


I woke up to a pair of arms around my waist i looked down i hear little snores comings from Colby all i could do is smile at the sight i kissed his forehead i grabbed my phone to look at the time it was 8:03 in the morning i got up and dressed i ate i went back upstairs to check on Colby because imma good Boyfriend i brought him His favorite cereal Fruity pebbles he was on his phone i opened my door and he looked at me and Smiled "Good morning Colby"

"Good morning Baby" i gave him his cereal He said thank you and gave me a kiss and ate i waited for him after he ate he got dressed i was going to take him to the beach but i wasn't going to tell him i had a big blanket in my car so i was already ready Colby got ready i told him to follow me i took our phones and left for the beach we got there and Colby was Really happy this is his favorite Place i got the blanket out i set it down Colby was wondering off that's what he always did at the beach 😂

Jake took me to the beach i was really happy i was wondering off i didn't realize i never do when i'm at the beach. i hear little cries but where from and there i saw it was Brennen Taylor crying i walked over there he looked up with a sad expression he asked why i was there i said i can ask the same i said "you look like you need a hug" i hugged him he cried in the crook of my neck i was rubbing circles on his Back i asked "why are you crying" "because i miss you and i knew i shouldn't of done that to you i didn't know what i was doing i'm sorry" "Brennen we can start over just as friends i have a boyfriend so we can't get back together." " Colby thanks" he gave me another hug "i missed you" right after he said that Jake came he looked mad i shook my head no but i didn't stop him "Get off my boyfriend!" "Jake! he's fine he just needed a hug ok !" Brennen gave me a weird look i said "what?" he said "nothing you can go now Colby you and Jake are here to hang out with each other and not me imma go home now bye" "bye Brennen sorry" "it's fine" we walk back Jake Said " Why are you even Talking to him! and Hugging him? you were mad at him like a couple days ago!" "Jake look he wanted a hug i know how it feels like to be alone no one to hug it's the worst feeling ok we made up JUST as friends and if you don't support that fine i get it you're protective about me and i love you for that but it don't mean i can't be friends with who ever i want to be friends with!" "Colby it's fine i love you too and i will support the fact you're friends with Brennen but if he hurts you then imma beat him up" love comes with hurt,arguments,happiest,sadness but i'm willing to come across that with Jake i love him with my whole dam heart



Word count:623

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