

i felt depressed i was distant from Jake and i Absolutely hated my self for that i was listening to music "it was not your fault but mine and it was your heart on the line i really F'd it up this time" i called my mom again this time she picked up... "Hello?" "What do you want i never wanted to hear from you again!" "mom i just wanted to hear your voice" i broke down crying "mom i'm sorry i'm not being the son you wanted i'm sorry i'm not perfect i miss you and love you but you clearly don't want to hear from me again sorry i love you and i hope i hear from you again." i hung up still bawling the door opened I felt a pair of arms around me it was Jake i just cried in his chest after a little while i calmed down Jake asked what was wrong i said i called my mom i miss her she didn't want to talk to me i told her "i'm sorry i am the son she wanted and i'm not perfect. i hung up and i probably won't talk to her anymore i never called my dad but i already had enough today "Colby i love you." "Love you too Jake" Jake took me to the car i was confused i had no idea where i was going so i asked "Jake where are we going?" "Neverland" i just chuckled he put his hand on my thigh...

he took me to the beach i told him thank you and we sat down looked at the sun and water and a small group if people on the side Jake Kissed my cheek "I love you Jake." "I love you more!" "impossible" Jake could tell i had something on my mind so he asked me "Colby what's wrong? i can tell something is on your mind." "Just thinking about my Family miss them but they also hate me..." "Colby we'll get through this together i love you for who you are" i gave him a tight squeeze "wow you looks so small but you're so strong" "hehe that's why i never got bullied in school" "oh yeah uhh Sam wanted me to ask you bc you were in the shower when he asked everyone else but we're going to a abandoned hotel it's pretty big you wanna Come with me Sam and Aaron ?" "Sure!" "ok well we leave tomorrow like 11ish and stay like over night" "okay Baby"



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