to walk out of her office. "Oh! Noe, don't forget to clock out, have a nice rest of your weekend!" Mrs. Evans shouted.

Noelle walked out of the building and headed for her car and drove home. She didn't want anything to do with Carson Holt. He was a horny pig in her eyes and that all he would ever be to her.

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