《How to Write Stories People Will Love》28. Intermission 2


Since I don't have a chapter ready for you lovely people this week, I bring you this amazing intermission! What makes it amazing, you ask? Well, first of all, I wrote it! Hahaha okay it's not that funny.

I'll take this opportunity to share with you some honest struggles. Last year was a whirlwind of writing activity for me. And then... it's like inspiration migrated south for the winter, taking motivation with it. Both of them just snuck off into the night without leaving a note or anything. It's been a tough winter as far as writing productivity.

But I persevered. I wasn't doing much on the creative front, but I was at least able to keep up with these helpful tips, as well as throwing random things into "My Hamster Wheel Brain" blog. At least I was still writing something. The idea is to keep your writing brain lubricated somehow. Don't let it get rusty.

I'm happy to say that motivation has come home, and my creative activity has finally creaked forward again. Inspiration is still on its extended vacation (probably taking that trip to Italy without me), which has resulted in two failed attempts at new stories. However, motivation is getting me going on some needed revisions for existing stories, so I'm happy about that!

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