

I woke up Jake was in the shower so i was hungry there was nothing to eat so i told Jake that i was going to Tender Greens i brought my Back pack and long board i left and i was there i sat down i ordered the Waitress was hitting on me Ugh Enough of this "Flirting" so i told her "i'm taken" "Who's you're Girlfriend?" "HIS name is Jake Webber so now can you leave me alone?!" she walked away 🙄 thank god . Brennen Came in and saw me he had red puffy eyes he asked if he can sit with me of course i said yes "What happened are you okay?" "No but i would rather talk about it Out there instead of in front of all these people" "okay" He ordered we started talking i fake smiled often because i was broken with out my Family when i'm down i can't talk to my Mother nor Father i miss Hearing their voices telling me how much they miss me yeah i had Jake but nothing compared to my mother. we finished up and headed out "Can i talk to you?" "um yeah of course" "well.." he broke down in my arms I hugged him and rubbed his back "My Mom Hates me" with tears running down his cheeks "I'm sorry Brennen but you need to Explain it better so i can understand" "well i came out to my mom and now she hates me and thinks i'm Disgusting" "Same But i have time to talk to you Bren i'm here i feel the same... Sometimes even Broken." we sat there Brennen Crying in my arms i was trying to Comfort him it's not working i feel his pain i asked him "do you have your own place?" "Um yeah" he said with a shaky voice "Do you have roommates?" "yeah" "ok are they apart of LGBTQ Community?" "Yeah" "You should talk to them about it because i'm not that experienced being Gay honestly my parents hate me too i feel you but really you should talk to them about it" "o-okay" "are you walking?" "Yeah" "Do you want me to walk with you?" "No i'm okay" "Okay if you need to talk to me Text me." he walked off i rode my Longboard home Jake was out so i was gonna hang out with sam i knocked on his door he didn't respond so i guess he's gone we're going exploring tomorrow i decided to try to call my mom... It rang no one picked up i left a message 😔 I started Crying soon it became Sobbing i am broken i miss them They left me alone i have no family except my Friends and boyfriend i need my parents but they left...



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