《Jealousy》The Call


We were in my room Colby was laying on me i heard a ringing noise I woke Colby up because it was his phone i picked it up "Hello Colby is sleeping right now would you like to talk to him?" "why are you picking up his phone?" "Because i'm his Boyfriend Who do you think you are?" "I'm Colbys Mother!" "in that case fine talk to him!" "Hello?" "Colby Brock!" "Mom i gave you a choice you left me now i want it to stay like that because if you wanna be unsupportive i have a lot more friends and Jake's Parents now goodbye..." he hung up and started crying on my shoulder "I'm Tired of her!!" "Colby Calm down i promise i will protect you from her I love you for who you are, you are you . You don't need anyone to Judge you for who you are." Sam came to my Room "Is Colby Okay!?" "Uhh idk his mom called and said things to him" Jake looked worried and sad Sam gave Colby a Hug Sam left the room after hugging him and talking to him for a while i picked him up Bridal style and brought him to the car i drove to the beach so Colby can clear his mind i put the blanket down and of course Colby was already walking Colby came back and laid next to me "Jake you know I love you Right?" "Yes Baby you know i love you too right?" "Yes Jakey" We sit there for hours talking and soon we went home We cane in and Sam was Walking back and fourth "Colby Robert Brock! You worried me you didn't pick up your phone!" "Sam Calm down i'm Fine Jake was with me! I was clearing my mind !" Sam hugged Colby "Sorry Sam" "It's fine Colby but next time when you are mad or anything and leave the house pick up your phone i was worried" Sam said in a calm voice "Ok sam i'm really tiered imma go to sleep." "Jake are you following?" "Yeah i'm pretty tired"



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