《Falling For A Telmarine》Chapter One: Return to Narnia


"Susan!" I hear and turn to see Lucy running towards me.

"You better come quickly." She tells me.

We grab our bags and then cross the street and go to the train station. We get there and there's a crowd of people chanting 'Fight!'.

I look past them all and see Peter and Lily fighting 3 guys and 2 girls.

Peter gets grabbed and locks eyes with me. I shake my head and then he's thrown to the ground.

Lily punches a brown haired girl before jumping onto a blonde haired girl just as Edmund runs past us.

"Edmund!" Lucy shouts.

Edmund then jumps onto one of the guys. One of the guys kick Peter and then Lily punches the guy right in the mouth as guards rush over.

Everyone clears out and the fight is broken up.

"Act your age!" One tells Peter then let's him go.

Lily is helped up by another.

"You aright, dear?" He asks her.

Lily nods as Peter turns to her. Lily had a cut on her lip, right cheek bone, and a large cut straight down her right eye.

It was a deep wound. Peter rushes to her.

"I'll get her cleaned up." Peter says.

They look at Peter and Lily.

"Twins?" One asks.

Lily and Peter nod. The guards nod and let Peter and Lily go.

Edmund puts his bags down then sits by Peter.

I had an ice pack to my right cheek and eye as Lucy rubs my left arm. Peter had a hand on my right knee.

"You're welcome." Edmund says to Peter and I.

"We had it sorted." Peter says, standing up.

"What was it this time?" Susan asks like a scolding mother.

"They bumped us." Peter says.


"So you hit them?" Lucy asks.

"No." I say.

"After they bumped us, the guys tried to make me apologize while the slags kept messing with Lily then when I tried to stop them, one of them slapped me and one of the guys grabbed Lily. That's when we hit them." Peter says.

"Really? Is it that hard to just walk away?" Susan asks.

"We shouldn't have to! What kind of man puts his hands on a female?! Do you see Lily's face?! Look at what that bastard did to her!" Peter shouts, moving my hand that held the ice pack to show my bruised up face.

"That guy put his hands on you?" Lucy's small voice asks me.

"He punched me... Because I was helping Peter." I say as Peter moves my hand to cover my bruises.

"Should've kneed him in the sack." Edmund mutters.

"Edmund!" Susan scolds.

"Don't you ever get tired of being treated like a kid?" Peter asks.

"Um, we are kids." Edmund says.

"Well Lily and I weren't always." Peter says.

I fix the ice pack.

"It's been a year..." Peter trails off then sits next to me and holds my hand over the ice pack and kisses my head.

"How long does he expect us to wait?" He finishes.

I relax in Peter's arms and lean onto his chest. He was holding the ice pack to my eye and cheekbone.

"I think it's time that we accept the fact that we live here now." Susan says.

I roll my eye(s) and then cuddle into Peter.

"Oh no..." Susan mutters, looking away.

She then quickly turns to us.

"Pretend your talking to me." She says.

"We are talking to you." Edmund says.


Susan makes a face at him.

"Ow!" Lucy says, jumping up.

"Quiet, Lu." Susan says.

"Something pinched me!" Lucy says.

"Peter!" I say, jumping up, holding my ice pack, feeling a pinch at my back.

"Hey, stop pulling!" Peter tells Edmund.

"I'm not touching you." Edmund says.

"Will all of you just... What is that?" Susan asks.

"It feels like magic!" Lucy says.

"Quick! Everyone hold hands." Susan says.

"I'm not holding your hand!" Edmund yells at Peter.

"Just--!" Peter yells, holding Edmund's hand.

I was in between Susan and Peter.

Soon the train station was gone and a beautiful beach appeared and we walked from a cave.


Lucy looks my way and I smile and run off with her following. Susan follows and then Peter and Edmund.

"Shame you're not as quick as me, Ed!" Peter yells.

"Last one in is a rotten egg!" Susan yells as we all strip of our clothes and get I the water.

"Look out! Here it comes!" Peter shouts.

Lucy and I splash each other and Susan.

Peter wraps his arms around me and lifts me up and my arms go around his neck. He puts me down and we go back to splashing with everyone.

"Ed? Ed!" Susan says and we all turn to him.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Where do you suppose we are?" He asks.

"Well where do you think?" Peter asks.

"Well, I don't remember any ruins in Narnia..." Ed says.

We all look up at where he was looking and see a bunch of destroyed objects.

Why does this place feel so familiar?

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