

After Jake had texted me I really didn't need anything I was talking to my ex... Would Jake be mad?

Brennen 💔

Ok i know that but i still love you and i miss you it's been a month of Just thinking what i have dine wrong and i am really sorry i wasn't thinking straight can we start over?

Colby 💔

Sorry but i have moved in and i accept your apology but you go have fun i ruined it for you and no we can't start over

Brennen 💔

Why? Why can't we i promise i won't be the person who just goes and Rushes our relationship i truly love you Colby please?

Colby 💔

No i have a reason but i'm afraid i can't trust you anymore i got to go bye

End of texting

I walk out of my room i go knock on Jakes Door with a smile i look at his outfit 😂🤷🏻‍♀️ "How do we do that ?" Jake said "I have no clue" i said while we were laughing

*Time skip*

We got to tinder greens And order our food we ate and it was 6:30 I drove us to a park he Looked at me confused i said "Don't worry just follow me" there was a small park and Colby pulled me To a medium sized wall i climbed up and said "Can you get up here?" "uh i think" "Do you need help?" "no i think i got it He climbed up i jumped down i can tell he was scared "Jump i'll catch you trust me" "o-ok" he jump i caught him he smiled at me i kissed his cheek "Hey hottie" he covered his face I set him down And pulled him to a opened place a big hill i sat down and stared at the sunset he sat with me and said "Wow this is beautiful" "Not as Beautiful as you 😌" "Nice one Colby 😂" " Hey Jake you know how you said i can ask you anything right?" "Yea" he looked at me "would you want to be my Boyfriend?" "Yes!" I smiled and gave him a hug and a peck on his lips we laid there for it felt like Hours it was dark we really didn't care we talked and talked till the sun rise we didn't keep time it was 5:00 am "Colby i think we need to head back the roommates are going to be worried!" "ok lets go" *Time skip*


we git home quietly i couldn't sleep so i asked Jake if i can sleep with him we cuddled all morning i woke up at 1:30 pm i look down to see the boy of my dreams Holding on to me i Went in my phone with a bunch of notifications from Brennen?

Brennen 💔

Hey can we talk?

Brennen 💔


Brennen 💔

Colby? can you text back please


What do you need?

Brennen 💔


Colby 💔

sorry but no

Brennen 💔


Colby 💔

Bc i have a relationship


Colby..if all it is ,is 8 letters then why is it so hard to say?


i don't know but i want you to know is We can try to be friends ok now can you stop bothering me please i just need a brake from this ok

I turned off my phone and i needed to go to the bathroom so i tried to get out if Jakes arms quietly so i don't wake up the cute little sleeping angel but i tried and try hard but it felt like his grip was getting tighter and i just give up

i heard a small chuckle i sigh " you know you're cute when you're angry" i let a small laugh "good morning Cutie" i once try to get out of his arms again but he says " Please stay" " I would but i really need to go" "Ok" The roommates are gone so me and Jake are going to go eat somewhere I get ready and Go get Chipotle And Ww get to the house and Lay on the bean bags and peacefully sleep


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