《Jealousy》Ocean Eyes


We smiled at Each other but Sam.. Sam didn't believe it He said "what if this is a prank? Kiss then i'll believe you guys are together" "uhh ok lol" I went to Jake we kissed for a couple seconds and pulled away we Get Awws and Cute!! from a couple of The guys and Katrina and Devyn after we talked for a while played a couple games and all the roommates got tired all of them except Me and Jake we decided we were bored so we were going out we don't know where but we'll figure it out so we got in the car Jake decided to play his songs the first song was by Twenty one pilots we sang along "WE DON'T BELIVE WHATS ON TV BECAUSE THATS WHAT WE WANT TO SEE!" Jake took me to a beach he knew i loved the beach i thought it was the cutest how we knew everything about each other i truly love this guy 🖤 we walk a bit then sat on the beach i say to him "i used to say i want to die before i'm old but because of you i might think twice 😉😉" "Nice one Colby" "and that's exactly why i love you" "I love you Dork" "Love you to Idiot"

"Love you to Idiot" i smile at him and look deep in to his eyes His ocean eyes i got lost in them i get closer and close my eyes we have a small make out session we intertwined our fingers he blushes bc i was looking at him he asked "why are you staring at me?"

"because you're Beautiful" he turns a darker shade of red i kiss his cheek and look at ocean,the sunset , the Orange and pink and blue sky the boy next to me


it was midnight now and we're heading home it was a hour long drive Colby wanted to drive so he did We Started driving Colby put his hand on my thigh and Started going up my thigh i didn't stop it i looked at him and gave him a smirk he looked at me and smiled he knew i was Hard i said "you in trouble when we get home" "Ok Baby 😏"


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